There are too many options to provide an answer with the information you've provided. You are usually trying to place the source of the low frequency information in a location where the room best supports the low frequency information. There are plenty of web sites that will clearly explain the procedure for placing the sub to get the best results in any size or shape room. Just put "subwoofer placement" in a search engine. Read a few suggestions and pick which might suit your situation the best. Try several, since bass response in a room is fairly predictable and various locations will provide different results.
As sound energy drops while radiating, the ear strongly discriminates against the lower frequencies. Think of a subwoofer as a radar antenna that is omnidirectional. You could get more gain in a particular area if the radiated sound was unidirectional. By placing in corner, the sound is radiated unidirectionally towards the room. This will offer the greatest output levels and optimum low frequency extension.
And a corner placement will possibly excite the most room problems other than if you placed the subwoofer dead center in the room which will always get more room nodes and dips and peaks going than any other location. Read the articles and you will find the information.
Corner loading is not always the best placement for a sub by any means. Of course you dont place it in the center. Sub placement is quite the challenge and you really need at the bare minimum a 50 dollar SPL meter and a frequency sweep disc to plot null/voids and peaks. Although this sounds complicated, it really isnt.
Its just that if you dont know about these then you could be loosing audio bass info badly at certain frequencies missing out on a much better (flatter) response.
There is a white paper on sub placement at I believe you will find it most informative.
A quick and dirty way to locate a sub is to actually put the sub in the listening position ( where you would sit), play the bass channel test tone through your receiver if you have one, and take your trusty SPL meter around the room. The place wehere the SPL level ( Decibel reading ) is the highest is about 90% of the time the best spot. This is truely quick and dirty.
As he says ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ or if you don't have a meter just clap your hands while moving around the room to find the louder areas (nodes). Make sure no-one catches you though. ;-)