I'm shopping around for a new pair of speakers and have noticed a few with built-in subs. I'm coming off an 21 year-old set of mail-order satellites with a 15" passive sub (from McGee Electronics if anyone's really interested). I'm intrigued with the possibility of having the sub built-in to the tower for a number of reasons but especially the elimination of an unsightly box (as my wife calls it). But can a built-in sub really do an adequate job?
Models I have read about (not listened to) are Aperion 533-PT and Definitive Tech 7004.
Speakers are to be used strictly for audio (Instrumental and Vocal Jazz) in a fairly live room 24x16. Budget is around $1500 for both.
Not a direct reply to your specific question, but vintage Klipschorns on the long wall would sound great, and are close to the budget. They are not small, but look more like furniture than speakers and disappear in the corners.
You don't say what source or amplifcation you are using. But if you have a higher end amp i'd maybe look at used vonschweikert VR-4's. You may be able to find some used reasonable priced on audiogon. But likely will be more than $1500.
They are a two piece stacked speaker system with an 89db sensitivety at about 6 ohms. But tuned flat to 23htz, that's about as low as you want to go for just about anything. I personally have listened to these and think they sound great especially with the type of music you are into.
If you really want the performance of a sub in your mains, i think you will likely end up spending more than $1500. Not really a popular speaker design from what i know, but i'm definatly not an expert.
The only other speaker i have heard with this type of configuration was the Infinity Interlude. I didn't care for it personally it had bloated loose bass that reminded me of my first pair of cerwin vegas when i was in college. It makes no difference for you, they don't make them anymore anyways.
I'd be interested in seeing what those aperions sound like, they have a no risk in home 30 day trial. They will even pay the return shipping according to their website. Good luck in your search.
Tim a single 10in cannot outperform a 15in (quality being relatively equal ofcourse), but you have to remember that you would then be running a pair of 10in, which may have a higher pay-off spread out over the room than a single sub placed in a wife-accomodating position vice an acoustical one.
That's not an easy to answer question as there are many variables. Here are some general comments: If both drivers are equal in all regards then the 15" will be able to produce lower bass at a higher SPL. With dual 10" woofers you'll be able to match the SPL but still not reach the depths of a 15". I use a 10" woofer that is easily the match of most 12" and even some 15" but it's an expensive driver and not likely to be found in modestly priced towers. Smaller drivers may not go as deep but they are easier to control and can do a better job with music than a large driver. For high impact home theater, there's no replacement for displacement.