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Archive through October 31, 2003 | jasonl | 105 |
| been lurking too. Advice: if you had the option to get either the SR7300OSE or the new SR7400, which would u get, if price were the same on both models. Will the 7400 use copper plating and better power supplys? Does it have the option to turn all video modes off for pure audio? Does anyone know more about it? Also, the DSP chip inside the 7400, better, same or what compared to the 7300OSE. Thanks for any advice, please email me direclty too |
Hawk | jasonl: Tough question, my friend! I can't give you an answer directly as all of these speaker systems would be a good fit for the Marantz, IMO. Usually, I can rule something out as a bad fit, but it looks to me like you have done your homework. If I were to be getting this system for myself, I would lean toward the Monitor Audios as I think they are a little more dynamic sounding, but this one is close and I mean real close! I don't think you can go wrong with any of them. Good luck! |
| Hawk, it really is increadable the things I've learned from you and others here just by 'listening in' - I live in Holland and I haven't found a shop yet where you can get some objective advise. They're all trying to sell sell sell. Even though I learned quite a bit I still haven't got a clue what I should do yet. I need a good receiver that will last me some time and some good speakers. I still have 2 KEF model 104 from the 70's and the wife wants to have 'smaller ones'. I looked at KEF 2005 but next to that the Mirage Omnisats and they were a lot better than KEF (I thought anyway). Any thoughts on this ...... |
Hawk | Tribble: "She who must be obeyed . . . " Yes, we have all been there my friend. I have struggled with this problem for about 8 months and there is no real resolution in sight for me. I think my wife and I may never resolve this issue. But with regard to your situation, we will be more optomistic. I remember the KEF 104s very well--a very fine speaker. Tell me, what size room do you have? Despite your wife's demand for smaller speakers, the laws of physics are immutable. So, we will need to know your room size before I can give you some informed advice. Also, do you want something that mounts on the walls? In the meantime, check out the Sib/Cub system from JMlabs (also under the Focal name). They are a french made speaker system, and are a bit brighter sounding than the KEFs like the Mirage Omnisats. The KEFS sound fantastic, but only if they have a lot of power--they sound incredibly anemic with a low powered receiver. I would recommend an NAD 742 receiver at a minimum for the KEFs. When you heard them, what was the receiver driving them, if you know? Write back soon. |
| Sir Hawk, in Holland we have quite small houses and probably a bit funny shaped as well so here is my attempt: the room is an L shape. The wall (A) is 13 feet, left from that we have the window side (B) which is 20 feet, then left from that again the wall (C) is 30 feet - by then you've landed in the open kitchen and passed the dining table on the way, and come to another window section (D) of 11 feet. Does this make any sense to you ? Basically the 'living room part' is between wall A and B (and part of C of course). I went to a shop yesterday and they pushed for the Mirage (they didn't have the KEF eggs) and pushed for a Denon 1804, 3 Omnisats, 2 Omnisats Micro at the back and a REL Quake II as the base (as this was a better one than the one from Mirage). It sounded good at the shop but hey a lot of things sound good at the shop. I'ts a pity it's sunday today as I really want to check things out (shops are closed here on sundays). Sorry I can't remember the receiver I was listening the KEF's on. By the way I read many good things here on the Marantz 7300, NAD 742-752-762 and I'm open to anything it doesn't have to be Denon at all. I prefer to buy things in stages (money wise) and have something good. Wall or ceiling mounts would be good for the back but the front doesn't have to be wall/ceiling. I'll check out the Klipsch RSX-4 or 5 as well if available here as well. Talk to you soon. |
| It's been quite a time that I want to by a home theater, especially to listen to music. I'm thinking in a receiver with approximately 90w and with good sound quality. At first I thought of the Denon 1803, but after reading this forum (with I learned a lot! Thanks to all!) I decided that the Marantz will be better for what I want. I'm thinking about the Marantz SR 5200 or the SR 5300. With speakers would you advise? Are the Yamo or the Paradigm good with Marantz? Do you know if the SR 5200 is compatible with SACD? Thanks for the help, and hope you understand my English, I'm from Brazil! Adriano |
Anonymous | what i think of marantz receivers - overrated denon and kenwood are much better... |
AdamT | Haha. |
IfIonly | Hawk, DarrinS, I have scoured the web daily looking for info on the SR 7400. Nobody at Marantz will return my calls, and I am being very polite in my voice mails to them. ![]() Today I found this link on the web: I think it is as good as I'm gonna' get. The 7300 ose is pretty sweet, but for the money, I am going to go with the 7400 for 2 main reasons: 1. Better remote. 2. I listen to surround sound first person shooter video games on headphones more than I listen to anything else. With this unit, I get the "TruSurround Headphone" option right out of the box. I do believe the 7400 has video off, and it uses a newer chipset. Anonymous, My opinion of the kenwood 7070 I had for a week is pretty low. I didn't think I got my moneys worth, and it was only a $400 unit. My OLD Pioneer system sounded just as good for music and 5.1. I can't speak for Denon. |
Dogsbody | Hawk: "She who must be obeyed" eh? Rumpole would be proud! |
jasonl | hawk thanks a lot, im also geared towards the Monitor Audio as they're more "musical" compared to the AE and BW, however im just a bit worried with it being rated at 6ohms.....or i dont need to be worried at all? will the 7300 be comfy with it cheers! |
jasonl | another problem my local store has got no stock of the 7300 left and he's offering me the 7400 at a price £100 more. the reason for the big margin is that the 7300 is at sale price while the 7400 isnt. is the 7400 worth the extra £100? any reviews on the 7400 yet? cheers guys |
Hawk | jasonl: I would not be concerned about the 6 ohm rating of the MAs. As you probably know, these ratings are merely an average as the actual impedence will vary by frequency. The Marantz is capable, IMO, of coping with the lower impedence of the MAs--I would only worry if it got down to 4 ohms. Hard to say of the 7400 is worth an additional 100 quid. We haven't seen them yet, although I understand they are popping up from place to place. All of the Marantz dealers in my area are still looking to sell out their stocks of the 7300. However, I have shown the website for the press release outlining the new features and other improvements of the 7400 for you to read and to help you decide: I hope this helps. |
Hawk | IfIonly: Let us know what you think of your 7400 after you have had it a week or so to break in. I am very interested. Thanks. |
Hawk | Dogsbody: Always a pleasure to hear from another literary type. For years my wife thought I was pretty strange for insisting on watching British shows on PBS. Now that I am getting older, I am no longer strange. Instead, it is suggested that "He's just that way." Just a budding curmudgeon, I suppose! |
| Hawk ? you're not fogetting me are you ? |
| Hi, I'm currently in the process of upgrading my ageing HK AVR15 (dolby pro-logic) receiver, and was hoping for some advice on the same. I listen more to music than watch films, but have a HT system of Wharfedale (the older AT200 bookshelfs, with WH2 centre & dipole surrounds), connected to a sub (Indian make - Sonodyne). Although I prefer New-Age music, my tastes are not tightly bound, and I appreciate varying types of music for different moods. From what I've read till now about receivers, the Marantz' seem quite appealing. However, I wonder how it would pair up with my current set-up and tastes. Also, I've been quite confused with the specs of SR4300 and its upgrade SR4400...can't really make out which one to go for. I'd really appreciate u guys' help. Thanks, Piyush |
valeem | Piyush: The specs of the two receivers is practically the same and I do believe that Marantz has given the newer model a tune up to improve it over its predecessor. The specs of the 5300 and the 5400 are significantly better especially for stereo use. |
IfIonly | Hawk, Will do. |
Anonymous | I know it's pety but I like the new 7400's remote control. For some its a make or break item when buying an AV receiver. If I made up my mind to get a Marantz then the 7400 would be my choice. |
| Hello all, I am a newbie to this HT world...I want to set up a decnt system for mainly HT use and also some music room sized about 14 x 25 ft. I have to buy both speakers and a reciver and me being a car guy donot know much about this stuff. 1. Speakers I am considering I looked at the paradigms and the mordaunt shorts and I felt that I was taken by the mordaunt shorts....any suggestions on these will be helpful.. budget of around 1300-1500 on the speakers 2. The reciver to match...I have been a fan of marantz and after all you guys advice it feels like it maybe the right way to go, am I right in thinking this or is there any other options I should persue. The models I am considering are the Sr 5300, 7300 and 8300...I have a few questions on this.. a) the 8300 is a little more than I would like to spend but is it worth spending for the manufacturer suggets it is specifically made for home theatre use. Also a note I donot need the multi room capability or the THX capability. b) Between the Sr 5300 and Sr7300 I am truly confused any input on these would be good. Price wise both are good but the more I save on the reciver the more I can put into the speakers...but a good life as in before it becomes obselete is needed. Also do I really need 7.1 thanks |
hawkdoc | Just wanted to pose a question? Marantz 7300 or Onkyo 989 ver2??? I actually think the music sounded cleaner with the 7300 but maybe that was my wallet talking. My speakers are paradigm monitor 7's, with corresponding ctr., sub, and inwalls for surround. Which reciever would you choose. |
| Hawk, I would also like your opinion on the above question. As I truly value your opinion |
| valeem: Really appreciate that advice. Even I feel the SR5300 would turn out to be a better buy than the SR4300, but I'd have to check my wallet status ![]() How well do you think the Marantz pairs with the Wharfedale AT200s? Any idea? Thanks. Piyush |
Hawk | hawkdoc: I would vote for the Marantz 7300 over the top of the line Onkyo. Marantz got it right with that 7300 and I have no doubt that your ears are correct that it is cleaner sounding than the Onkyo (which has always had a "fuzzy" charecter to me). I just hope Denon doesn't mess up Marantz. I am also very leery of the Onkyos as recent test reports indicate that their amp sections are not as advertised despite the THX certification. BTW--Marantz is a better choice for your Paradigms, as well. Manan: Thank you for the kind words. Hey, the Marantz and the Mordaunt Shorts are a very good combo. They are in a marketing agreement here in the USA where Marantz is responsible for marketing the MS speaker lines and this seems to give MS a target to tailor their speakers to. Stick to the 7300, though. It is really all you need as the 8300 is in separates territory (as in "why get a receiver when you can get better sounding separates for the same or less money?"). Furthermore, yes, you can put more money toward speakers if you got the 5300, but the 7300 is a receiver that "got it right," so there is a big step up, sonically speaking, by getting the 7300 instead of the 5300. The 7300 has that "sweet" sound that I have not heard from any other receiver save an NAD. The 7300 has much more real power, as well (don't believe manufaturers power ratings--rule of thumb is to cut them in half for true power capability). So, IMO, the extra money between the 5300 and the 7300 will make more of a difference if spent on the receiver than it will if spent on speakers, in this case (obviously not true most of the time). Good luck. |
valeem | Piyush: I'm sorry but I've never heard Wharfedale speakers but I know from my own experiance and reading other posts here that Mordaunt Short and Mission speaker go well with Marantz receivers. Also if the SR*300 line is to be phased out where you are then I would hold out a bit longer and try to find the SR5300 at a clearance price. I remember that when the SR*300 line was being phased out here in the UK the price difference between the SR4300 and the SR5300 came to within £50 and that previously it had been nearer £100. Hope this helps? |
Anonymous | sorry, quite an off-topic here valeem, you're from the uk too? where do you get most of your HT stuff? would you mind recommending some retailers (or e-tailers for that matter) that has good price offers, thanks |
valeem | Anonymous: Since you ask I got most of my HT stuff (receiver, dvd player, most of my speakers and some cabling) from Richer Sounds as I find their prices more often than not the lowest available and am lucky in that they have two stores within a few miles of where I live. I would however advise anybody purchasing from their stores to do their own research and not rely on their salesmen too much for advice as I've found they can be very biased towards kit which needs to be moved. I also recommend keeping an eye on the classifieds in what hifi? as there can occasionally be some good offers that I can sometimes get price matched at Richers (or another local retailer) if they sell for that particular brand. Also their range can sometimes seem a bit limited when compared to the likes of say Sevenoaks etc, but I can usually find some stuff that suites my needs, if not then I can try their special order service. To get an idea of their stock take a look at their website but I must say that its not a complete list as I've seen quite a few items instore that don't get listed on their site alternatively request a brochure. My subwoofer purchase (expected to arrive Monday/Tuesday) was made directly with BK Electronics who needed to clear a large number of drive units, that they had been burdened with after a cancelled order, by offering them directly to the public via their website. BK Electronics have been making high quality subwoofers for a number of years for some very well respected UK subwoofer brands including REL in the past. It started out being a limited offer but because it proved to be so popular they have decided to continue the offer. They have temporarily removed the item from their website due to the overwhelming popularity of the BK XLS 200 but it will return shortly when they have cleared the backlog of current orders. See in their bargain section sometime in the near future: I have also recently started bidding on ebay as I can get some new stuff at a good discount and used stuff at very good prices. I would however advise anyone to buy from people with good and sizable feedback records and if bidding quite large amounts make sure the item is being offered by a local seller who will allow you to collect in person and see the item working before the deal is completed. If there are any specific items you are after I'm sure the guys in the UK (John A and Tim to name two) will be more than happy to help out if possible, I know I would. Piyush: Sorry I couldn't help in letting you know whether or not your Wharfedale speakers are a good match for Marantz receivers but I'm sure somebody more qualified like Hawk or someone else can help you out. |
Erwin | Hi again. I've been using my sr5300 for some time now, and have one more question. Does anybody know the function of the peak light (on the display, upper left corner)? It's probably an obvious thing, but I can't find it in the manual. I suppose it should burn when there is a lot of power (high volume) going through the receiver? Point is that it's quite often burning on low volume levels (-50dB reading on the display, I have to mind the neighbours and our rabbit ;-)), with music pieces that do not have high peaks at all. Actually my old receiver used to shut down because of such a light (flashing P on sony receivers), which is why I bought the Marantz as a replacement. Now, could this have something to do with malfunctioning speakers or speaker cables - short circuit or something? If this sounds familiar to somebody (or if this peak light is nothing to worry about) - I'd be happy to hear. Cheers. |
Anonymous | Erwin: The peak light refers to the level of the input signal for whatever source you are listening to and has nothing to do with the output or what you have the volume knob on. Too many CD's these days are recorded as close to maximum volume as possible and it could be overdriving your inputs. Push the ATT button to keep the input level in check. If you want to listen at the same volume as before you will need to turn up the volume some to compensate. Hope this helps. |
Erwin | Anon, thanks for the advice. It indeed helps. Just one more question: can this (too) high input signal be bad for the receiver on the longer term, or doesn't it really matter? |
Anonymous | valeem, thanks for the links, sadly doesnt have enough items on sale on their site, and their closest store to my place is around 50miles away, which happens to be a small one and doesnt carry a lot of items as well cheers |
| Valeem: Your tip about pushing for the SR5300 instead of the SR4300 seems like a good one. Checked out the specs carefully, and noticed a HUGE jump in S/N ratio (13dB !!) and senstivity (340mV Vs. 195 mV). On paper that means a lot, but I wonder how it translates in sound. Can't expect you to hear all brands of speakers, so, so anyway, thanx for taking the time out ![]() |
Anonymous | my sr5300 seems to be hard work. music seems to be very flat. any advice on setup i am using jamo speakers. |
| I agree with Hawk on his assesment of the Marantz verses the Integra. The onkyos have indeed been a little lacking in the power reserves as of late. Not sure which magazines it was lately, but they actually shut down whilst been tested for Dynamic power output. The Marantz is an excellent product, but be aware it is very smoooth and laid back, make sure you listen to it and like the sound. It is very critical in speakers matching also. |
Anonymous | I just bought the 5300 and thought to share my experience. I upgraded from the good old SR870/Technics SHAC500D decoder comnination that lasted me a solid 6 years (yes its THAT old!) 5300 gave me the same old warm and solid body Marantz sound and a much clearer definition and ambient (could be its 192kHz decoding?) Best of all are the price (at local currency equivalent to US$290 !) from a clearance sale. Can't imaging it was 4X the cost I put up with the older system at the peak of the market. But 5300 is not without flaws: Heres my obervation and wish list for Marantz to hopefully improve in subsequent line : (1) input/output port labelling is a mess, and the manual don't help. Got to download the pdf file from Marantz site to enlarge and see better. (2) When set the surround mode in Auto, you won't know what sound format it running. On-screen display just showed "Auto". (3) On the amp, no symbol of DTS Neo or CSII when in the respecive analog mode. Only show DD PLII, a bit biased I thought. (4) Dimmer funtion : when dim or off-display, adjust volume will bounce the display back on. Earlier model (SR-870) did a much graceful job, only show the display momentally when adjust volume the back to where it was. Seems like a software bug to me. (5) At all channels the sound level need to crank up almost 15dB more than at 2 channel. But again every amp these day are like that. (6) HT-EQ : no direct switch on the amp or at the remote, need to nagivate deep in the setup to get HT-EQ on. Funny thing that at lower model (SR-4300) there is a direct button on the amp, and higher model (6300 onwards) there is a button on the remote for this. So why discreminate a mid range ? (7) No LFE option (the MAIN/MIX option). Funny thing this is offered in lower model SR-4300 and higher model SR-7300 onwards. Again why mid range 5300/6300 don't have this feature ? (8) Remote precode : VCR title advanced || function as channel up/down. I would prefer it keeps the original VCR step advance function. (9) Speaker level adjust : again need to dive into setup mode and bearing the "white" noise in order to adjust each channel level. This is annoying in the middle of a movie where all I want is just to up the center or surround a few dB. My previous SR-870 allow real time channel level adjustment, where speaker balance (white noise mode) is in a seperate feature. But all in all 5300 is still a solid amp comes to sound quality and strength. And much more balance in performance than, say, Yamaha or Denon which I had made comparision. I guess once you were hooked on to a Marantz will always want a Marantz after and after. |
Kev | Hi, just read through this thread, very pleasing to see that the Marantz SR5300 is rated well since I bought one two weeks ago ! I do just have one question regarding the output. It seems very low and I have to crank the volume up to +5db (it goes from -75 to +15) to get room shaking volume. This seems OK but I'm just worried that I'm close to the limit of +15db. My previous amp never went past half way on the dial. WIth the 5300, volume levels between -75 and -40db are totally unusable as they are too quiet. Should I be concerned with having the amp turned up so high - do you think there is a problem with it ?? Thanks all! Kev. |
JonMoon | Kev, I have the Marantz SR5300 and encountered the same situation in the big room where my main HT system is. I had to turn it up to about +11db to give the sound any oomph. That concerned me as well. I bought the NAD T762 to replace the Marantz (I still have the Marantz in a smaller room because I still like it) and it has more oomph and better sound for the HT system. I don't know why these receivers use negative db numbers and so many numbers. It seems silly especially, as you say, most of them are no sound at all. My Marantz dealer told me that it was common to listen at 0db so perhaps that means that the +5db you are listening to is no problem. Hope this helps some. |
JonMoon | I'll just add one thing. If Marantz SR5300 goes to "10", NAD T762 goes to "12". |
wigglyman | Kev, I recently purchased a NAD T762 and had the same experience with the volume that you're talking about with your 5300. I could max out the volume at +6 to +13 (depending on where I've set my speaker levels in the OSD), and while certainly loud, I was surprised I could go that high without blowing my ears off or my speakers out. And, as with you, I don't hear anything until -40db. This was in surround stereo mode, I couldn't approach that level and audible sound starts at -63db. I too was wondering if there was a problem with it, or is this common with AV receivers in surround mode? |
Kev | Jonmoon, I just checked the prices for the NAD T762 in the UK, GBP799, I paid just GBP250 for the Marantz SR5300, I guess I'd expect a bit more oomph for that much more money ! Maybe 0db is supposed to be the normal listening level, if that is the case then I guess it's OK. I'd be interested if Wigglyman's comment about this being common with AV receivers gets any replies. Thanks Kev. |
| Hi, I've recently purchased the SR4300 and this column was one of the primary sources of valuable info I could lay my hands on for my judgement. Therefore, I'd like to share my experiences which might help others make a more informed decision, too. 1st, the specs do tell us a good deal about the internal design. S/N ratio (usually expressed in dB) is what a lot of us are familiar with. A higher S/N ratio does imply a better design, but one should be careful not to consider it in isolation. S/N ratio is very much dependent on the input sensitivity (usually expressed in mV), for which a lower value is preferable. Usually noise intensity is much lower than that of the signal, so if we have a higher sensitivity, more noise than signal is filtered out by the input stage of the receiver. Consequently, an oft missed observation is if we increase the input sensitivity, we can obtain an increase in S/N ratio, too. So be careful, guys... 2nd, I have observed that in some configurations, it is more benefitial to connect the sub through speaker-level connections rather than the sub pre-out. This is applicable when the receiver cut-off frequency does not match that of the speaker-sub combo e.g. if you have satellite speakers with usable freq. response 140 Hz onwards, but only 100 Hz cut-off for LFE channel on your receiver, you'll get a gap betn. 100 Hz to 140 Hz if you use sub pre-out connection, but you can minimise the gap if you connect the front satellites thru sub, and set the cut-off of the sub accordingly. However, if you don't have this problem (you have larger speakers), on the SR4300 I've observed a marked improvement in low-end extention if I use the sub pre-out connection instead of the speaker-level connection (using the coax digital input). I still have to figure out why this is so. Hope this helps, guys... Piyush |
| this is to anonymous hi iam torino dan from michigan lower michigan to be exact-i feel your pain with the sr7200 because i have one and it has uckedup on me 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and as you well know there a lot of connections to connect and to disconnect every time this this fine piece of work fails not to mention packing it back up into the box and sending it back to marantz, good thing i saved the original box, i am currently on round four with this jewel in the rough. i wanted a new receiver after the first occurance but was denied right up to the third occurance and i was told that they no longer have any sr7200s left . they are now trying to pawn off a sr7300 on me that i was told was a brand new receiver and later found out it in inself was a refurbished second generation problem child receiver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i caught them in a lie. i told them that i did not buy a refurbished marantz that i purchased a new receiver, and want a new receiver in return , i was told that the the sr7200 was no longer avaible and they would give me a new modle that was a sr7300. the place that i purchased from tryed to tell me that it was new ,the distributor they get it from out of the 248 area code in michigan said it was refurbished, i personally talked to the 248 area code distributor and expressed my feelings to the fact that felt that i deserved a new receiver and his come back was if they had a new sr7200 he would give one but they didnt have any, so i said well then why cant you give me a new sr7300 instead of a refurbished one and he said there no more in stock, to me this is the pure runaround, i then asked him what is the replacement for the sr7300 and he told me the sr7400 and i said then why cant you give me a new sr7400 and i was told that its not up for discussion. i am now in contact with the better business bureau. ps the problems i had with the sr7200 are the following -scrambled on screen display menu,volume was stuck on fullblast when iturned on my receiver and could not turn it off with remote or off swith on receiver i had to unplug receiver from the wall this happened three different times subwoofer wouldnt work any more, also have had problems with the sleep timer,lost all fm reception, when i got it back the second time from the repair shop being marantz,and turned on the receiver the sub let out a loud surging sound and never worked , fm reception never got fixed after being in sent back to marantz, it also screwed up the picture on my television .this has been nothing but a nightmare for me and is still not settled yet and has been going on for over a year i would be screwed if it wasnt for the three year warranty. iam also looking for more feed back on this receiver please keep in touch. |
Kev | Hi All, if anyone is interested in the low volume problem I was having with my SR5300, I've sorted it out. I measured outputs of both my new and old amps (with a borrowed portable oscilloscope) and found that they both put out more or less the same wattage, it's just that the SR5300 has quite a steep gain curve pushed toward the end of the volume control travel, clipping starts just before the maximum level is reached. My previous amp (Denon AVC3020) has a much more progressive volume control but clipping starts at 75% of volume control, hence the reason for never going much past half way. The 5300 puts out around the same watts and when it is turned up to 95% or the volume control, it actually puts out the same as for the 3020 at about 70%. So, having discovered that I won't be damaging my speakers or amp I'll be happily watching Star Wars Episode 1 tonight at 95% volume !! |
| To all that can help especially Hawk, I just came back form my local high end audio/video store....I am assembling a home theatre and need a receiver and speakers... First the recivers: 1. Marantz Sr-7300...I personally like this but the guy suggested yamaha...mainly becuase of the learning remotes and learning facilities of the others. 2. Yamaha RXV-V1400/2400...I personally dont know much about the yamaha's and I need u'r opinion...I heard that the mic that comes with it really helps the setup 3. Harmon Kardon Avr 330/230 or Harmon Cardon DPR 1001...I know the DPR is expensive but they are throwing in a HK DVD worth around 400... My use is going to be primarily for home theatre...while the music played is going to be classical and techno.... What do you suggest and what features do you like me to go for as they are all in the same price range.. Now the speakers used: 1. My first choice is Morduant Short 900 Series with the following speakers Towers: 914 Surround: 903S Sub: 907W Centre: 905C This comes as a 5.1 system and we might add a small pair to make a 6.1 speakers. 2. Boston Vr1 CRC VRS PVC-800 I like the crispness of the morduant short...and also the fact they are around 500 cheaper.. What is your suggestion...when I went into the store I was sure I wanted the Morduant Short Combo and the I am a bit confused and need some help thanks |
Hawk | Manan: I think you have put your finger on what is wrong with the audio business. Salespeople should be helping you, not confusing you. Your salesperson is pushing Yamaha because Yamaha is offering nice fat rebates to dealers for Yamaha sales as Yamaha is looking to make inroads on the gains made by Denon. When you told me you would be listening to classical music, that elimintates the Yamaha in my mind because I find it unsuitable for music listening, especially classical music. I would strongly urge you to go with what you like, not what the salesperson is pushing. The Marantz is a much smoother and more natural sounding receiver. Forget the H/K DPR as it uses IC outputs--it sounds like, well, you know . . . I think the AVR 330 or 230 are good receivers, but if you like the Marantz better, I would stick with it. You have good ears and you should trust what you hear for yourself. I happen to like the Mordaunt Short speakers with the Marantz receiver. I would suggest you stick with your inclinations. It is a very nicely balanced system. Good luck! |
| Thanks Hawk...I truly appreciate your advise...only question left in my mind were 2: 1. I dont think the MArantz has a learning function...and me being a newbie to this you advise I go with the HK for its learning capabilities or stick with marantz. 2. For the fronts in the mordaunt short I can either get the 914 or 908. The 908 has a sub enclosed in the tower. Is this something to look for in the front speaker or is the sub from Morduant short enough and better. Thanks again I really am thankful for all the advice......that you have given me about this stuff |
Hawk | Manan: 1. The Marantz comes with a learning remote. I checked their current product brochure to confirm. 2. The woofer in the 908 is not truly a sub as I don't believe it has a separate amp. It is just a side-firing woofer, not a subwoofer. |
| Hawk: I've read evey post and I encourage you to open your own website for those seeking advice. Perhaps you have a moment to help a confused soul. I am getting my first system and have narrowed it down to the following: Onkyo sr601 (sr701 is tempting) Denon 2803 HK avr 230 or 325 Marantx 5300 -which I know is your vendor of choice(when does 5400 come out and what's the difference? Are you familiar with those options to make Marantz the clear favorite? Please explain in detail why you like Marantz so much. Speakers: (i prefer bookshelf on stands as I dont want them to take up much space in livingroom) Axiom m22ti or m3ti Cambridge m50's or m80's Ascend Accoustics cbm 170 paradigm focus b&W dm 303 Do I need a subwoofer and if so what is a reasonably priced one to consider? |
Anonymous | Manan Naik: My system consists of a Marantz SR-7300 and Mordaunt-Short 900 speakers (908, 905C, 902 & 907W). I chose the 902 bookshelf for my rears because I sometimes use it in a separate audio system (they sound great by the way). I use an external Kenwood THX power amp for the MS-908 because I found the 10" woofer a bit hard to drive. With my previous Denon AVR-2700 receiver, these floorstanders sounded thin. The Marantz was a significant upgrade as it can power the MS-908 convincingly, but the external power amp gives it a bit extra depth & slam in the bass. I have a couple of friends who have for their main speaker the MS-912 and MS-914 respectively, and all 3 of us are very happy with our system. |
Tad Agnew | I've had a Marantz SR5300 for just about a year. I've been extremely happy with the product until I moved across country and left behind my owners manual. I never had a reason to use it before. I get on the company website looking for help and there is no pdf forms or downloads available to help me out. This has really changed my viewpoint on the company. The problem I have is when I turn the volume up while watching a dvd the receiver turns off. How do I resolve this problem? Is it a problem with the speakers? Before I moved I was using Paradigm and Klipsch speakers, but since I've been here I've been using Paradigm and Onkyo speakers (No room to bring all my speakers so I'm forced to use some replacement speakers). Does the receiver shut off as a safety for the speakers or is there a more significant problem to the receiver? Any help anyone can give me I'd appreciate it. |
| HI !! Soon i will buy my first reciver ![]() |
joe s | Well, that was an epic read! LOL I, too have a Marantz stereo receiver that I bought in 1978! It had the warmest sound then, too. I tried finding a Marantz dealer around here (CT, USA) and came up short. Where do you buy them, especially in that $299 range? Thanks, Joe |
Hawk | David: Sorry I have been offline--had some family business to take care of, but since you addressed a post to me, I just found it and I will help any way I can. Your choices are all over the map, so I don't really know what you want. So tell me a little about yourself and your listening habits. What proportion of your listening will be for music and what proportion for HT? How big is your room? What kind of music do you like? Finally, what is your budget? Fill me in and I can make some really good recommendations. |
Hawk | joe s: Are you looking for a Marantz stereo receiver or a Marantz HT receiver? Start by going to |
Tim | David R: Believe it or not, Hawk is better known here as a raving NAD fan (just wait, he'll recommend one to you when you reply) ;) From other posts I have found opinions that Marantz is probably better than Onkyo and Denon. Also the SR5400 may not be worth the extra cash over the SR5300. There are some questions about build quality, components and performance (not that they are bad, just that the 5300 *may* be better). Also the 5300 will be discounted to clear stocks so you should get a bargain somewhere. I don't know about any of the speakers you mention, but Mission and Mordaunt Short are good matches with Marantz. I've got the MS Premiere 5.1 speakers which are all bookshelf/wall mounts (except the sub obviously!). Of course all this just opinions, and the only opinion that matters is yours, so I suggest asking your local dealers for a test session with your preferred models. Take a friend/wife and a handful of your favourite CDs - one that you know quite well, so you can really hear the difference. |
IfIOnly | Hawk, I just got my new Marantz SR7400 hooked up (zone 2 is not ready yet), along with a Marantz 4300 DVD player. I could not be happier. It makes my $500 Harmon-Kardon surround speaker system sound nearly as good as the $1500 Bose system I listened to last week. In the spirit of being impartial I must add that my old Pioneer receiver, and Sony DVD were pretty basic in form and function, so the SR7400/DV4300 are a huge step up. This unit does everything the brochure says it will do. And it does it well, with power to spare. In the past two days I have listened to music ranging from classical to rock/rap. I've watched a couple movies (StarWars episode I, and Gladiator). Gladiator is DTS, and Star Wars is THX. I honestly can't tell where THX certification on a receiver would be worth the extra cash, and I initially REALLY wanted the THX. The music sounded excellent. I could have listened to Mozart all day. I heard detail in my Radiohead CD I've never heard before, but it was not harsh in any way. If I had better speaker I could probably get more depth, and richness out of the music, but I'm primarily a movie watcher, so I won't split hairs on this aspect. The Home Theatre sounded unbelievable. HT sounds like it is suppose to. Bright, sharp highs, and thundering lows. I have the SR7400 decoding the raw signal from the DVD. I am using 5.1 on this 7.1 system (a very quick on-screen config setting). The surround sounds from this unit are like night and day from my old 5.1 unit. If anyone were ever concerned with the warm music quality of this unit having an effect on the HT quality.. I can tell you first hand it will not. HT sounds like HT and, music sounds great. There is an on-screen option that, if enabled, will take the brightness out of the movies. Think of dropping and breaking a vase on concrete as opposed to a thin carpet . I saw no signal degradation when routing the component DVD signal through the 7400 as opposed to straight to the TV. The RC1400 remote controls EVERYTHING, and it fits nice in your hand. This unit is big. A good 4 inches deeper than the old unit, but I made it fit. J The only minor complaint I have is how hot this unit gets. If you live in a cold weather climate, and your furnace goes out, just put this unit in the middle of the room and plug it in. It doubles as space heater. Seriously, after 5 minutes you will burn your hand if you put it on any metal surface of this unit. I am going to put a small fan on top of it as soon as I find one that meets my specs. If anybody gets one of these be sure it is well ventilated, and it has its own shelf on your rack with no other component sitting directly on top of the sr7400. To summarize: This is an excellent unit in every way, but it gets HOT. |
Anonymous | The heat problem will not be an issue after a month or so once the unit is fully run in. |
Hawk | Marantz's are known to run hot as do HK's. It dosen't go away with "run in" either. Thats just pure bunk. Just make sure you give the receiver plenty of air flow space. |
IfIOnly | Hawk, Thanks for the clarification. It sounded a lot like sugar coated bunk to me. I am off to see my machine shop friend to design a fashionable, insulated, 120 volt, low profile, rear ejecting, fan cooled box I can mount on top of the unit. |
Amadeuz | Well, I'll be getting the Marantz 5300 in a week or so. Pretty psyched about it. Anybody wanna buy an old Yamaha HTR 5440? I'll post when I get it set up. BTW, Hawk glad to see that you are back from wherever you were. |
david r | HAWK: Glad to hear you're alive and well. Someone posing as your wife said you had left us. I listen to all types of music and will be sharing the enoyment of this with my wife who likes broadway music, barbara streisand, Faith Hill etc. I myself might be listening to Van Halen or Rush then Josh Groban, then Frank Sinatra, then Classical or Jazz. I just love good music. The receiver's primary objective is to make CD's sound their best (and audio DVD's when the time is appropriate). The secondary objective is to serve as a HT receiver that will be outdated later than sooner. The system will start in my 25x15 livingroom and when I finish the basement (1-2 years from now) move down there. My budget is $500 for the receiver and $400 for speakers. I will wait for surround and a sub at a later time as I am leaning toward the HSU product line. I think I've narrowed it down to the following: Onkyo tr601 ($400) Marantz 5300 ($450) NAD 4200 ($500) Speakers: Axiom m22ti's $400 (have not heard them but read glowing reviews on them. Paradiagm Titans $225(love the size and blown away by the richness of the sound. Call me crazy, butI liked them outright better than B&W 303 and 600's. Price was not considered when judging quality)If the 303's are bright and the Paradigm's are warm I prefer a warm sound. Have I forgot about any contenders? What does the Marantz 5400 have that the 5300 does not besides 2 additional outputs? I like my music to be crisp yet rich& full. I like to hear nuances that make each song unique. Please advise if my selections are prudent and if I have ignored other value contenders! Thanks Hawk. |
david r | Tim : I will try to check out the missions and MS's. Thanks for the advice. |
New member Username: CzorbaPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | HAWK, I've been following this forum for some time and see that you're very informative. KEEP IT UP!! I'm looking for Advice regarding the SR8200/SR8300. Is the 8200 plagued by the same problems you previously posted on the x200 line? If so, will the upgrade offered by Marantz fix them? I was told the upgrade essentialy makes the 8200 an 8300(feature wise DTS 96/24, faster auto detection,better proccesing etc.), but what about the internals? ie: transformer, DAC'S etc. Are they the same? Both units say they're MADE IN JAPAN, and are there any sound or quality differences between the 8200 and the 8300? I currently own a Denon 3803, which after only a week I plan on returning for a Marantz! As far as quality and features go the Denon is a GREAT reciever for H/T & OK for Music, the sound is very clean, but I find it to be a little DRY and the HIGH'S CAN & DO! get BRIGHT with music, especialy Rock. I listen to ALL TYPES of music (usually for hours on end)and need a reciever that will be NON FATIGUING! Will the SR8200/8300 give me this? It's hard to tell with a short audition at the dealer.I also thought about the SR7300ose,(not crazy about the remote though)which I feel is pretty much in the same class as the 3803 whereas the SR8200/8300 are a step up. If I seem partial to the 8200 it's because my dealer is giving me a SUPER deal on it,(probably $1,700cdn maybe less + $175cdn for the upgrade) since it is last years model. Plus I LOVE the REMOTE! Also I can only exchange the Denon, and the Marantz line is the best they have, for recievers(no NAD etc.). But I'm still concerned with any issues on the x200 line reflecting on the 8200(with or without the upgrade). Would the SR8300 be a better choice? I'm not shure what kind of deal I'll get for it,but it will probably be more than the 8200. I'm also considering adding an Odyssey Audio Stratos Extreme amp to the Marantz's Pre Outs for my mains which are Paradigm Monitor 9's v1. What do you think? If I add the Odyssey should I keep the Denon or exchange it for Marantz? What would be the better match? Any Info/Advice you have would be greatly appreciated. THANKS |
New member Username: Joe_sPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Thanks, Hawk. This is joe s. For some reason I can't post with that name today. I might not be able to find the SR5300 home theater receiver around here for under $550. The local retailer has a SR5200 for $350 and a SR4300 for about the same. Which would you recommend? I have the same situation as david r above, except a more limited budget. I have a pair of Kef Q50 speakers for my mains. Thanks for being such a great source of knowledge and experience for us laymen. Joe |
New member Username: David_rPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Joe: You can get a 5300 for $450 signed sealed and delived from and use the code hifi 10 to use to get the discount |
New member Username: Joe_sPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | cool, thanks. now about surround and center speakers. any suggestions? eventually I'll be getting a powered sub, but not right now. Joe |
New member Username: Joe_sPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | i started a new thread, so this one can stay focused on the original question. joe |
New member Username: BatuhanPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Hi everyone, I have been thinking lately that I need a book called "HT for dummies" and I came across with this unbeleivable site. I had surfed through but I got the feeling that the posted reviews are somewhat "biased" by ownership. The threads here provides expertise, comparisons and results of trial end errors. I like that. After one week of digesting the threads, I realized choosing your HT system is down to your ears and taste. So, given my tastes, I decided I need a NAD (sounded like a Soviet missile name at first btw.. ![]() |
New member Username: AmadeuzPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | Got the Marantz sr5300 today. My parents and brother got it for me as an early Christmas present. Set up was a snap. Took me less than an hour to get everything hooked up and to go through the OS menu. Preliminary opinion...this sucker definitely beats my old Yamaha 5440 into the ground. The thing is built like a tank. Love the brushed aluminum face. The Patriot just happened to be in my DVD player and I tried it out. Man, the surrounds are so much more active! I could nearly feel the musket shots flying by me. Everything is alot more detailed and clear. I truly am surrounded by sound. No hiss/noise from any of the speakers which I had with my Yamaha. The only complaint is I need to mess around with my subwoofer. There doesn't seem to be as much bass as I'm used to. Tried some stereo music since I know this is what the Marantz is known for. I'm a classical music buff and so far it's lived up to the hype. Wynton Marsalis' recording of the Haydn Concerto gave me the chills. I could really hear the warmth of the Marantz in his trumpet playing. Clapton's Unplugged went in next. As before, alot more detail, but never harsh or bright. Also tried the Dvorak Cello Concerto. Rostropovich's version just really sang through this receiver. I thought this was great, but man the music really came alive with S direct mode which pretty much bypasses everything. Question though...the manual says that it bypasses the bass management....does that mean I need to adjust my sub's crossover filter for this mode? So far really pleased with my decision. Took a couple of hours off of studying for finals. I'll try and update later. Laters. |
New member Username: HawkPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | David R: Been busy with the holidays, so I hope I am not too late to help. First, receiver. I still think the NAD T742 from Saturday Audio ($449) is the best value in audio today. The pre/pro section is so much better than any other receiver less than $700, it is worth it just for the pre/pro section. However, it has a better amp section, too, so it is a slam dunk. However, some people don't like the fact that it is only a 5 channel receiver or they want something more conventional looking (black), so if you want more channels or a black receiver, I think the Marantz 5300 is a fine choice, too. Not as clean and clear sounding as the NAD, it is still pretty close and is a very well built receiver that is better than almost everything else in this price range. Speakers: the Axioms are good, but for $329/pair, you can get the Ascend Acoustics CM-170s and they are even better ( Better imaging and much better bottom end. Good luck! |
New member Username: HawkPost Number: 5 Registered: 12-2003 | Joe: The KEFs are a pretty efficeint speaker, so I would suggest the 5200 over the 4300 (this unit has a plastic faceplate and the amp section isn't as clean as the 5200). Again, the quality of the pre/pro section of the 5200 is a lot better than the 4300, although the x200s had some power problems due to a weak power supply. I also recommend the NAD T742 from Saturday Audio as the best sounding receiver for $449. |
New member Username: HawkPost Number: 13 Registered: 12-2003 | Amadeuz: Congrats on the new receiver! I think you have a great family with great tastes as the 5300 is a super unit and I have recommended it often as I think it is an excellent receiver. Finish your finals (good luck!) and then take your new receiver for a real drive. Then post your thought here. It will be very helpful to have your insights for those seeking a new receiver. BTW, what speakers do you have? |
New member Username: David_rPost Number: 7 Registered: 12-2003 | Hawk: Thanks for getting back to me. I know you like the NAD 742. I think I like the 5300 looks and lcd display readability and by all accounts it is quite comparable musicwise and powerwise, yes? Thanks for the Ascend link. I had heard of the Ascend 170's but have you actually heard them against the other speakers I am considering? This review below liked the Axioms 3ti's( much less the 22ti's) better than the 170's. What about PSB Alpha B's. Are you a fan? how do they stack up agaisnt PAradigm Titans, Axioms, and Ascend 170's? Regards |
New member Username: HawkPost Number: 27 Registered: 12-2003 | David: The Marantz 5300 is the best receiver in its class IMO, but for the NAD 742, which has greater clarity and is a cleaner sounding amp. But, I recognize that squeezing out the last degree of clarity is not as important to others as it is to me. The Marantz is a very fine unit and I have recommended it often as a result. I have heard both the Ascends and the Axioms and I don't think there is any contest--the Ascends are better, IMHO. Everyone has their own preferences and I really like the Ascends better, largely because I think they are much better balanced over the entire audio range. I did not get to attend, but this was also the conclusion over at the AV Forum website where a group in the LA area got together for a internet only small speaker shootout. The consensus was that the Ascends were the best, followed by the Onix Rockets, the Axioms and the Aperions, as I recall. In any event, you can always order them and try them out yourself to see what you like the best (and what works best with your receiver). Try a pair first and only order the rest of the 5.1 system only if you like the stereo pair first. Since they all have 30 day money back guarantees, I suggest you take them up on it. I do like the PSB Alpha B's. And the paradigm titans. Heck, these are all good speakers at a very reasonable price. I will even throw out one more--check out the Mission M71s, which can be had for $200/pair from Kief's. I got a pair for my study and they are simply awesome for the price. |
New member Username: JwbPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | I am debating between HK avr720 and Marantz 7300OSE or Marantz 6400 for my monitor audios. I can get the HK for about 900. The Marantz 7300OSE for 700. The Marantz 6400 for about 600. Any advice would be welcomed and if you have other options I would be interested. |
New member Username: JwbPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | Let me add to the last post that I have learned much from this forum. Thanks for all the advice you give. Have a great Holiday season. |
New member Username: HawkPost Number: 38 Registered: 12-2003 | Jimmy: What speakers do you have? It makes a difference. |
New member Username: JwbPost Number: 5 Registered: 12-2003 | Hawk I have monitor audio GR 20's front's and center. GR10's for surrounds. I listed this on a new thread before finding this one and forgot to add this infromation. Thanks for taking the time to give me some advice. |
New member Username: AmadeuzPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | Some further thoughts on the 5300. This receiver really makes listening to music an entirely new and enjoyable experience. I can see why alot of people describe it as laid back and warm. I guess because it's never fatiguing or sibilant. I've been re-discovering my CD collection again. I would get tired of listening to my CDs on my Yamaha, but not with the Marantz. I just leave the music on for hours. As for movies, I find the Marantz not be as in your face as my old Yamaha. I guess aggressive would be the word for the Yamaha. I do feel that I need to turn the Marantz louder to get that visceral effect on some movies. However, with the Marantz, I can clearly hear every little detail in the soundtrack which I never heard from the Yamaha. The bass from my sub is clearer and punchier, not as muddy. I guess I would describe the sound as clearly delineated and precise. I guess that's what you get with more quality power in each channel. (BTW, the problem with the bass in my previous post, entirely my fault. I turned the crossover filter on my sub all the way to the lowest setting rather than the highest setting. Doh!) I'm also very pleased with the build quality on the Marantz as mentioned in my previous post. Everything worked fine when I started it up for the first time. No heat problems at all either. The top of the receiver is luke warm at best when I touch it after a movie. This is my first step into the mid-fi to hi-fi arena and I can see where the money goes. To answer your question Hawk, I have some old Cerwin Vega L7's as mains and some newer CV's as surrounds and a CV center. Definitely, my next upgrade will be speakers. Also have an old Advent 125 watt sub. Leaning toward the Axiom M22's. But the Marantz made my old warhorses sound like they never have before so no complaints here. Hope this post helps others in making a decision. Merry Christmas to all! |
New member Username: GmanPost Number: 37 Registered: 12-2003 | Jimmy-- A man after my own heart. My upstairs surround system consists of 2 pair of Monitor Audio GR10's and the GR center channel along with the HSU VTF-3. I drive it with the Pioneer Elite 49TXi with a Pioneer Elite 47AVi dvd player. The i-link (firewire) plays off in spades, particularly in SACD/DVD-Audio--plus it automatically recognizes the disc you put in--cd, dvd, or whatever and sets the receiver accordingly. But I presume you don't have a dvd player with i-link (such as the 47AVi)--unless you buy one. With i-link dvd I would recommend a PE 55TXi. Without firewire--between the HK AVR7200 or the brand new HK AVR630 which has on sale at $739--I would get the new AVR 630. The few watts difference won't be noticeable at all and almost all the other benefits lie with the 630--undoubtedly because it is new. Plus both HK units have high amperage--will blast your MA's as loud as you could want. There are a number of new, better, and interesting features on the 630 that are missing on the older 7200. The 630 has a cool new Dolby headphone surround feature, the 7200 doesn't. The 630 has an AV sync delay--not the 7200. The 630 has renameable inputs--not the 7200. The 630 and 7200 both have RS-232, but the 630 has 2-way control and upgrade. The 630 has the latest Cirrus processors, the 7200 has the same Cirrus procesors as the cheaper HKs. The 630 has virtual Dolby speaker--not the 7200. The 630 has new DTS 96/24--not the 7200. The 630 has HD radio upgrade slot-not the 7200. The 630 has quad crossover, the 7200 triple crossover. This allows the 630 to change the bass crossover on 4 speakers to different frequencies. You don't need more than triple now, but if you get a 7.1 system it would be advantageous. All the surround modes are the same on both. Since it is newer, the 630 has an even broader frequency response 10 hz - 130khz as opposed to 10-100khz. Better signal-noise ratio: 100 db as opposed to 95 db;s. Anyway--either HK is great and both have plenty of power for your speakers. Plus, you have great sounding speakers---just make sure they are well-balanced and you have or get the GR center channel. That is necessary for this set up--when the center is setup horizontally on the tv or above it it snaps everything into focus. It allows the sound to be great not only on-axis (which is normal), but because the way the speakers in the center channel are configured it fills in all the holes in off-axis listening--making the GR's a great speaker system for music and movies. Anyway--I'd get the cheaper and newer 630. But you will have great performance with either HK. |
New member Username: JwbPost Number: 7 Registered: 12-2003 | Gman Thanks for your advice. I do enjoy listerning to DVD audio but my DVD player is not equiped with i-link. I will upgrade my DVD player in future. Is the i-link really that much of an improvement? And yes I really do love the sound of the monitor audio's. |
New member Username: JasonPost Number: 5 Registered: 12-2003 | WEll I have read this entire thread. I have pretty much decided on Marantz. But is the 6300 worth the few extra dollars? I am not sure where all you guys find your 'deals' on line, but I found the 6300 for $599.00, but haven't been able to find a 5300 any less than $559.00. This will be my first H/T receiver ever purchased so any likght than can be shed would be great. Jason |
New member Username: MichaelslbPost Number: 15 Registered: 12-2003 | Jason, I would definitely say "Yes!", the 6300 is worth the few extra dollars for the added headroom and better power supply. (I have owned both the 5300 and the 6300.) Hope that helps! Michael |
New member Username: JasonPost Number: 6 Registered: 12-2003 | Michael.......Let me ask you this then....I am not sure if you are familiar with Marantz DVD players but I found a deal through an authorized Marantz dealer that has a Brand new in the box SR6300 coupled with a refurbished Marantz DV4300 DVD Player for 699.99 + 49.99 for shipping. Do you of anyone else think this is a good price or not? Jason |
New member Username: MichaelslbPost Number: 18 Registered: 12-2003 | Jason, While I'm not a big fan of the DV4300, that IS a good deal, IMHO. You'd basically be getting the DVD player for about half price. I'm assuming it comes with a warranty. (Is this from ?) Any chance you can get a similar deal with a DV6200, or DV8400? Both are excellent players. Michael |
LeoA Unregistered guest | I'm in the process of getting a HT receiver and a pair of front speakers, my budget is $2500AUD. I will gradually build it up as funds arrive. I've done a bit of homework and listened to NAD, HK, Yamaha and Marantz, but the listening experience is limited as the shops around Sydney does not carry all the brands and I couldn't try a receiver and speaker pairing that I like. For example, I couldn't get a B&W with NAD etc. Anyway, NAD and HK is too expensive but couldn't decide which one to get ie. Yamaha 1400 or Marantz 7300 (7400 is not available in AUS until February). Does anyone know the difference between 7300, 7300OSE and 7400? Sales at the shops I went to couldn't tell or not informative enough. The cheapest is the 7300 (made in Japan, 50th anniversary edition) at 1500AUD (was $2300), RXV1400 is $2000AUD. I'm looking at Mission MS906 for $800AUD or B&W602 for $900AUD. Any suggestion for speakers? I wish I can buy overseas as it's too expensive here. Can't buy through online as most are US based and uses 110v. I don't want to use converter. The price here is ridiculous. thanks in advance |
J Ferguson Unregistered guest | I just purchased the Marantz 5300. I haven't received it yet since it is currently out of stock ($400 I tried out the Kplipsh RB-25's and Paradigm speakers w/ a Marantz reciever. I prefered the Klipsch slightly over the Paradigms. Today I listened to Boston speakers & Mirage OM60B's. I was impressed w/ the Mirage's sound (plus discounted 50% for $300/pr at hifibuys). Unfortunately, I couldn't try them w/ a Marantz reciever. Any words of wisdom on the Mirage OM60B's or the Klipsch RB-25's. Are there better speakers out there in a similiar price range that would work well w/ this receiver?? Thanks for any replies since I am a "newbee"! |
robert s Unregistered guest | Hawk, I can hardly beleive your knowlege and dediction to this thread, its appreciated. I recently gave my sistermy entry level Yamaha (5490 I believe)and was researching a new receiver. Would the Marantz 7300 or 7400 be a good match for my Def Tech ht speakers?. Mains are studio monitor 350's, center c2002, surround bp1.2x, with a prosub 100. I would enjoy your input. |
Unregistered guest | Well I was going to start a new thread but since there are so many people in here that know Marantz maybe someone can help me. I purchased a Marantz SR4300 a month and a half ago and overall am quite happy with it. My Speakers I had from before are Dahlquist PDQ-620's and I just purchased Athena AS-B2's as well as the Athena C1 Center Channel. I notice a lot of people like the musical sound of the Marantz receiver's. I am very happy with the home theater sound but only somewhat happy with the musical sound. I am used to older amp's such as Sansui and Teac unit's from the 70's which put out a good bass thumping sound. I'm wondering why I can't seem to get any hint of deep bass even with bass turned up to +6db and the Speaker size set to large. Right now the receiver is completly amazing for classical or acoustic songs but really lacks for anything like Rap or Metal (I enjoy almost all genre's of music). My previous Amp, a 1976 Sansui AU101 was only 15watt's per channel but could really rock the house. I realize for a HT setup I really need a Subwoofer but it seems only logical that make use of the untapped resource. Anyone have any insight? Doesn't need to be a solution even just a reason why. Thanks! |
Unregistered guest | Hi Hawk, As you are a NAD and Marantz fan you are the right person for my question. I am looking at purchasing a NAD T752 or a Marantz SR7300. The speakers so far a just a pair of Duntech Esquire mains (Morel drivers). Very clear and detailed speakers. Our room is largish, 22ftx15ft with high ceilings. Would you recommend the NAD or the marantz? Thanks for your help on this forum. Geoff |
New member Username: Ade333Post Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Hawk, Thank you greatly for all of your input on the Marantz 5300. Amazing knowledge... I'm about 1 inch away from purchasing one, but would like to know what you think of it in combination with my speakers. I have a relatively new set of Wharfdale MfM-5 speakers. Give me your honest opinion on them if you are familiar with them - don't be afraid to say they are junk if they are ![]() Thanks a lot, Aaron |
New member Username: RockdoctorPost Number: 1 Registered: 01-2004 | Well I have been reading almost every post I can find on AV recievers and speakers, I seem to be drawn to the NAD T742 ( partly because I found one here in Canada for $699.00 CDN) and I love the sound and looks on the demo in the store. I am trying to decide on speakers,, the local shop here sells Klipsch and I can get a great deal on some Synergy class rears, listed as SS1 for $299.00 regular $699.00. And a Klipsch subwoofer KSW10 for $279.00 regular $$479.00. The fronts on sale are Klipsch two way tower Synergy 6. They seem small and their sound is not comparable to the Klipsch Reference fronts I listened to. I am not very knowlegeable in equipment, but I know what sounds good. Should I go with the NAD T742 and try to afford the full Klipsch reference lineup?? Or would the on sale Klipsch Synergy speakers serve me just as well?? Also I have read that the KSW10 does not have a great speaker in it and one should go with the KSW12. I am looking at spending $1500.00 on speakers for the NAD T742, perhaps I should look at Mirage?? I love the horns in the Klipsch or at least the sound they make.. Any help floundering here would be greatly appreciated. My sound room is 16 feet wide by 24 feet long, carpeted with a 36" Sony Wega sitting up front. Thanks Rockdoctor... |
New member Username: ImtooparanoidPost Number: 1 Registered: 01-2004 | Hey Don, not sure what part of Canada you're in but last week I found a NAD T742 in Toronto for $549. I ended up getting the Marantz 5300 instead for $599, which is a pretty good price too. Both receivers have similar sound quality (which is to say great!)but the Marantz benefits from having an extra 40w/channel and is last years model so you can get a good deal on one. Also, try and listen to some Paradigm speakers...amazing sound considering how inexpensive they are. |
New member Username: David_rPost Number: 28 Registered: 12-2003 | Dan: YOu got hosed. You can get a 5300 for under $400 at |
New member Username: ImtooparanoidPost Number: 2 Registered: 01-2004 | Actually, that's $599 Canadian......which works out to like, what, 10 bucks US? |
New member Username: RockdoctorPost Number: 3 Registered: 01-2004 | Hah u guys are funny actually if you use the Cambridge checkout the Marantz comes out to $532.00 CNDN before shipping. Dan you must be too busy listening to music, check out a finacial page... the CDN dollar has risen dramatically, another couple of months and it will be par with US dollar!!!!! |
Dave the Canuck Unregistered guest | MARANTZ 6300 OR 7300 WITH BOSS ACOUSTIMASS 15 SERIES II SPEAKERS -- GOOD OR BAD? Hi Everyone, I am in the process of trying to decide on my first home theatre system, and could use some advice. I have a small living room (14-ft x 11.5-ft) and am considering a Marantz 6300 or 7300 with Boss Acoustimass 15 Series II surround speakers, sub, and centre speaker. The reason I'm leaning toward Boss is because of size. I do not have the room for large speakers. I should note that although I'll be using the system for home theatre, it will also be my primary stereo system. My questions are: Do you think this would make for a good combination? If not, then what small speaker system would you recommend? Also, would the Marantz 6300 be okay in that size of room, or should I go for the 7300? Any other advice of opinions you can offer would be very much appreciated. This is going to cost me some coin and I don't want to make a bad choice. Thanks, Dave |
Anonymous | Hawk, and all you good guys out there how would you rate the HK7000 vs the marantz 7000 , I have bose 601's and the acoustimas 7 speakers , plan on 50/50 music and HT. Your input will help very much |
New member Username: RenaldoPost Number: 1 Registered: 01-2004 | Hawk I just found this thread and was knoked out. Time to upgrade and need some advice. Since the speaker used makes a difference, I need to seek a higher source. I have a pair of JBL Studio Monitor 4412's that I was planning on putting on Ebay. When I was testing them to be certain they worked, I heard why I liked them so much to begin with....seller's remorse. How will these match up with your recomended choices? I can pick up a Marantz SR6300 on Ebay ($549 shipped) but have not heard mentoned at all. How does this compare with the 5300 and 7300? I looked at the NAD T742 and am concerned the 50 watt (8 Ohm)output might not be enough. I don't plan on running more than 5 speakers and maybe a sub later anyway, so the 5.1 issue isn't any big deal. Primarily for casual listening and HT. Thanks in advance |
New member Username: RenaldoPost Number: 2 Registered: 01-2004 | Hawk I just found this thread and was knocked out. Time to upgrade and need some advice. Since the speaker used makes a difference, I need to seek a higher source. I have a pair of JBL Studio Monitor 4412's that I was planning on putting on Ebay. When I was testing them to be certain they worked, I heard why I liked them so much to begin with....seller's remorse. How will these match up with your recomended choices? I can pick up a Marantz SR6300 on Ebay but have not heard mentoned at all. How does this compare with the 5300 and 7300? I looked at the NAD T742 and am concerned the 50 watt (8 Ohm)output might not be enough. I don't plan on running more than 5 speakers and maybe a sub later anyway, so the 5.1 issue isn't any big deal. Primarily for casual listening and HT. Thanks in advance |