Speaker/reciever impedence question


i also have a quick question for audio junkies or anyone else that can answer,

my kenwood 6070 has 8-16 ohm speaker compatibility

but the mirage speaker states

4 ohm minimum, 8 ohm nominal, will this speaker be bad for my reciever?

whats the difference between minimum and nominal? my reciever isnt supposed to be connected to 4 ohm speakers, shoudl i be concerned?

another question is does anyone know how good these speakers are? i cant really find reviews on these speakers so that has me kind of concerned.

I'm not familiar with the K6070. I have the HK AVR525 with mirage speakers (FRx series) all around and it sounds great.
Nominal is the average load that the speaker would see from the receiver. At any given time your receiver could be sending anywhere from 4-16 ohm, or even higher, depending on the input.
Minimum is the low end of that load being sent by the receiver.
Your receiver should be fine with speakers rated for 8 ohm nominal.
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