Hawk!! How the hell are you, haven't seen you here in ages, I was looking into a new CD Player a litte while back and hoped to get your opinion .. unbridled, as for the cambridge 840 I haven't seen anything on this receiver but in my search for a CD Player there were quite a few users reporting quality control issues with the Azur 640C v2.0(also one of Cambridge's new line products), made me cross that one off the list, not sure if it would relate to the Azur 840 but I would do some more research before jumping on one..
Wow, no kidding, I knew there were issues with the 640c vol 1. I had figured they had worked out those issues with the vol 2, I suppose not. I have also read about some users noting the rega apollo having some quirks about it that rega is looking to work out. I am a nad man at this point and am eagerly awaiting the replacement to the c542 cdp, the masters series is impressive..