Considering how quick NAD updates their A/V receiver line and the fact that I will listen to music 75% and watching films 25% and the fact that I really want to try and save some money in this purchase, is a 761 or 762 NAD A/V reciever a good bet. (I already asked Hawk about the 762 and he said for $700 it was great deal) I can get a 761 for even less. Other than slight wattage increases with each new model, (keep in mind here that I was originally considering the 743 at 50 watts, so I'm sure the 100 watts of 762 and 80 of the 761 would be more than enough) Any suggestions?
give me the money to buy it and we'll talk! BTW, I auditioned the lovely Rotel 1062 and 1070 combo and really liked it. However, it was $1400..a bit out of my league.