New member Username: Johnsm78Post Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | While listening to some CDs last night on my NAD T512 dvd-player, I was wondering what kind of improvement I may expect from listening to the same CDs through a NAD cd-player C521 BEE or the more expensive C542? While I'm kinda happy with the sound through the dvd-player, I was asking myself what a decent cd-player could do in terms of improvement. I know both NAD cd-players are well regarded. The receiver I use is a NAD av-receiver T742, and I know for stereo music listening a AV-receiver is not the best way to go, but I presume my NAD is one of the more "musical" av-receivers around. Hence, my question, would using a decent cd player would improve sound quality, knowing that I'm using a av-receiver?? I did a test, using a 8 year old cheap sony cdplayer, I bought for £80 back then, and I didn't notice any real difference in sound quality comparing with my nad dvd player. I'm sure the aformentioned Nad cdp are in a different league than my cheapish sony... I'm confused if spending a good amount on a cdp would give a good improvement instead of using my dvd-player. Front speakers are B&W 602.5s3. Any opinions? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4027 Registered: Mar-05 | yes, the Sony is not comparable at all. I am not real familiar with NAD's DVD players but when I was CDP shopping a few months ago I did hear the c542 and ABed it against a number of other CDPs. Surprisingly I found that I preferred, by a very small margin, the Marantz cc4300 which I ended up buying from for the ridiculous price of $145 shipped. The c542 to my ears has slightly silkier mids but the Marantz had better bass punch and a more lively, dynamic sound that was both detailed and warm. Of course, one's speakers and room acoustics come into play as well. The shop I did this in had them running off a NAD c372 and some Monitor Audio floorstanders. |
Bronze Member Username: Daniel_canadaCanada Post Number: 21 Registered: May-06 | Hi, I have the NAD C521bee CD player. I bought it to replace me DVD player that I was using as a CD player. When I did that my system was powered by a NAD 701 stereo receiver (25wpc). The difference between the DVD and CD player was worth the $450 spent (to me) on the CD player. Not night and day but a definite upgrade. The $750 NAD C542 CD player is a little different and better to my ears, but the $1100 Arcam CD43(don't hold me to the model number, i forget.) was nicer too. And that $3600 Musical Fidelity was nicer too. So if you could not here the difference between the Sony and the NAD dvd player I wonder in it's the receiver, I could here the difference in my receiver. Try different speaker placements, or even different music selections. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 2589 Registered: Dec-04 | Dan said placements, indeed. Room layout, cheap treatments, and a little trying the room would be #1. Your test should hav been better. Who knows, you may even find the sound pretty good, and wait till the Nad comes on sale! |
Silver Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 572 Registered: Nov-05 | I have the C542. It's better than the CC4300, which I also own, by a decent margin and better at cd's than the Denon DVD2900. I use a C162 pre and C272 power amp. I think you should find it a big improvement over the Nad DVD player for RBCD's. It's a good value unit imho. I also use the same speakers btw. |
Bronze Member Username: Daniel_canadaCanada Post Number: 22 Registered: May-06 | Also, with the 521bee vs. my old DVD player. One sure can pick off CDs that a poorly recorded. Kind of ironic I guess. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Daniel_canadaCanada Post Number: 23 Registered: May-06 | Just an add on here. With my NAD 162 pre with it's built in headphone amp and my Grado 125s you can really tell what CDs are poorly made. You can pick out all the errors and hear noises in the backgroung. I have one CD, where signer was hold a page while she sang, lyrics i guess. You can hear her ruffle the paper. LOL. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 3275 Registered: Feb-05 | I concur with MR. I used to own both the C542 and the CC4300 and the C542 is head and shoulders better than the CC4300. That said, the CC4300 represents a very good value on a purely sound to dollars ratio. All of them will sound better than the DVD player with cd's. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bOrlando, FL Post Number: 1360 Registered: Dec-03 | Hi Art, A little off topic, but I have a question for you. In all your travels have you ever heard a Sugden CD21 cdp? |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 2610 Registered: Dec-04 | Sugden is a good product, if a bit pricey, Rick. I am not sure about the exact model, but I heard one with Nad amps a while back. Sounded nice and full, but I didnt have a comparo at the time. Looks nice, too. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 3282 Registered: Feb-05 | Sorry Rick but I haven't. I believe that my favorite store just received one and I may be going up there today. I recently listened to the Sugden A21SE class A integrated and it was remarkable. |
Gold Member Username: Rick_bOrlando, FL Post Number: 1361 Registered: Dec-03 | Thanks Art. I agree with your thoughts on the A21. I found it to be very, very, tubelike. I am very satisfied with my newly acquired Arcam CD192, but never gave Sugden a thought in the selection process. If you give a CD21 a listen, I would very much value your impressions and thoughts on the product. Stay well. Nuck, Thanks for your input as well. Always nice to get other objective views, rather than just trying to validate your personal purchase choices. |
New member Username: Johnsm78Post Number: 2 Registered: May-06 | Thank you guys for all yout input and suggestions. Seems that the NAD cdp are really worth their money. I definitely have to check them out at my dealers place. One question, that also bothers me: Would my av-receiver NAD T742 (5* 50W all channels driven, stereo 2* 60W) would benefit from a dedicated nad cd-player? Or should I also have to upgrade for better stereo-sound my av-receiver to a integrated STEREO-receiver/amp, such as NAD 352/372 or have to use a poweramp C272 and my T742 as a pre-amp? Thanx again. John |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 2637 Registered: Dec-04 | A cd player such as the Nad 542 will always, repeat, always sound best. See also Rega Apollo, Rotel1072(not really, but I have one), and many others. You will not go wrong with the Nad. On a budget, the Marantz 4300. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4039 Registered: Mar-05 | This is not a popular choice on this particular board, but another CDP you could consider is the Onix xcd-88 which is identical to the Music Hall CD25. As always, with Internet-direct gear you get 30 days to listen in your home and/or take to local shops, and you're out maybe $20 in return shipping if you decide against it, which I consider a very reasonable monthlong audition fee. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 4040 Registered: Mar-05 | oops, that link was to the newest xcd-99 model, don't think they have any 88s left. |
Bronze Member Username: BvgArvada, CO Post Number: 11 Registered: May-06 | We have the NAD T572 DVD changer, and it easily outperforms our older Technics CD changer, a Sony DVD player, and the Yamaha C750 DVD changer for audio quality. I would expect that a dedicated NAD CD player would be a step above ours, but probably not that big a step. The T571 DVD changer had even better audio DAC's on board than ours does, so the models under comparison matter. I see no reason why a CD player would necessarily be better than a DVD player if the price points were similar. You might need to throw the DVD player a bone budget-wise to cover the video side. It depends on how much video performance you're expecting. In our case, we were explicitly looking for a DVD player that was focused on audio for our "second" TV room. Video performance was secondary for this unit, as we're driving a 30" HDTV with it. 480p looks pretty dang good. The step to 720p or 1080i is not that noticeable on a smaller screen. |
Silver Member Username: Uback007Post Number: 108 Registered: Mar-06 | what do you all think of the Cambridge Audio 640c v.1 player? |
Silver Member Username: Uback007Post Number: 111 Registered: Mar-06 | anyone? |