Need help


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Username: Shawnharman

Post Number: 10
Registered: Dec-05
hi, I just bought an akai AA-A45 receiver off of ebay and when I got it I hooked it up, it turned on but the amp didnt click on and after about a minute It popped and then statics came out of the left speaker, and it got louder and louder. it gave me audio for about 2 seconds in both channels but just went to static and popping in the left channel can anyone help, thanks to anyone who can.

Bronze Member
Username: Daniel_canada


Post Number: 61
Registered: May-06
ummmm sounds like she is done. Take it to a local repair shop. Did the auction state that is was working?

Bronze Member
Username: Shawnharman

Post Number: 11
Registered: Dec-05
no it said it was powered up but no further testing, and it sounds like my protect because the amp keeps clicking on and off

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Username: Zenmasterbrian

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-06
Another line of question:

Does anyone remember Halfler? They used to make a nice preamp and a nice MOSFET power amp.

They were sold in finished form or kit form.

Anyone know about them? Anyone know anyone who makes stuff like that today?

Gold Member
Username: John_a


Post Number: 4291
Registered: Dec-03

Why not start a thread on that - there are folks posting here who will know a lot.

And shawn might get an answer to his question.

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Username: Jattyajatt1


Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-06
hi i've got a pyle 2400watt ampliflier for my car i wanted 2 connect that up 2 my PC so i could run 2x12" 1240 watt subs i've got a computer sub i was wondering if i could take that apart n connect it to my 2400watt amp i open up my computer sub n i found 2 yellow wires 1 brown wire and 1 blue wire help me connect this up plzzzzz :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Daniel_canada


Post Number: 97
Registered: May-06
iqbal, there should be a gold wire below the muse capacitors. Look for that, you'll need to hook that up to the amp. Otherwise it will burn up in a mad furry!

New member
Username: Jattyajatt1


Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-06
gold wire gimmi 2 mins lemmi check

New member
Username: Jattyajatt1


Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-06
no i can't see a gold wire i can only see yellow brown blue green red and white

New member
Username: Jattyajatt1


Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-06
and black

Bronze Member
Username: Jattyajatt1


Post Number: 11
Registered: Jun-06
hold on wats a muse capacitor lol wat does that look like DAN u der

Bronze Member
Username: Daniel_canada


Post Number: 98
Registered: May-06
Ummm.....must be a Russian sub, can't help you mate. :-( Try the Sub forum.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 3102
Registered: Dec-04

Bronze Member
Username: Daniel_canada


Post Number: 99
Registered: May-06
Nuck, shhhhhhhhh.
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