has the Sony SA-WD100 for $100 shipped free. It claims that the price is $200 off. However, I cannot find reviews for this sub anywhere. Does anyone have experience with this sub? I need something cheap for a system that I am building ($150 or less). The other sub I was considering is the Athena P-4000
(so far I have 4 Klipsch sb1's for front and surround and an athena rs1 for rear and should soon be getting a Klipsch rc1 for center and a HK 225 or 335 receiver if that makes any difference)
With a 5.25" driver, the SA-WD100 can go down to only 40Hz or so despite the freq resp of 26-200Hz that Sony has claimed. The Athena P-4000 is an excellent 10" sub that can be had for around $150 from many on-line stores. I think Best Buy also has it for $150 plus tax and shipping. The P-4000 is the better choice.