Preamp with analog to digital upconverting?


Bronze Member
Username: Hannjeff

Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 30
Registered: Jun-06
Im looking for a preamp with analog to digtal upconverting. Reason is that I have a extreemly large ammount of music on my ipod/laptop that is from the itumes store. Though its quality is not bad through my hi-fi system, its nothing worth bragging about. I want a way to upconvert the analog audio from the ipod to 192khz.Is this even possible?

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 8744
Registered: May-04

I don't doubt someone caters to your desires, JM. I don't know who but would ask the question; why? There is only so much information on the originals on which to build.


Bronze Member
Username: Hannjeff

Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 32
Registered: Jun-06
Well, its not that odd of a question, cause my yamaha dvds657 can upsample to 176.4, so, thats what I was hopping. I have found 2 devices that do somewhat what im looking for. One is a usb soundcard that upconverts d-a and a-d to 96khz I believe, and stello has a device that is a digital preamp that also upsamples a-d and d-a.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 8746
Registered: May-04
That's nice to know; but, you didn't answer the question. Why?

Bronze Member
Username: Hannjeff

Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 33
Registered: Jun-06
So I can improve the quality of my analog sources, like a mp3 player, or a satellite radio. Same reason a cd player upconverts, to improve quality.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 8748
Registered: May-04
OK. Improve the quality of what? The source has to have the information which you seek to improve. Your sources are, at the present time, the lowest form of storage we have generally available. I understand you already have the music available as MP3's, etc; but, why spend money to upgrade something with a dimminshed quality to start? Why not put your money into acquiring good source material that doesn't absolutely require upsampling and has more potential for better sound through better equipment?


Bronze Member
Username: Hannjeff

Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 34
Registered: Jun-06
Maby for the fact that I dont want to buy a 4 dozen cds, because I already bought them on itunes. Hmmm, maby I shoudl just join columbia house, lol. I must admit though, when I burn them to cd, then listen to them, they sound much better. WHy is that?

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 8750
Registered: May-04

I don't know. However, you seem willing to spend the money on a new pre amp but not spend the money on a better source material. Possibly the money is being misdirected. It sounds as though the equipment you already own is able to show the improvements of a better source.


Silver Member
Username: Jamesp


Post Number: 175
Registered: Apr-04

Well something like the squeezebox work for you?

Bronze Member
Username: Hannjeff

Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

Post Number: 35
Registered: Jun-06
Ive pretty much decided that I need to replace all the media I have, I will get them in the best format avaible. Wether that is DVDA, SACD, Enhanced, or white bread. James, yes and no, that is sort of what I am looking for, and sort of not. Thanks alot for the link though, Im gonna have to start buying cds again.
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