Phono Forum

  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Managed Compliance ServiceAnchor Consultants1
Replacing Drive Belt Zenith LR929P Console StereoJohn Smith17
Soud problem with Sony PS-lx5Jean Bollaert1
Philips GA222 - replaced power switch and platter spins at warp speedBJ Dee1
Vintage Thorn 425 // Auto Play IssueMason Bennett1
Pioneed PL-12D Humming/possible grounding issueAmedeo Felix1
Turntable sounds low even with pre-amp.dan.olive8
Bush Audio MTT2 missing stylusJan Vigne2
Haven't used TT in a while. What should I do?Jan Vigne16
Turntable playing too fastJan Vigne2
Dual 505-2 hum in one channelJan Vigne2
Denver Record Player vpl-120 sound in backroud when playing a recordJan Vigne4
Audio Technica Turntable problemsSteve3
Connecting 80's/90's-era turntables to 70's-era receiversJan Vigne2
Marantz & turntable connectionJan Vigne3
Project Debut iii HelpJan Vigne2
Tone arm skates across when playing LP'sJan Vigne2
Cartridge / amp matchingJan Vigne2
Sony PS-LX35PJan Vigne3
What ia a pot?Jan Vigne3
Pioneer PL-990 turntable automatic arm problemEmma5
Sony Dual 1211 automatic/manual turntableBrian5
Technics SL-J2 Cueing ProblemJan Vigne4
I really don't know what to say ...Jan Vigne1
Turntable Sound IssueAdina Hirschmann27
Identifying MM from MC turntable?Jan Vigne5
Sony TurntableJC3
Sounds like too much input from new stylusJan Vigne4
Bought a new system. Volume is low...Jan Vigne2
BUSH MTT1 Arm ProblemJan Vigne2
Yamaha P-26 TurnTable very NOISYJan Vigne2
Cartridge upgrade results in low hum and no playbackleo stierer18
Needle skates across record at end of playingJan Vigne4
Advice for a newbie....toss and buy new or fix?Jan Vigne3
Dual 621 spinning out of controlsaqwerty3
Value of phono preamp Jan Vigne2
Technics 1200 repeatingJan Vigne2
Capehart Record PlayerAlliebowl1
Technics SL 235 Killersack5
Project III Debut Help?Jan Vigne7
Kenwood turntableJan Vigne2
Advice on Cartridges, Pleasederek wunsch2
What ever happened to Lirpa? Jan Vigne1
Possible DIY buildJan Vigne12
EDS 10M Turntablefolkie131
Rega Planar 3 turntable wow and flutterJan Vigne2
Rhythmic thumping sound when playing any recordleo stierer8
DUAL 505-3 HUMJan Vigne6
Sl-L25 power supply issueChinmoy Debnath1
DUAL CS505-3 Antiskating SettingHoward3
Noise on a brand new Pro-ject Debut IIIAlistair G.21
Update from the newbieOrnello31
Weakest linkOrnello83
Thorens TD-125 Mk IIOrnello28
Turntable for a Young NewbieOrnello38
Static? - Record spotlessOrnello7
Vector Research VT-200 turning too fastAmber3
Technics SL-D212Jan Vigne6
Rega TT, earthing and channel imbalanceJan Vigne11
Which one to use?Jan Vigne2
Technics SL-23 problems...........tommy bee5
Receiver for turntableAaron6
Pioneer turn table way too fastleo stierer32
First primer on turntablesArt3
Belt on LAB-1200 turntableJan Vigne2
Sony PS-LX300USB USB Turntable - Speaker SuggestionJan Vigne29
Turntable/arm/cartridge - GlassWolf5
HELP turntable newbie, project genie setupGlassWolf3
Basic Turntable Setup Purchasing QuestionsGlassWolf4
Wanting a reciever to play my phonograph but have a few questions.Chris7
Marantz 6270Q Problemimmyfan5
Empire turntableJan Vigne2
Fs jolida jd9 se3 phono stageJan Vigne2
Turntable amp problemderek1
Stu Pitt - Help Phono stage seeting to MC or MM??Jan Vigne4
Dual 505-2 hummingshaun41
Cartridge querythom.locke3
Tonearm not lowering correctlynornironpete7
Turntable speedJan Vigne4
Pioneer PL-990 Autoplay Arm Problemerdem3
Phono Connections from Turntable to Monitor SpeakersJan Vigne2
Luxman Pd 441 Speed AdjustmentBart K5
Connecting turntable to speakersJohn1
Needle/Sound Pick up problem? Sony HP-310 model..Jan Vigne2
Possible issue with built-in pre-amp?Rebecca3
Rotel RP-900Jan Vigne2
Returning to Vinyls, Ignorant on Turntables...Any help pls ...Themis1
Help PleaseJan Vigne4
Turntable Advice WantedJan Vigne6
Pro-Ject Debut III SB - vibration in tone armJan Vigne15
Phono Preamp?Jan Vigne2
Turntable Help superjazzyJa7
Old Sony Turntables -- Worth fixing?Jan Vigne2
Sony PS-LX300USB has built in pre-amp?????Nicholas3
Record Player - Thorn 425 Solid State Radio issuesJan Vigne4
Added headphone jack, but speakers/headphones hummMr.1
Turntable arm is stickingJohnMac3
Technics turntable sound trouble- complete newbie to this!Anne4
Poor audio quality, skipping records. Damaged needle?Colin4
Linn Axis - a good choice?Jan Vigne11
Dual Turntable... Help.leo stierer13
Just a long Shot... Digital Convert to Analogue via phonosuperjazzyJa10
Used turntable, Technics DC Servo, No clue what I am doingsuperjazzyJa112
Dual 1273Nuck5
Seeking recommendation for TT purchaseStu Pitt15
Bit rate for ADC on usb turntable.superjazzyJa9
New Turntable out of New ZelandsuperjazzyJa2
Fixing a broken counterweight spindle on a Dual CS522nysteve1081
Turntable Jan Vigne2
Parts for a Gemini PT-2400?Jan Vigne2
My 1959 Telefunken Console Record Players Plays too fastPlymouth7
Classic ThorensDan L.1
Best MM phono under $500Sergio9
Dust cover helpJan Vigne2
LP to digitalArt52
Dual 505-2Jan Vigne2
Timsen ElectronicsDJ1
Turntable hum from RCA cables.Tim4
Turntable malfunctionNuck5
Questions about my turntableCharles Waite8
Need affordable turntable setupJan Vigne4
The Rolling Stones 2010 Vinyl Re-issuesChristopher Molloy1
Technics sl-1200 Problem Platter wont turn?psknak1
Turtable to a receiver... but no soundgadgetgirl791
Very low volume from my receiver on phono settingleo stierer5
Pro-ject debut iii lost a channel after installing new cartridge Dorian Bingham1
Clearaudio ConceptArt34
A&R P77 Cartridgejplouw1
SONY PS-LX250H turntable will not turn onjennifer22
Vintage turntables?Jan Vigne5
Turntable --> 10 feet of RCA cable --> phono stageJan Vigne5
Upgrading the Music Hall MMF-2.2Stu Pitt17
Broken needle on my Technics SL-Q2leo stierer2
Old phonograph/radio desk, no sound, tubes and the works Jordan Powell1
Sanyo TP-1020 rumble sound in speakersCurly13
Gemini TT02 turntable running slow and distorted.Jan Vigne2
Record cleanerArt10
Stu Pitt...I'm calling you out!Art4
LP skippingMartin4
Denon DP 59-L Turntable repair help neededStu Pitt8
Extra phono preamp worth the cost?Jan Vigne83
A man and his record collectionShayne8
2 Questions cleaning and mono albumsDan L.41
Technics SL-1650DJRERO4
Technics SL-Q2 turntableDJRERO3
Technics sl 210DJRERO3
Archive through February 27, 2010Art726
Archive through December 02, 2008Frank Abela961
Archive through December 31, 2007Michael Wodek981
Archive through May 31, 2007Jan Vigne768
Archive through October 19, 2006under_a_rock699
Archive through March 04, 2006Jonny Kermode552
Archive through October 31, 2005Frank Abela666
Archive through June 06, 2005Jan Vigne523
Archive through December 29, 2004J. Vigne420

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