New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi all, I am new here and I'd like some advice on speakers. I have been reviewing topics and budget speakers and I am slightly confused. I'd probably describe myself as someone appreciates quality but usually can't afford it. My idea of a 'score' for good speakers, is a pair of refurbished Klipsch Promedia 2.1s that I got for $100.00 at Klispch three years ago. My setup is this: a 12'x18' living room, 30" Samsung HDTV and an XBOX with most of my CDs ripped to 224 - 320 VBR mp3s. Since I do not have a 'formal' stereo setup anymore (just a Bose Wave Radio in the kitchen for my wife), I'd like to build a budget ($300.00-$500.00 total) stereo system. I will probably try to pick up a cheap (~$150.00) surround sound receiver (I'd like to have the option for the future) and a set of speakers. But I can't really do surround sound setup right now, because I have a nine-month old son. So I think I am looking primarily for a set of stereo speakers. But I am unsure if I should get bookshelves with stands or floorstanding. Dunno which will sound 'better' for the money. I have no real affinity to any brand name, so I am pretty open to any name that is a good value-- reasonable price and good sound (vs. run-in-the-mill speakers eg. Sony, Kenwood, Technics, etc, etc...) I have heard names mentioned such as Fluance HTD, Streem, Paradigm. Knowing my concerns and budget what would you all recommend? Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 979 Registered: Feb-05 | can you give me a little more information about the room, such as type of flooring and furniture? also, what type of music do you like? |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 980 Registered: Feb-05 | since you buy rebuilt gear, would you consider buying rebuilt again, or used gear? you can usually (as you know) get used gear for a much much lower cost than new. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 3858 Registered: Mar-05 | michael, this is what I'd get with your budget: ber&b=Pioneer+Elite_EX-500 (eBay the DVD player if you already have one) Onix XL-S speakers, $200/pair from Dayton 10" or 12" sub, $100-145 from if you can go a tiny bit over budget; if not those Onix speakers are said to pack very decent bass. Another possibility for the speakers would be the Athena AS-B1.2s for $120/pair from Floorstanders in this price range are going to sound like crap. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 981 Registered: Feb-05 | the XL-S speakers are said to be great speakers for their price, going way above and beyond what you would expect. thanks eddie, I forgot about those |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 982 Registered: Feb-05 | will sound way better than the BLOSE :-) I used to have one, now I have a cambridge soundworks 730, it also blows away the Blose Wave Radio |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1201 Registered: May-05 | Impossible Gavin. The ads say that it'll sound better than huge expensive systems, guaranteed. If they say it, it HAS to be true. I think you need your hearing checked. Then again, why is Michael buying a 2 channel stereo system when the Wave Radio is supposed to be so much better? |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1202 Registered: May-05 | Please pardon the sarcasm Michael. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 992 Registered: Feb-05 | you will see that we despise Bose around here. |
New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-06 | Hmmm. Thanks for the replies. I like to number things, it helps me organize my thoughts... 1) I own a Samsung Upconverting DVD player 2) I am really looking for just a discrete receiver and a pair of speakers. 3) Ideally, I'd like to hookup the 2.1s to my receiver, but that's a no-can-do according to Klipsch. 4) I've had the Bose Wave Radio hooked up to my TV before for music and movies. Generally, I found them bottom-heavy. Very muddy mids and ok bass, no highs at all. Listening to music was far and away better on my 2.1s from Klipsch. Movies were awful, dialog mostly lost amid soundtrack and effects. 5) I understand that many audio enthusiasts do not like Bose, but I do have personal relationship with one of the founders, so please keep Bose criticisms to the technical issues. The radio was housewarming gift from said person. 6) I like rebuilt gear. I don't mind used gear, but I like it real clean. 7) Furniture: carpeting, marble and teak coffee table, two leather sofas... Any ideas? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 3859 Registered: Mar-05 | > 2) I am really looking for just a discrete receiver and a pair of speakers. Regardless, with your $500 total budget limit I would strongly recommend a digital switching receiver like the Pioneer Elite I linked to---my bet is that it will easily demolish any $150-300 analog receiver out there. Just eBay the dvd player that it comes with, if you don't need the SACD and DVD-A playback it offers which I don't think your Samsung has, this will put an extra $50 or so back in your pocket which you can spend on the speakers and subwoofer. Normally I'd recommend the Panasonic sa-xr55 digital switching receiver but most places are sold out of it right now, pending release of the xr57 in the next month or two. |
New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 5 Registered: Apr-06 | Oh, the DVD is separate, they are not integrated together? Okay, any other suggestions. |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 3862 Registered: Mar-05 | oh so you're looking for a one-box integrated dvd/receiver? Are you sure? Not much decent at your price range...might as well buy an HTIB then. |
New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 6 Registered: Apr-06 | Oh no, that's what I thought the Pioneer was. I checked the pic again. and noticed they were separate units. What is a digital switching receiver? |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 3864 Registered: Mar-05 | These links are focused on the Panasonic digitals which use similar technology as the Pioneer Elite: And TI's original news release on it from 3 years ago: |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 3865 Registered: Mar-05 | Another good link, less techno-geekish: |
New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 7 Registered: Apr-06 | Sweet! |
Gold Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 1001 Registered: Feb-05 | eddie is quite knowledgable, even though I bust on him from time to time. |
Gold Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 1002 Registered: Feb-05 | HOLY COW... I made |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 2225 Registered: Dec-04 | Your Mom will be soooo proud, Gavin. hehe. |
Gold Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 1005 Registered: Feb-05 | um... |
Bronze Member Username: BasicaudioChula vista, Ca US Post Number: 66 Registered: Mar-06 | Did I hear bose again? if you want to blow your nose with the hose! bose wave radio, you gotta be kidding me? that's like listening to sound design, philco or kraco in the 70's and 80's! it's as horrible as emerson! this is a high end forum or at least hi fi! RCA linaeum speakers when they teamed up with optimus manufacturing the linaeum based drivers is far better than bose, and RCA linaeum and even the optimus linaeums were much cheaper than bose but far superior driver components at budget price. I respect any manufacturer, popular or not what tries to actually help the consumer budgetwise and sound wise. Something i hardly read on these threads are information on manufacturers who make quality products at bugetary price and it ain't BOSE OR THEATER RESEARCH, those are the scams of the century. I personally wouldn't buy anything bose. I think bose would be respectable if they charged $150/pr for their new 901's, $100 for the 701's etc. and if you can get the wave radio at cracker jack boxes. the lifestyle and acoustimass systems for $50..then even the justified critics here wouldn't be so outraged. The cheap materials used to assemble bose is the issue why so many audiophiles trash bose and justifiably so! Why are you spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on recycled artificial wood/board particles? I think when they were designing and testing bose products, they paid MEDICAL RESEARCHERS FOR THE DEAF to conduct a series of test marketing to PAID patients wearing NOISE cancelling headphones to make an evaluation in a noise free insulated environment. |
New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 8 Registered: Apr-06 | Whoa there, Jim... Relax. Man, I can appreciate and I do understand why people think Bose is not a good value. I agree with this. But, as it happens, one of the founders of Bose is a close, close friend of my family. I'd like technical comments (and criticisms) about Bose, not rants in general. I mentioned this before. As a matter of fact, we received the Bose Wave Radio from said 'uncle and aunt' as a housewarming gift. If I had to purchase a product like that, I'd probably purchase something from CSW, KLH or Tivoli. That being said, it was truly a hyperbole to compare a Bose Wave Radio to Kraco, Emerson or Philco. Look at it this way, being an audiophile or any '-phile' involves a lot of research, fervor and urgency to learn the truth and then bring it to the masses. But people have different reasons for buying Bose. It's a easily idenitified brand-name, the speakers are attractive and unobtrusive. Professionals use their products. Their speakers usually do sound nicer than a lot of budget options available at big box stores. And that's good enough for many people. So what's the big deal? If Kraco, Philco, Emerson and Sound Design are really no different in sound quality; why have none of those formerly great (well, at Philco and Emerson) companies, pull a Marantz and be known for quality products and sound? Or just amp up their marketing and become the next Bose? Anyways, I did pickup a pair of Athena Technologies AS-B2.2s...! |
Bronze Member Username: BasicaudioChula vista, Ca US Post Number: 67 Registered: Mar-06 | chief wiggum! you are right mostly! I was just kidding and criticizing, no offense intended for any threadster. It's just a lot of us audiophiles are always joking around in this forum. It spices up things. We can talk about decibels, spl's or sound pressure levels, room acoustics, tweaking, timbering etc. Bose is such a FUN target. I know that bose sounds better than sound design or theater research( are real scam but to some it's ok), but i criticize bose based on my personal ownership in the past. I did own the bose 901's series V(two pairs/makes me a hypocrite or hippo in a crate (-![]() Anyway, the kraco, philco, emerson and sound design usage is mostly for humor. Until i owned OHM'S, and planar designs, i thought bose was all that in the 80's, but it isn't to my ears. For the price of new bose 901's, you can go to audiogon and get used audiophile dynamic, planar and electrostats. For the price of the acoustimass and lifestyle going up to $4000 a system, that's insane???? you can get mirage, orbs, ohm, decware, satellites, anthony gallos, kleggs, axiom systems,boston, and lower level b&w for that and others. You can get affordable artcoustic picture frame speakers for that amount. That's the point, the price and materials used for components! With the many technological advancement in driver designs such as tweeters like ess heil, elac, transmission audio ribbons, DDD bending wave from german physiks, or walsh coherent line source design or anything line source, or duevel's design, and so many others, the least bose could have done was invest on better drivers and crossovers instead of the cheap outdated paper tweeters/woofers or 4 inchers used in the 901's! Especially if you are going charge so much money like the $4000 lifestyle system. You can get maggies and host of other fine line! No offense intended. So there's my 2 cent technical data. There are a few experts here regarding audio electronics, mr. vigne is one of them. I was a former owner of the better bose products in the past, so i think i have a say so too good or bad! |
New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 9 Registered: Apr-06 | Oh yah, no prob Jim. It's just in a way, it's weird they can get above-average sound out of what seems to be sub-par components. 'Better Sound Through Research', indeed. I don't mind even the bashing as long as it about product and the internals... |
Gold Member Username: Edster922Abubala, Ababala The Occupation Post Number: 3894 Registered: Mar-05 | Chief, so how do you like your B2.2s? |
New member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 10 Registered: Apr-06 | I am hoping they will shipped soon...! |
Bronze Member Username: LoceLilburn, GA Post Number: 37 Registered: Jul-05 | To the orginal poster, Michael. I would try buying some older speakers. Many audio stores have used gear that you can audition. And if you are not sinking too much into them, you can always sell them down the road close to what you paid. There are plenty of nice-sounding vintage speakers. |
Bronze Member Username: BasicaudioChula vista, Ca US Post Number: 78 Registered: Mar-06 | ebay, ubid or just build your own at partsexpress, speakerlab or heathkit. For budget high end, go to audiogon. I would get vintage 80's,90's designs and or rebuilt 70's to 90's! Lots of audiophiles who upgrade or relocating selling great stuff for budget price. If you want good sound, you're wasting your money on mid grade general consumer loudspeakers at circuit city, bestbuy, fred meyers, radio shack and the rest. I see DBX soundfield of the 80's and 90's that cost in the thousands in good condition at a few hundred dollars, same with ess and maggies. Although there are lots of excellent new designs in high end, NEWER doesn't mean better. These days, you're spending a lof of money on cosmetics, marketing and plain simple HYPE! |
Bronze Member Username: Radio1_mikePost Number: 14 Registered: Apr-06 | Most of the speakers I was considering were recommended speakers such as: Onix XLS, Athena ASB1.2/2.2 and the Axiom M3ti... Building sound interesting, but my soldering skills leave much to be desired. Vintage or rebuilt, I'd personally shy away from, unless I knew someone. The ASB2.2s are coming tomorrow! |