"Headphones Only" System - Considering Amp Upgrade


Mike M.
Unregistered guest
I have Grado SR125 headphones, a NAD C521BEE CD player, and a TEAC A-H300 integrated amplifier. Considering the fact that I listen to music exclusively through headphones, would I notice much improvement in sound quality by stepping up to a NAD C320BEE amp? I'm happy with the sound I get right now; but I have a few hundred bucks burning a hole in my pocket. Maybe I'd do better to get some really high-end headphones, or a headphone amp. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Username: Doctor_t

Post Number: 6
Registered: May-04
If this is truly a headphones only system, I would strongly recommend a good headphone amp. There are lots of sites and forums dedicated to headphones, the gist is full blown amps do not use similar quality components in the headphones circuit as a dedicated amp. Look at one of the headroom amps for example.
I have a Sennheiser HD580 in addition to my Grados, and its soooo much better than the other Sennsheisers like the 590 or the new 595 (in my opinion.) I daresay I like it even better than my Grados. At around $150 new its one of the other bargains in audio besides the Grados.
Good Luck.

J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Grado builds a headphone amp for their own (and others) headphones, The quality through most of these amps is far superior to a headphone amp in most reciever/integrated amps which are usual simple (cheap) op amp designs. If you're really serious take a look at some of the battery powered headphone amps.

Mike M.
Unregistered guest
Thanks, guys!


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Username: Destro713

Chicago, IL U.S.A.

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-04
I say upgrade/crossgrade your cans. Grados are incredible at what they do, but they're not very versatile. If you're looking to try a warmer, smoother sound, both the Beyer DT440's and the AKG K240S's are pretty widely recommended.

I was lucky enough to get a pair of DT 531's before they were discontinued. Lately on Head-Fi, some have admitted to preferring them over the Senn 650's.

Silver Member
Username: Edison

Glendale, CA US

Post Number: 389
Registered: Dec-03
If you get a grado or creek headphone amp, you will notice an improvement, in which case, you probably would want to upgrade your source - the CD player.

You might want to get a tube one if you really are serious about enjoying music.

It's worth it I think.

Check www.audiogon.com for good deals on used gears including headphone amps.

Daniel G.
Unregistered guest
I would definatly recomend a high-quality amp to anyone willing to spend over $200 on a system. In my experience, it is usually better to go with a cheaper pair of headphones and a good amp than simply buying the most expensive pair of headphones you can buy. For example, I would buy the Grado SR 125s and a decent amp (actually I did do this), before I would buy the 325s to listen to without an amp.

Depending on the type of music you want to listen to with the Grados an amp is mandatory anyway. Grados prestige series are essentially rock and roll headphones, and that is in no way criticizm. If I am listening to Vanhalen, Hendrix, etc. I can think of no better choice then the Grados. The mids are clear full and amazing, the highs are articulate but not glarring or overly bright, and the bass is tight, controlled and articulate, if somewhat subdued. To get the fuller, warmer, sound, which is needed for opera, classical, etc. an amp is an absolute must. Infact, depeding on what kind of music you listen to, it may make sence to buy an entirely new pair of headphones. For classical music, I like my DT 250-80s, there are better out there, but I see no reason to go out and spend money when I have a pair of perfectly good sealed cans that are lying around from my days doing tech theater, especially when my Grados are fine for the type of music I listen to most often.

At any rate the answer to your question will depend on what kind of music you listen to, and where you listen to it. If you listen to a wide variaty of music, It may be best to get a seccond pair of headphones, as was suggested above, if you are a punk/rock/alternatve guy, then by all means, buy the new amp.

If you are willing to spend more, get a Benchmark DAC1. It seems getting used a lot for professional headphone monitoring.

Unregistered guest
Sennheiser HD580 with the Musical Fidelity x-cans works great for me - especially with the x-psu enhanced power supply instead of the default wall wart.

Bronze Member
Username: Frank_abela

Berkshire UK

Post Number: 38
Registered: Sep-04

The SR125 is a very nice headphone indeed with reasonably good bandwidth which you are not taking advantage of becasue of the rather basic resolution available from your current configuration. I believe you would be far better served with a separate standalone headphone amp. A good inexpensive one (here in the UK at least) is the Project Head Box which allows you to run two sets of headphones independantly (i.e separate volume pots for each). This is a very musical head amp indeed for about $200. Also, if you can bring yourself to attach the headphone amp directly to the CD player, you will get far better results.

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