Hey Everyone ... I recently came across an old bottle of this stuff, orange and translucent, however there are only about 14 ml left in the bottle ... I personally have never used the prouct, I believe it was my father's or one of his buddies' ...
I have heard of the legendary SP-3 formula and I was initially excited, thinking that this was the same formula or a comparable offshoot ... Is it !?
Since there is so little left, I probably will use it exclusively when needed ... but when is it needed ? ... When is it any better than 95% Isopropyl Alcohol for the tape head? ... Is it safe for the erase head ? ... I have looked for documentation regarding it's properites and uses, but have come up dry ...
Okay Berny ... thanks for reminding me that I can't read ... I doubt many of us would use a rusty or corroded head(s) to play our tapes, and I have never seen a dull-looking head in my life ... I was under the impression that the polish has cleasing properties, no ? ... Just as you can wash your car with Palmolive and Hot Water and achieve great results, you can also use Turtle Wax Wash (with waxing properties mixed into the wash) and achieve even better results ...
So I guess the question I should be asking is this ... What is the point of polishing a head, if it can simply be cleaned ... does it make a performance difference, or is it simply an aesthetic choice ?
LOL...no harshness intended I wouldn't use any harsh chemicals on the tape heads, though. It has been a while since I used a tape deck, but I remember the warning on the manual of the Technics tape deck I use, never to use harsh chemicals when cleaning the tape heads
LOL ... Thanks Berny, no malignant sarcasm intended ... I just should note that the TEAC bottle says "DIRECTIONS: This fluid is specially formulated to clean and polish the face plate and bright metal parts of your tape recorder." It then goes on to say that it should be initially applied with a soft cloth to remove fingerprints (haha ... who's touching their heads !!?) and soil ... and finally buff with a new, clean cloth ...
... I was just thinking if TEAC made for all bright, metal parts including the face plate ... it must not be too special after all ... haha ... I once heard of a legendary fluid manufactured by TEAC: SP-3 ... it had the properties of filling in the microscopic degradations in the tape heads' outer layer, extending the life of a head well beyond the average human lifespan ...
Well Berny, I'll most probably mothball-it ... and hopefully when I'm 70, I'll still be listening to my Nak ... and thus have some use for it .... Thanks Again Buddy ...