I have a pair and would like to sell them, but they are older, and I have no info on them.
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Those speakers have to be close to 20 years old. As I seem to remember they were wide but very shallow (like a suitcase) and designed to be placed up against a wall. There was a Seas 8 or 10 inch driver and an Audax/Polydax tweater. I don't remember if they were 2-way or 3-way. They were good speakers in thier day and at thier price point, no one could touch them.
They may not be worth much. Not because they are bad but because there are so may good speakers out today. You should be able to get $100 for them.
Hope this helps...
P.S. My first real stereo (read one I didn't build) was a pair of the legendary Boston A-40s and a Proton 907 receiver - soft clipping, bass EQ... A very good, cheap combination.