What to replace my Carver Amazing silvers


New member
Username: Mikeh58

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
I have been without speakers for 2 mo.s since my Carvers left me.Can someone recommend a pair of audio speakers to go with my old equip.
Carver pre amp CT-7
Carver amp M-4.0T (375 watts into 8 ohm)
Approx.$1500/$2000.Room is approx 20'x15'
prefer floor standing.To be shipped to Hawaii.
Anyone with experience with av123 products?
This audio stuff has really passed me by!
Thanks in advance,and hope this is enough info.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 2646
Registered: Dec-04
Martin Logan.

New member
Username: Mikeh58

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-06
Thanks Nuck,
Those might be a bit pricey for me.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 2652
Registered: Dec-04
Ok, Mike, but Carver is pretty well up there.

A pair of MMG's for trials?
They are like 6bills.

And a REL sub, 1K.

Gold Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 2653
Registered: Dec-04
Gavin might stop by with some ideas.
Please, please do not disgrace the Carver with some POS.
I'm beggin' ya man.

Gold Member
Username: Gavincumm

New York USA

Post Number: 1154
Registered: Feb-05
I agree...

You can pick up a pair of MartinLogan Mosaics for around $2000. They sound like a maggie with nuts in the bass. They use B-G neo series planar drivers for mids and highs.

If you are lucky, you can also score some Aeon i's for around 2000 as they were discontinued.

IMHO, I would try to find a dealer with Mosaics.

Also, give Russ a call at Just Real Music. He has given me advice when I was in a pinch. He also builds custom electrostatic speakers, with both flat and curved panels. They are priced at roughly half what you would find from MartinLogan.


New member
Username: Mikeh58

Post Number: 3
Registered: May-06
Havn't had much time,but wanted to say thanks.
Soon as I get time I'll do some homework

Gold Member
Username: Gavincumm

New York USA

Post Number: 1170
Registered: Feb-05
no problem
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