New member Username: Jhzr2Post Number: 4 Registered: May-06 | Hi, Im looking at buying the infinity beta 50 series speakers as my first two for my new system. Ill likely be buying a Hsu subwoofer, due to their high regard in musical playback... One of the nice things about the infinity beta series speakers is that they offer center and surround speakers, so that I can go that route in the future if I so desire. My other option that Im considering is the x-ls speakers, bu theyre only 6.26" instead of 8. That said, I can practically buy the 5.1 set for the cost of a pair of beta 50 speakers... though I wont be using an AVR to run them, as I think that Ill prefer a stereo receiver's quality better. I have heard the beta 50s with a lot of different music, and attached to various components, and like the sound, with and without the matched sub. I cat easily hear the x-ls to decide if theyll be good enough... however I already have a stereo system with similar sized speakers (granted this means nothing in terms of quality). As Ill be using it for 80% music, buying the 5.1 right away isnt a priority, and as I said, Ill be using a decent stereo receiver to power them, not an AVR at first... So, all that said, any comments or suggestions??? Thanks!! JMH |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4052 Registered: Mar-05 | > One of the nice things about the infinity beta series speakers is that they offer center and surround speakers, so that I can go that route in the future if I so desire. uh, the exact same thing is true with a great many speakers these days. I heard the Beta 40s at a Circuit City and was not at all impressed esp. from a bang for the buck POV, and this was one of the few CCs with halfway decent listening rooms. Stick to the X-LS, or better yet look into Ascend speakers, the 340SE would probably demolish the Beta 50s. |
New member Username: Jhzr2Post Number: 6 Registered: May-06 | I know a lot of other speakers offer the matching channels... but the x-ls doesnt yet offer floorstanding speakers, nor a center channel yet... I know they are bringing one of each to market, but it certainly isnt available yet. Plus, besides the first few reviews of the x-ls, I havent heard as much good about them as I initially thought. Of course, I read a lot of reviews against the onix reference 1 series, FWIW. My main concern is midrange and bass, and for my know-nothing self, "clarity" in same. It seems fairly easy to set the treble to make the highs clear, but I dont often hear speakers that have the clarity of reproduction in the mid and higher bass ranges... maybe its just hwat Ive listened to though... remember, I dont know a whole lot of anything, except what I have listened to, which isnt a lot, and what I like, which isnt a lot either... One of the reasons I liked the beta 50s, was because they had the dual 8" as well as the 5.25" midrange speaker... Made for what to me seemed like a nice sound, with clarity where i wanted it, yet the ability to make some bass where I wanted it. That said, is it as easy or as straightforward for a 6.25" speaker to do this, like in the 340SE??? I know that acoustics and design have enabled a lot of great new things, but all the same... Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it and am learning a LOT by reading the old posts on this site! JMH |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4055 Registered: Mar-05 | well you can have speakers that are CAPABLE of tremendous bass, but that's going to depend on if your receiver/amp can supply enough high quality current (not just watts) to get it out of them...esp. true with floorstanders. Otherwise it's better to add a powered subwoofer and let it take care of all that power-sucking bass. I have the 340 classics which like all Ascends have luscious mids but limited bass (designed for use with a sub), however the SEs are supposed to go a good 10-15Hz lower. What's your receiver? A lower cost and equal if not better choice for big bass from a floorstander than the Beta 50s: =F2%2E2%20Speakers%20Black,%20Pair |
New member Username: Jhzr2Post Number: 7 Registered: May-06 | Thanks for that link! The beta 50 has a 5.25" midrange in addition to the dual 8" woofers, wont that have a diference compared to those in the link above, which have to depend on 8" and a 1" tweeter. Seems to me that the dual 6.5" speakers in the ascend 340 would be better suited for clarity and detail in the midrange ( with bass augmentation via a subwoofer) than the one above, right? Ugggh, so many options, not enough chanced to hear a lot of them... due to internet sales... Thanks for the help! I auditioned the beta 50s again, and did like their sound... some of the best of the speakers that Ive auditioned, which include b&W and paradigm offerings... More listening to do... Im kind of scared of the x-ls, I like some clarity and it seems that acording to the more recent user reviews comparing to other speakers, the x-ls might not ahve enough of it. Im considering a Yamaha or NAD receiver... the yamaha fits my budget better, and is easier to get, and I do like the supposed 'brightness' of it... but the NAD gets such good reviews. I like my bass muddy, but my midrange and highs clear (though not sharp) and relatively bright. Thanks! JMH |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4062 Registered: Mar-05 | Don't fall into the "bigger is better" SUV-buyers' mentality...lots of the cheapest speakers out there have tons of big drivers and sound like crap. Remember, even if a speaker has good quality drivers and more of them and in bigger sizes, you will need a more muscular amp to run them to their full potential. If you like muddy bass, that's easy...just buy a $130 Dayton 12" subwoofer from and pair with some compact 2-way 2-driver bookshelves. Or even a pair of those Daytons. |
New member Username: Jhzr2Post Number: 8 Registered: May-06 | LOL, nope, I dont fall for that... I drive a diesel Mercedes and a Saab.. So Im for well engineered, efficient, long-lasting products (the MB has 228k on it, gets 30 MPG, and runs like new). So, anyway... I understand what youre saying, but for one thing, the beta 50s sounded good when I have tried them with all sorts of different music... I've heard that Hsu and Onix rocket subs are better foir musical bass.. but the daytonis a steal at that price. Any comments? Im nt afraid to spend money within reason. My thinking overall has been that no matter what you do with speaker volume and whatnot, a 6.5" speaker cant do the job of an 8" speaker, and assuming that theyre driven properly, and of sufficient quality, the 8" speaker should put out bass better... And if it has a midrange speaker and an upper bass speaker, then it should cover all the ranges well... I like what I read on the ascend 340SE... I want muddy bass, but I still want it to be clear and realistic (I guess not too muddy?) And I want detail and good highs without excessive sharpness. My ears are very sensitive to the highs.. What do you think of the ascend 340SE supplimented by an HSU STF 1 or 2 (Id prefer the 8" but it can only do so much, right?) Or the Onix ULF10... which is supposed to be real nice for music too. I have read that the x-ls are a bit too warm, not enough detail, but its hard to get a listen to know if theyll appeal.. if they would, two of them with an x-sub of the ULF10 would be a good price conscious setup, I think... and all the colors would match ![]() But no matter what, an x-ls set w/sub wont match the sound quality of the ascent 340SE with the same sub, right? Thanks for helping a newbie... as you can tell, I dont know much ![]() JMH |
New member Username: Jhzr2Post Number: 9 Registered: May-06 | Well, as an update, after a lot of reading, I think Ill give the ascend/hsu pairing a try. Circuit city no longer carries the beta 50s, and what other offerings they offer dont do much for me. Ive long thought that Ill likely buy a hsu sub for any speakers I buy, as apparently theyre more 'musical' than some others, and well-priced. It helps that the Ascends are reccomended to be paired with the Hsu line. One extra stupid newbie question... If you are listening in stereo, with augmentation from a subwoofer, does it effect the speakers ability to image properly, or provide a good soundstage? An NAD receiver with the ascend 340SE/Hsu STF1 (or maybe VTF 1) should do me good right? Actually like my sound a bit bright... might a yamaha receiver do me well??? Thanks! JMH |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4068 Registered: Mar-05 | NAD with Ascend/Hsu is an excellent combo...Ascends are very neutral though with the new SEs they're supposed to have a touch of warmth too. Instead of a Yamaha, I'd get the new Panasonic xr57 which has just come out, about $328 shipped from --- go to AVS Forum and search for the megathread on its predecessor the xr55. In a month or two when the xr57 becomes available on and the price will probably come down another $50-100. Your choice of sub will depend on movie tastes, musical tastes, size of listening room, and listening habits (how loud you usually listen). Also look at the Mirage S12 sub from which is $400 shipped if they haven't sold out already. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 2710 Registered: Dec-04 | JMH, if your ears are sensitive to highs, don't even consider Yamaha, the Panasonic I have not heard, but Ed should steer you towards a H/K priced online(right, Ed)? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4071 Registered: Mar-05 | ah yes, has dropped its HK 635 price to a staggering $534 for this weekend only. (coupon code from |
New member Username: Jhzr2Post Number: 10 Registered: May-06 | Nuck, Interesting... I guess by sensitive, I dont like (what I know to be) metallic tweeters which tend to be sharp, but I do like having decent treble to help make the sound seemingly more full in the upper ranges (to my inexperienced ears). I know that detail and sharpness/treble arent the same thing, but to my ears, they relate somewhat... I need detailed highs without sharpness. I think ive said what I mean to say correctly ![]() Now, as for receivers, I am really thinking about a stereo receiver, not an AV one. I want good hi-fi performance (and get the most of the sound if I play from my sirius satellite radio or ipod)... Having two-channel input with a sub will do fine for me for movies, at least starting out and into the forseeable future. I liked the sound of the yamaha stuff Ive heard at the local HT shop, as it was 'bright' but not in a way that bothered how I enjoyed the sound.. THat said, Ive heard so many things about NAD, that Id certainly consider an NAD stereo receiver, if for nothing else than that anyone that I tell about an NAD, they tell me I cant go wrong... Of course if it doesnt sound good to my ears, then its not worth buying, but its worth being on any list because of the GREAT following. Ive heard so many good things about the panasonic... that even though its a digital receiver/amp... and Ill likely have a lot of analog inputs to the unit, requiring an A/D and then a D/A conversion (and two instead of one effects quality, right?) instead of just hving an analog amp like most... It seems worth a listen and consideration. Thanks for all the input! JMH |