NAD C320BEE vs. C720BEE


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Username: Jhzr2

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-06

Can anyone comment on the theoretical quality difference of choosing an integrated amp and a seperate tuner, like the C320BEE and an equivaent NAD tuner... and a stereo receiver, like the NAD C720BEE?

Is the difference in quality, flexibility, longevity, etc. just like splitting hairs?

Or is there some difference that should be thuroughy considered?



Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 1322
Registered: May-05
Theoretically, the more things you jam into one box, the more compromises you need to make. If a product does 10 things, how well will it do any one of them when compared to a product that does one thing?

I own the 320BEE and love it for it's price. The 720BEE supposedly is the 320BEE with a tuner and a few other features thrown in. I haven't heard the 720BEE. I'd imagine that the 320BEE and 422 tuner would sound better than the 720BEE, but don't know how much. I don't think it would be a dramatic difference. The tuner section of the 720BEE probably isn't going to be as good as the 422. If the majority of your listening is to the radio and it's a high priority, this may effect your decision. I don't have a tuner and don't miss it at all.

I'm not all that technical savy, but I've herad how having a tuner in the box can effect sound quality. Something about current bleeding through... cross talk... You have me swinging here.

I do however believe that generally speaking, the best products do one thing. How good is the main blade on a Swiss Army knife compared to a regular comparible priced knife? What about the scissors?

In the case of the 320BEE vs the 720BEE, I don't think you can add things to a design without effecting something. The effects may be very minimal, but are probably their none the less. If it's not enough of a compromise to make you reconsider, go ahead and pick one up. If the tuner is a priority and the seperate tuner is far better, you're better off with the 320BEE and 422.

A couple other companies make stereo receivers as well. I don't know if you've looked into Marantz, Harman/Kardon, and Outlaw. I think they're all priced within a few dollars of each other. The H/K is the cheapest. The Outlaw has gotten some rave reviews. I haven't heard any reviews of the 720BEE, but the 320BEE has gotten very consistant great reviews. The model the 720BEE replaced also was very well reviewed

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Username: Asellus

AucklandNew Zealand

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-06
I heard the 720bee and C320 bee recently demoed with the same cd player and speakers, and couldn't tell the difference.

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Username: Pointe


Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-06
My dealer lent me a NAD 370 a couple years ago so I could compare it to my old 705. There's not a lot of difference.

The 'NAD sound' is very pervasive in all of their equipment. My old 705 was a bit more rounded off, where as the more powerful 370 could give some extra definition.

My brother and I then did some blind listening tests. Truthfully, we couldn't tell the difference most of the time. The cables and players we were using to test had a far greater impact on sound quality.

I think at this price point, most lines are much like this. You have to spend a lot more money to hear very tiny incremental improvements.

Save the money, get the cheaper one, but use the dough for interconnects and cabling, if you haven't already got a decent set. If you do, maybe it's worth the extra money.

New member
Username: Pointe


Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-06
I should add: I assume you're not trying to drive really heavy speakers. If you're running speakers that are 6 or 8 ohms, you don't really need the power.

If you have some demanding speakers, you should consider separate amplification.
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