RCA RD 2825a Lyra Jukebox


New member
Username: Samemee

Mt pleasant, Mi Usa

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-06
I have rd2825a which does not hold power for more than 20 minutes. Can anyone suggest solution? I openned it and I am trying to change the battery and cannot find the battery, even RCA does not have. Please help.

New member
Username: Madlives

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-06
I also have same player same problem, after alot of research here is your only chance. Try calling 18664497112(LYRA help Desk), they know this problem exists, I spent 1.5 hrs on the phone with them discussing it. They will refer you to another number 18664657157 which is LYRA customer relations department, this is your only chance of getting your problem fixed because you cannot replace the battery and according to them they do not make them any longer even if you could. They assign it a case number and they are suppose to call you back in 3-5 days. There is a buy back option they have if they can no longer fix the problem, if they use that option or not I do not yet know. Hopefully this helps. This is not a automated system you actually can talk to a human...
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