New member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Hello folks. First time to post on this forum. I recently purchased a Arcam AVP-700 pre-processor. I also have Sony NS999ES and Sherwood SD-860 DVDP's. I use these for multi-channel music and SACD/DVDA, but neither can match the performance of my Arcam via a digital input for redbook CD's. Therfore, I've decided I need to upgrade to a stand alone CDP that can actually outperform the Arcam, which BTW uses a Wolfson DAC. I was getting into SACD and DVDA's bigtime, but I recently came across a couple of systems with high end CDP's that just smashed even the SACD performance of my system. And, to make a long story short, I now realize I have been selling RB CD's short, and that I need something to do them justice. Dealers in my city only carry run of the mill stuff, so I will basically have to go on recommendations/suggesions from others. I did get to hear Naim's highest end model and it was very impressive indeed, and I once owned the Rega Planet 2000, but got rid of it when I thought I was going strictly with SACD's. From everything I've read so far, the Apollo and CD5i seem to be the leaders in my price range (actually the CD5i is at the very top and is going put a pinch on my budget). Have any of you had a chance to listen to both of these? I've read a response from one person that has so far (Art). And, should I also consider the CD73T in this group (I don't want an upsampler, so the 192 is out)? Or, is the CD-73T going to give me basically the same sound as my 700 with the digital input? So that you have an idea of how one might sound in my system, it consist of Energy Veritas 2.3i, 2.0Ci, Sonance surrounds, SVS 20-39PCi, and the afore mentioned equipment. I listen predominately to rock and jazz, but also country and classical once in awhile. For two channel music I use only my main speakers and like to keep a pure path. I love equipment that will produce a wide and deep soundstage, and I can't get too much detail. Recommendations/comments appreciated. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4027 Registered: Dec-03 | I was hoping to read a response, Jack. Probably you are asking for a very specific comparison, and few people can answer. I have read related comments from Art and Frank A. in the "CD players" section. See thread Which CD to complement Rega Brio. I think that was where I first heard about the Apollo. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1030 Registered: May-05 | Looking for some owners comments, I was poking around the Naim owners forum and saw Jack's thread over there. Keep in mind that it's a Naim owner's forum, and opinions will be a little biased due to obvious reasons. He ended up with a CD5i - I would have liked to see some copmarisons as well because I haven't heard the Apollo, but I did compare the Planet and CD5i. I thought the CD5i was better in a lot of ways, yet the Planet was almost as enjoyable to listen to. I've also heard that the Apollo is far better than the CD5i, so it should be an interesting comparison. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4028 Registered: Dec-03 | Thanks, Stu. Yes, it should be an interesting comparison. Jack: Sorry you got no response here. Now you have the Naim CD5i, "Recommendations/comments appreciated".... |
New member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-06 | Actually I just picked up my CD5i yesterday. I'll get it in my system tomorrow. Once it's burnt in nicely and I've had time to do an honest evaluation I'll let you know my thoughts. Stu Pitt, wish I would have received your comments before I made my decision. Yours was the first to recommend the Apollo. However, most of the replies I received (not all) were from the Naim forum, so I guess this is to be expected. We'll see. BTW, it's a heavy little rascal. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1047 Registered: May-05 | Sorry Jack, that was a typing error. I meant to say I've heard the Apollo was far better than the Planet instead of the CD5i. I'm most likely going to buy a Nait 5i and either an Apollo or CD5i at the end of the summer. When I have the cash in hand I'll spend alot more time with them. I started a thread here - I honestly didn't think CDP's made this much of a difference in the overall sound of a system. Once I heard the CD5i and Planet I started to think the source first crowd may be onto something. After hearing the CD5x directly compared to the others, I've become a source first guy. Their was nothing the others did that the CD5x didn't do significantly better. Even through the Nait their was a huge difference. Regretably, the CD5x will put me way over budget. As I said earlier, I thought the CD5i was better than the Planet in pretty much every way, yet the Planet was almost as enjoyable to listen to. I wouldn't regret the decision if I was you. Naim gear sounds great, built like a tank, and will cost a lot of money to improve on. It's a no frills straight forward player. Instead of making you pay for bells and whistles that you'll most likely never use, all of your money goes to where it matters most. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4038 Registered: Dec-03 | I look forward to you comments, Jack. My observations are on Anyone hear the new rega apollo yet ??? but seem to have stopped the thread in its tracks. I agree with Stu. Naim is quality gear, and your new player will probably last a lifetime. Congratulations! |
New member Username: LokBrisbane, Queensland Australia Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Hi Jack and guys, Just saw your thread asking for some views between the Naim CD5i vs the new Rega Apollo. I understand your situation all too well as any Hi Fi enthusiast based in Australia would, seeing we are quite limited for choice not only at purchase, but also opportunity to demo one brand against another. I'm about to pop out, but will post again shortly on my experience/thoughts on the Naim & Rega. Cheers |
New member Username: LokBrisbane, Queensland Australia Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-06 | Sorry Jack ! DOH, I was in such a hurry that I didn't scroll down far enough to see that you've since purchased the Naim CD5i. Look forward to hearing your thoughts on the CD5i after you've burnt it in. I was initially going to post my views on my listening experience with the Naim CD5x and the Rega Apollo but ran out of time. I tend to agree with Stu's comment about Naim owners forum and their bias. Please don't get me wrong, Naim is excellent well made British kit but I find it interesting that even in Australia, Naim owners stay quite loyal to this brand. I though tend to go for what I perceive to be as natural sounding & minimal colouration and with my eclectic taste in music, it's easy to spot players or equipment biased towards a particular "sound" or "genre" of music style. I was fortunate to demo a Naim CD5x in my home for a week about this time last year. Keep in mind that this player retails in Australia for $3995 whilst the CD5i sells for $2500AUD. My CD player at the time was an Arcam Alpha 9. The Naim had more pronounced bass than my Arcam which I was told was a typical Naim attribute. I didn't mind it as it highlighted the weak point of my Arcam. The thing that I couldn't live with in regards to the Naim was the very upfront presentation ! The soundstage wasn't as wide as my Arcam and all vocals played on it was now very in your face. By that I mean it felt like the singer was just 2 feet in front of my listening position ! I thought it was a mismatch with my main system, so I moved the Naim to my secondary system and the same results. I kept listening to it for the week I had it and it sonically stayed much the same. I even resorted to swapping between the Naim DIN connection and normal RCA, no stark differences. The CD player is well made and certainly made to last and from the weight, a subtantial power supply. I was offered to audition the CD5i, but I chose not to based on this experience and the shop owner commenting on my description of the sound as being "right" and very "Naim". Let's rewind back a few years to when the Rega Planet broke cover. I was invited to listen to demo this player and the consultant was in raptures over it. He put on Diana Krall track and the Rega just "sang". I was almost about to open up my wallet and say take the money ! I then put one of my robert Cray CD's into the Rega Planet and my jaw dropped. Dropped in disbelief that what came out of the Rega was slow, muffled and lost "drive". Now, move forward to yesterday afternoon when I was invited to demo the new Rega Apollo. No guesses on what CD I used, yep that same Robert Cray CD and this time it rocked, cooked and moved me when played through the Apollo. In some respects, the Apollo did things a little better than my Arcam Alpha 9 I'm ashamed to say. Those who have previously nit picked at Arcam kit for being a little bright and could do with a wee bit more bass extension should give the Rega Apollo a demo. Soundstage of the Apollo is nice and 3 dimensional and once it gets warmed up, it really struts it's stuff well. I played Dire Straits to Beatles to Robert Cray to Sarah K to K D Laing. It really drew me in and before you know it, I looked at my watch to see that I had been demo'ing this CD for almost 2 hours. For the asking price of $1500AUD which includes the remote ( the previous Planet sold for $1550 without remote ), Rega has finally made the Apollo what the Planet should have been in my "ears" ! Saturday was suppose to be just a demo session of the Rega Apollo, but I walked out of the shop with my name on the order list ! Now that rarely happens to me ! |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4050 Registered: Dec-03 | Very nice review, Lok. Thanks. Let me confess I bought the Apollo partly out of brand loyalty. I have a Rega Planar 3 turntable. If the Apollo is equal to my Planar 3, it will still be a top CD player, and in production, and never have gone wrong - in 2033. Unlikely, really! And yes, the original Planar 3 was much cheaper than the competition at that time. I have never bought anything that gave such long-term value. A hard act to follow. |
Gold Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 1845 Registered: Dec-04 | Brand loyalty is what every manufacturer strives for, and I bet Rega is very proud of the decision you made, John. Be it a Chevy, a Rega or a Regal crock-pot, quality and support are the factors when parting with hard earned, over taxed pounds. I, myself will reward a fine product and people with repeat business, even at a higher cost. I have had a great deal of support from my dealer in regard to my Rotel amp, this is in regard to the Dealer in this case, not the manufacturer, but I have no fear of a new Rotel dvd47. The Chevy is another matter. The stew is in the 20 yr old Regal for eatin's tonight. |
New member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 3 Registered: Mar-06 | Great reviews Lok, and thanks for them. As you noticed I bought the CD5i and have had in in my system for a couple of days. I'm using Tara Labs Space and Time Phase II IC's between the CD5i and my Arcam AVP-700, and Outlaw IC's from the Arcam to my amp. I mention this because my dealer claims Naim equipment is very sensative to cable selection. Who knows? I turned it on Friday afternoon and left it running so it has about 43 hours on it right now. Naim claims that some of their equipment will take up to a month before it reaches it's musical potential so I'll keep you guys posted. Your description is fairly close to what I've experienced, but I've read the 5X and 5i do not sound alike. In my system it's not nearly as in your face as you described in yours. BTW, what other equipment do you have in your systems? My Energy Veritas' have been described as having a somewhat recessed mid-range, perhaps this make a difference? Also, I have a fairly large room with my speakers setting 2' from the rear wall, 9' between, and 14' to listening position. Although it doesn't get 2' from my face as you experienced, it definately has a forward presentation. The soundstage is kind of hard to describe. It has a strong center stage and imagining is very good. Separation between insruments is superb. The soundstage is quite different from that of my Sony or Arcam (not going to talk about my Sherwood as it's just not in the same league as the others when it comes to music). Both have a very wide soundstage as does the CD5i, but the level of the sound outside of the boundries of the speakers are more subtle with the CD5i. Depth is better with the 5i, but not by much. However, with the 5i I feel as though I'm in the middle of the performance (with some recording) instead of in front of it. Had to check more than once to ensure I had it set in two channel direct vs. surround. The Naim sounds full and robust with a strong mid-range and bass. This player hits hard, no doubt about it. Instruments and vocals sound very real, like they're in the room with you. In contrast, the AVP-700 is much more polite. More detailed, better high end (cymbals just shimmer with the Arcams). As you observed the bass doesn't seem nearly as strong or as extended as the Naim, but to me it seems more articulate. The Arcam has a leaner sound. Which is better? IMO the CD5i is better than my Sony (SACD is close)and the AVP-700 (which was my favorite for redbook playback). However, the Arcam is a processor, so I really have to wonder how the CD192T would have compared. Is it worth the additional $1700? We'll have to see. I still have allot of experimenting to do using different cables, letting it break-in, etc. But, I have to tell you I'm not a big believer in cables making a drastic difference. |
New member Username: LokBrisbane, Queensland Australia Post Number: 3 Registered: Mar-06 | Hi John, Nuck & Jack ! Great to hear your balanced views on this great hobby of ours and needless to say there's a great deal of TRUTH in what all of you have mentioned. I have to admit that I too have at some point been loyal to a particular brand, but not to the degree where it becomes blind faith. Please don't take my next comment the wrong way, but based on my limited experience with "chatting" with many Naim lovers, I seem to get the impression that they will buy the brand without "flinching" as it were. In saying that, the Naim followers in my area are quite few and limited and I sometimes wonder whether many of these people do it for "snob" value because of the "rare" nature of Naim in Australia yet alone in my city. I can only hope it's not like this in the UK where Naim is easier to come by and people there have better sources of unbiased info and choice in regards things "Hi Fi". Having discovered Arcam several years ago, I have to admit that I too have developed a bit of a loyalty thing with the brand. But when it came to considering upgrading from Alpha 9 CD and all the word was singing the praises of the FMJ CD23, I stubbed it because to me it sounded worse than my Alpha 9. Suffice to say I didn't buy it for that reason. It took until the arrival of the FMJ CD33 before I could start hearing an appreciable difference/improvement over my Alpha 9. In regards to Vinyl, I went about it the other way round. I couldn't afford to buy music when I was growing up and by the time I started in the workforce full time, CDs started to appear. I waited to see if it would take off and after 2yrs, I took the punt and bought a CD player and started buying what ever CD version of records I had longed for. My first reasonable turntable was a Dual CS500 series which was enough to maintain some of the LPs that had yet to be released onto CD. It wasn't until 2002 that I felt my LPs deserved something better and I went and upgraded to a Rega P3 in RED ! Along with that upgrade I also jumped from the standard Ortofon cartridges to a GRADO gold prestige. Along the way, I knew I could still squeeze a bit more performance and rewired the RB300 tonearm with the Incognito kit and the improvement was instantly noticable. The next jump was last year when I went and bought the Michell TecnoArm ( modded Rega RB250 ) and fitted a Benz Micro ACE ( high output ) MC cartridge. Talk about bringing out the Rega P3's performance ! This has resulted in me purchasing more vinyl ! I digress, so back to Jack's Naim vs Rega ! Even though I never got around to hearing the Naim CD5i to compare with the CD5x that did listen to, I'm confident with Jack's appraisal of the difference. In saying that, I tend to think that Naim gear are produced to have the BEST synergy when partnered with their own electronics as I have heard complete Naim systems in store with my reference recordings and never heard the same presentation of the music that I experienced that time when I took a CD5x home to demo. Just for a reference point so you have some idea of the "bitsa" Hi Fi system I run, here's the specs - Main Stereo System Jolida JD100H vacuum tube CD player Audio Research LS-15 vacuum tube Pre-amplifier ME Sound's ME850 Power Amplifier Rega P3 Turntable with Michell Tecnoarm & Benz Micro ACE ( high ) MC Cartridge Perreaux SXV1 phono pre-amp Ambience Superslim 1400 Hybrid Ribbon speakers NAD 4225 AM/FM tuner with Godar 14 element aerial Tara Labs RSC Prism 500 speaker cable Tara Labs RCS Prime & Reference GEN II interconnects Van den Hul D102 MkIII interconnects AUDUSA Eupen CSA 2.5 power cables Please feel free to have a look at my pics by clicking the radio button for Hi Fi at - To Jack, I'm sure that the CD5i will warm up nicely once you put some hours on it. Look forward to hearing more about it after it's burnt in some more ! Cheers everyone ! |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4052 Registered: Dec-03 | Really good. Useful and interesting posts. Nice photo and web page, Lok! Thanks, all. |
New member Username: LokBrisbane, Queensland Australia Post Number: 4 Registered: Mar-06 | Took delivery of my Rega Apollo today and currently "burning it in" with me secondary system in my spare room. Sounds very promising even only with 3 hours of use straight out of the box. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1063 Registered: May-05 | Great posts and thread going on here. Lok- I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions about the Apollo. Also, I thought the CD5x and CD5i were very different from each other. To me, the CD5x sounded somewhat "brighter," better bass, and more forward that the CD5i. I think the "brightness" was actually more transparency that an empahisis on highs, but everyones opinions vary. Compared to the CD5x, I thought the CD5i was a little more laid back and smoother sounding. It's ever so slightly colored. Again, this is relative to the CD5x. I personally like the CD5x a lot better than the 5i, but I have heard a few people say that they prefer the 5i. Not a large number, but enough to say so. In regards to synergy with other components and cabling, Naim has a different approach to things than a lot of others. Jan (another member of this forum) said that their approach to stereos is that they look at the whole system as one circuit, rather than considering every individual component and cable an entity of it's own. They are designed (impedence matched, grounded, etc.) to work with each other. One reason why Naim uses DINS is to form a common ground (or earth) between all components. The approach is star grounding (earthing). In an all Naim system using DINs, all of the components (pre-amps, power amps, seperate power supplies, etc) all get grounded through the CD player. This reportedly results in a cleaner sound. When a non-Naim component gets thrown into the mix, this get thrown out the window. In relation to cables, I've heard numerous times that the Naim DINs and RCA to DINs sound much better than even the most expensive RCA's. This makes sense to me considering the star grounding principals. Again, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Apollo Lok... |
New member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-06 | What a difference a week makes! The CD5i will not go back to the dealer. I've spent a great deal of time with this player over the past week and am just estatic with it's performance. The sound of this machine is really difficult to desribe for some reason. Let me just say it sounds real. It's not the most detailed, articulate, dynamic, neutural, etc. It doesn't have the widest or deepest soundstage that I've ever heard. But it's the best. Horns have a weight to them, voices sound as if the person were in the room with you, bass guitar sounds like a bass guitar. Timing is superb. I hear changes in pitch and timing on many of my CD's that I have never heard before. This little guy just peels off what's there from the CD and gets it right. The speakers just disapper and even my poorly recorded CD's sound good. I find myself involved in the music and getting an enjoyment I haven't had since I got rid of my LP's. I'm once again listening to the music and not to my equipment. What a relief! It's not cheap, but it's worth every penny IMO. The CD5i will be in my system for many years. I give it my very highest possible recommendation. Lok, hows that Apollo doing? I hope your as happy with it as I am with mine. BTW, the Naim playing Redbook CD's smashes the sound of my Sony ES with SACD's. Sure wish I would have went this route from the begining. Live and learn. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4065 Registered: Dec-03 | That's really good, Jack. Thanks for taking the time to write. |
Gold Member Username: Larry_rNaples, FL Post Number: 1244 Registered: Oct-04 | Jack: Now, sir, start cleaning those CDs with either Pledge Clean and Dust anti-static spray - and microfiber towels - or get some Zaino Z-14 Plastic Magic from the company Online. Trust many of us who have enjoyed much better sound quality from our CDs! See the "Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks" thread for more info. Happy listening! Respectfully. . .LarryR |
New member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 5 Registered: Mar-06 | Larry, that's a long thread that's all over the place. Are you serious about this being something I should try or pulling my chain? |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1076 Registered: May-05 | Funny, I was thinking the same thing. |
Silver Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 501 Registered: Nov-05 | You can find out more about this on this thread: "Future of SACD vs. other hi-res formats" I was a bit skeptical at first, but since it was Larry and Jan that testified about the benfits of the cleaning treatments, I tried the Zaino Z6 and Z14 treatments with good, but varying results. That is, it makes some cd's sound better than others. With some treated discs it seems like a player upgrade, other discs, the difference is only slight, while some there is no real difference. That is my experience, but read up 'how' before trying to safeguard your discs from scratching etc. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4090 Registered: Dec-03 | Jack, I'm with you. "Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks" started with a clear topic; I the only one who thinks music almost always sounds better when you listen just in stereo...? (J. Vigne) Thread: Archive through May 23, 2004. It is now, indeed, all over the place. Someone who believes, please start a thread on disc waxing-polishing/Vivid/Pledge/Zaino/Brasso/whatever. This issue is getting into many unrelated threads, besides this one. See also A worthy foil?".... |
New member Username: LokBrisbane, Queensland Australia Post Number: 5 Registered: Mar-06 | Evening Folks ! It's now been several weeks since I purchased the Rega Apollo and the only complaint I have after over 200 hrs of burn in time is that sometimes when this beaut little disc spinner powers up, it thinks it's a Rega Saturn when flashing up in the display panel !!! This player is far far better than all the previous Rega Planet models it replaces. It has really come of age sonically, so much so I have sold my trusty old faithful, my Arcam Alpha 9 CD player which has been my reference player for over 3yrs. In Australia, the Rega Apollo sells for $1499 with remote where as the previous Rega Planet sold for $1500 without the remote. I believe this player is true value for money as it's a dab hand at all genres of music. I have played Robert Cray, Santana, Il Divo, Eric Clapton, Prince, Diana Krall, Frank Sinatra, Norah Jones, K.D. Lang, Peter Gabriel, U2, Royal Philharmonic, John Cougar Mellencamp through this player and it just reproduces what is thrown at it without showing any particular bias towards a specific genre and or frequency. In saying this the immediate difference I heard when compare with my Arcam Alpha 9 was the Apollo had more bass extension, but it is actual extension and doesn't go into "bloom" ! The are other players out there that can give what appears to be more bass extension, but it sounds artificial or just too warm and no control. The Apollo has an expansive soundstage and the presentation isn't as far forward as I heard when I last demo'd the Naim CD5x. To me and in my system, the overall result sounds "right". Not to imply that with my previous Arcam Alpha 9 CD player that I had the perfect player, but for me at the time of purchase it was the best sounding overall to my ears. The funny thing is, over a year ago when I went and demo'd the Naim gear I was concentrated on finding a better sounding CD player I could upgrade to from my Alpha 9, but not only did the Naim CD5x not satisfy me, but also the Arcam FMJ CD33 which I auditioned. Now fast forward to March this year when I wandered into a Hi Fi shop I hadn't visited in over 4yrs just to audition their Michell Gyro SE turntable and I walk out with a CD player half the price of my Arcam Alpha 9 from 3 yrs ago ! I believe the only complaint any owner of the Rega Apollo would have is the disc initialisation time after inserting a CD. This I'm told on good authority is because the player has an active memory buffer. I have no doubt there are players out there that can provide more detail, better soundstage, better dynamics, more neutrality, but I also bet they cost a considerable amount more than the Rega Apollo to and the improvement would be either miniscule or at the sacrifice of some other aspect of the sound. Why I like it so much ? The treble isn't as "tizzy" as the Arcam but yet you still get the high frequency detail ! The soundstage is 3 dimensional and expansive without making the presentation feel like it's pushed out beyond the walls of your listening environment, or worse still - in your face. The bass is nicely extended, but doesn't lose weight, impact nor speed and never seems to go into "bloom". When I bought my Arcam Alpha 9 CD player 3 yrs ago, it caused me to rediscover a lot of my CD collection because of the improvement it was over my previous CDP. The Rega Apollo is doing something similar ! The system which I've used to make my assessment of the Rega Apollo is - KRELL KAV 300i integrated amplifier Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MkII speakers. Nordost Red Dawn Interconnects van den Hul CS-122 speaker cable Better sounding than my Arcam Alpha 9 CD at half the price ! What will Rega think of next !!! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 3060 Registered: Feb-05 | Good information Lok, thank you. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4128 Registered: Dec-03 | Yes, Lok. Thanks. I have no problem with "Initialising". It's usually only a few seconds. By the time I've sat down, it's always ready to go. I agree about the sound. the Apollo had more bass extension, but it is actual extension and doesn't go into "bloom" !. That well describes my first impression. As I listen more, I continually hear more detail everywhere. There is something so realistic about the treble; I have not heard a CD player as good, before. But, for me, it was a step up from a cheaper combined CD/DVD player. It is good to read your comparison with other quality CD-only players. |
New member Username: UnagiPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | hi all, my first post here and a big hello to everyone incl the admins. im currently using rotel 1072cdp, nait 5i and the trusty old kans mk2 in a small bedroom. room acoustics is very difficult to improve due to reality issues. my bed points to the middle of the speakers but stil about 1.5 feet away. there are no side walls to speak of, left side is curtains and shelves, right side is my wardrobe. not an ideal listening room but that's reality for me. best listening position is lying down on my bed, or sitting on my bed, lol. currently, my setup is having a lot of the naim magic and the kans' agility and musicality. however, being a naimee, i belong to the source-first school of thot. vinyl is out of me (sadly) due to practical reasons. im using the cheap standard RCA-to-RCA to the nait 5i. not intending to spend on quality RCA interconnects becoz i'm seriously going to upgrade to the cd5i and the DIN interconnects would suffice. My setup is lacking punch and bass weight. The bass is there, with much characteristics of the kans' sealed box design - tight and bulleted without the "fake" bass extensions. Its just a little lightweight. i have no issues with the mids and highs. The nait 5i and kans are already superb without a highend cdp. So is the magical clarity, separation and cleaniness of the two. that said, i understand the cd5i+nait5i combo is made to work with each other and a force to be reckoned with. but then, i'm concerned how punchy and improvements to bass weight will be. Any comments? maybe the nait 5i is itself a little lightweight on the bass? how has the cd 5i improved on the bass and punchiness for you guys (either channelling it to naim or non-naim amps)? thanks for any help! cheers! |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1198 Registered: May-05 | Mikael - You really should start your own thread. If you don't know how to, go to the top of the page, click on CD players, then click on start new thread. I've got a couple of thoughts and suggestions, but I don't want to hijack someone else's thread. Here's one suggestion - DINs will work better than any RCA in an all Naim system. |
New member Username: UnagiPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi Stu, thanks for pointing out my intrusion into this thread. i admit i got a little carried away although i had my sincere intentions on seeking opinions on the cd5i. cheers. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1204 Registered: May-05 | The CD5i is a phenominal CD player. It's an amazing match with the Nait 5i. I haven't heard the Rotel and Nait 5i together, but it actually doesn't seem like too bad a match. That being said, a couple of things - Rotel isn't known for great bass. People generally say they're a little light on it. The CD5i is a far better CD player than the Rotel in every way, not just bass. It's more than twice the price, so it should be. I heard the Nait 5i and CD5i through Linn Katans. Even though the Katans are somewhat restricted in bass depth, the combo had very good bass. Depending on the music, I could see some people saying they didn't need a sub. I'd use one because my taste in music would require one if I had bookshelves. I don't know much at all about the Kans. I have heard of a lot of people using them with Naim gear in Europe. If you get a CD5i, forget about cables. Use the DINs. Frank Abella (A regular here and Naim guru) has tried RCAs up to over $1000 UK and says their is no better cable than the DINs. The only one worthy of considering is Chord company DINs. I don't know if the cost would be worth it, but that's up to you to decide. DINs don't carry just an audio signal, they also carry power and ground (or earth depending on where you are). One of their many claims to fame is they use star grounding very effectively, which has a mutlitude of desirable results. DINs are about as close to having 'no cable in the way' as I've heard. They're very similar to XLR if you're familiar with what they do. I'm not a believer in speaker cable, but just about everyone says Naim speaker cable works best with Naim gear. Something about the right amount of capacitance. If you can, try them out at home and see what happens. The lack of bass may be caused by your room. If this is the case, no upgrade is going to cure this. The best bet would be to get a CD5i you can audition at home. If it fixes your problems, problem solved. If not, you may need to spend some time looking into acoustic treatments or moving furniture around. The thing about Naim is, individually they sound very good. Together, they sound so much better. Can you tell I'm saving up for a Nait 5i and CD5i? |
Bronze Member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 11 Registered: Mar-06 | Good post by Stu Pitt. I started this thread when I was looking for my CDP and you can see by reading through this thread, I bought, and am very happy with the CD5i. I've not heard the Rotel and I'm using a Arcam AVP-700 in stereo direct mode as my pre-amp. I've heard set up's using all Naim equipment and I have to agree they are superb. However, I am getting very good performance with my set-up as well. The AVP-700 has received numerous acolades for it's two channel performance. As for the bass, if it's there the CD5i pulls it out and with great intensity and accuracy. I personally like everything about this CDP and give it my very highest recommendation. Since I'm not using a Naim pre-amp I can't take advantage of the improvments the Din connections offer. But, I've read all about Naim equipment and it is exactly as Stu said. I sent an email to Naim asking if it would be advantageous to use a Din to RCA IC from my CDP to pre-amp and here is their response: The CD5i is supplied with, as standard, a grey DIN-5 180° to DIN-5 180° signal interconnect ("DIN 5-5"), for use between the CD5i and a Naim preamplifier. The DIN connector features contacts with a smaller surface area than your typical RCA phono connector. As such, it provides better musical performance inasmuch as the impedance of the connector better matches the impedance of the interconnect cable. Though a DIN-to-RCA interconnect still uses RCA phono connectors, you may find that, in spite of this, in your system, the DIN-RCA interconnect still gives better performance. On the other hand, if you plan on moving up to other Naim equipment (say, a Naim preamplifier), this cable would be unnecessary--simply use the DIN 5-5 as supplied. Best regards David Dever, NaimUSA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Dever, Technical Manager Naim Audio North America, Inc. 5657 West Howard Street Niles, Illinois 60714-4011 Telephone: (847) 647-2293 Facsimile: (847) 647-2461 He just reinforced what I had alredy heard numerous times before, but it's good to get their opinion. After much reading I bought two sets of Din to RCA's IC's used from Audiogon. I plan on trying them out this weekend. One set is the Chord Cobra's (as Stu said, Chord is a brand many Naim owners seem to prefer) and the other is Nordost Blue Heaven. I'll keep the one I like the best and put the other back on AG. Both cables are used and already burned in so I'll be able to start my evaluations immediately. But, to be honest I'm normally not big on spending allot of money on IC's and Speaker cables, but I do agree their can be subtle differeces. I've yet to hear a drastic difference. Anyhow, I'm gonig to see for myself and I'll give you an honest evaluation of what "I" hear. Or think I hear. :-) BTW, I've been using Outlaw IC's and have been very happy. Just trying to squeeze out that last little bit of performance if it's there to be had. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 4133 Registered: Dec-03 | Small comment: DIN was once the European standard for audio line-level connections. I use a DIN to RCA adapter for the output from my FM tuner; have done for years. I even had a cable connecting DIN to two mini-jacks for my Armstrong amp with Sony Walkman Cassette recorder/player. A single DIN plug has enough pins for stereo in and out, plus common ground. And you never need to worry about which way round to connect things. It is about convenience, really. Naim has just stuck with the old standard. |
New member Username: UnagiPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-06 | thanks stu, jack and john. your feedback and opinions have been great help. i'm using the naim cables naca5. i'm pretty much poisoned by naim, as you can see, hahaha. its great to see all your comments on the cd5i. and also the notes even further up this thread on the comparisons with the apollo. i had considered the apollo before. But for users who already has the nait 5i, the synergy with the cd5i is almost a no-brainer. Like what the magazines say (i do not fully trust them usually), a nait5i will strongly tempt the user to go for the cd5i. although i must say the apollo is also excellent in its own right. and yes stu, i can tell you're saving up for the 5i combo ![]() ![]() on a sidenote, if i may, my setup is set up recently and so my problems in my post above is improving each day, to my delightful surprise! My kans are old and had seen little usage in the past years ( i bought 2ndhand recently too) so it needed some warm up as well. The 5i didnt see much usage although it was 5 months old and so it was cold. Now, the bass is improving by the day. Punch is yet to be resolved but i admit i havent exercised them loud yet due to overworking at my office. Harshness is also getting better by the day. So is the clarity and details. Would-be buyers of the cd5i should take note of this nature of naim products - they really take time to get on song. I had heard a full 5i combo before but it was driven into the epos M5. What the owner commented was that the 5i combo was harsh and unlistenable in the beginning. I had the luxury to hear his setup after the run-in periods. We were auditioning Appetite for Destruction using the cd5i. Later we switched to a turntable (still hooked to the nait 5i), a technics SL1210 using the vinyl version of the same album. Not a hardcore audiophile TT but still very good on its own. Guess what? the cd5i sounded very close to the TT. obviously, the frequency range of the vinyl is wider and deeper. But not by a lot from the cd5i. and the cd5i didnt make the sound less exciting in any way. it had sounded very analogue in its own way of presentation. it's good to see the cd5i stacking up well against a popular TT although i must forewarn that a reputable mid-range TT might slaughter the cd5i, with no surprise. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1208 Registered: May-05 | I've just gotten back into vinyl within the last year. I love my Pro-Ject 1Xpression, but that's another thread and section of the forum. Mikael - Have you heard the Apollo? I haven't, but I've heard the Planet 2000 in direct comparison. The CD5i is better in every way, yet I found the Planet almost as enjoyable as the CD5i. I've heard from everyone that the Apollo is far better than the Planet. I'd like to hear the CD5i and Apollo side by side. Also, the Planet and Nait 5i had a very good synergy together. Not as good as the Nait/CD5i combo, but probably the next best thing. I'd strongly advise anyone to hear both. My local Naim dealer also carries Rega, so that makes things easy for me. Last time I went in (about 2 months ago) they didn't have the Apollo yet, it was still on back order. |
New member Username: UnagiPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi Stu, Nope I haven heard the Apollo yet. Recent plans to audition it at my local dealer had been shelved to due to various changes in schedule. it might be another 3 weekends before i can visit the rega dealer due to personal appointments, work committments and a national election, lol. in any case, it would be very difficult to do a A/B comparison of the apollo with the cd5i in my area. Especially when my local naim dealer do not carry Rega products. The apollo is cheaper compared to a cd5i in my country, by around US350. Feedback on the internet is that the apollo is more refined than the planet but lacking the bass slam and extension of the planet. the usual subjective disclaimers and system matching applies. and yes you are spot on that Rotel isn't known for great bass. my previous listening session of the full 5i combo had much better LF reproductions with touches of slam that is pretty important for the energetic music i listen to frequently. |
Bronze Member Username: RavbainsMelbourneAustralia Post Number: 46 Registered: Mar-06 | Hi Stu, just a point about naim amps and naim cable. Unlike most amplifiers, Naim amps do not use an output inductor between the power transistors and speaker terminals. Naim believes the amplifiers sound better this way, and who am I to doubt them. But I believe the above is the reason why naim amps are fussy about speaker cables, else the amp may oscillate when used with an inappropriate speaker cable. cheers Rav |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 1211 Registered: May-05 | Rav - I've heard something along those lines, but didn't know exactly why. What you say makes a lot of sense. Their speaker cable is pretty expensive though. I think it's about $10 a foot or meter; I don't remember which one. If it truly works (I'm not a firm believer in speaker cable or RCAs, except probably in this case), it's got to be worth the money. |
New member Username: UnagiPost Number: 5 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi all, ive recently acquired a 2ndhand cd5i for about US1092. its rare in my country so im quite lucky this time round! *note: my listening feedback based on cd5i with nait 5i and im running a full flat-earth setup. the cd5i is a serious improvement from my previous rotel 1072. The main factor being its synergy with my nait 5i. But I've heard the cd5i with other non-naim equipment and i must comment the result is very "naim" - enjoyable and involving. by itself, a quick 20 mins is all it takes to get "warmed up". Initially the sound is already superb. as mentioned by Jack Dotson above, its not the most detailed, articulate, dynamic, neutural, etc. But it is VERY INVOLVING. I get sucked into the music whatever it plays. After a few days on leaving it on, it gets better and more stable. ive not had the time to listen to the apollo at my local dealer yet. A little regret but i guess for now, i can enjoy music for a long time to come! |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1352 Registered: Sep-04 | Some comments: Jack, so how did you get on with the Blue Heaven vs Cobra? Mikael, Naim kit takes weeks to burn in properly. Leave a signal playing through the amp, even at low volume for at least a week. Stu, in the UK, Naim NACA5 speaker cable costs £9.50/m (about $16/m). The Nait5i comes with Naim plugs which also sound better than most plugs, provided they're made up well (it's an art). Rav, what you say about Naim amps not having an output buffer is true on older Naim amps and on the latest Reference models but not the 5-series. The nait5i can cope with any kind of cable. In my experience Naim's cable works best from a musical point of view. For example, at a recent show the new Naim CD555 (£14000 CD player folks!) was being played through a NAC552 preamp (£12500) and NAP300 power amp (£5000) into ART Emotions (around £5000). When I went in they were using a Nordost speaker cable which cost something like £500/m (yes, you read it right). I asked desperately to hear it with Naim speaker cable since I am not a fan of Nordost. There were many bemused expressions by the other listeners. The Naim cable had less resolution, sounded a bit scrappier, less refined, less delineated, BUT it was far more engaging, more involving, more enjoyable and more of a performance. A couple of people preferred the Naim cable to the Nordost - and the Naim cable is a LOT cheaper. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 12 Registered: Mar-06 | Hello Frank, and thanks for sharing your observations. I have to tell you that I am now huge Naim fan. The CD5i may be the single most enjoyable piece of equipment I've ever owned. But, I also bought a new Arcam AVP-700 recently which I also like very much. I'm now back listening to the music instead of my stereo system. Music is enjoyable again, it's hard to explain. I've bought more new CD's over the past few weeks than I have the last year. As for the cables, I've been back and forth a bit. When I first put the Nordost in I thought they sounded a bit forward and edged. I only had them in for a short period of time. Then I put the Cobras in an found they sounded more like the Outlaw PSA's I had been using, but found them a bit soft and just somehow lacking. After this initial evaluation I put both up for sale thinking I liked the Outlaws better. However, I put the Nordost back in while waiting for a sale to give them a more thorough evaluation and after living with them for a week or so I started to appreciate some of the things they did well and to understand why many seem to like this cable so much. I then went back to the Outlaws and a funny thing happened; this time I didn't like them nearly as well. I don't know if I got used to the Nordost or what, but when I pulled them out it seemed as though I lost the realism of the sound. For example, the guitar solos on the Frampton Now CD. With the Nordost the texture of his guitar came through with authority and a distinct sound. With the outlaws the guitar sounded like just another guitar, if that makes any sense. Tried numerous other CD's and felt the magic was gone. With the Nordost a sax sounded like a live sax, voices were just so much more realistic. So I put them back in and the magic was back. I took them off of Audiogon immediately; realizing I had almost made a major mistake. Yes, they can get a bit edgy and downright nasty with some bad recordings, whereas the Outlaws and Cobras are more forgiving. But I feel it's because they're very accurate. What's on the disk is what you get. The other side of the coin is what I love them for. On good recordings they are pure nirvina. Even the disk Cash sounded just unbelievable. The older mono recordings came through so good. The one thing I haven't done is to roll the Cobra's back in for a second chance since I now have a clear winner between the Outlaw and Nordost. I still have them up for sale, but I'm going to try and find time to roll them back in this week, but I think I already know the outcome. The Nordost have a very good synergy in my system. I'm considering replacing the Outlaw I have between my pre/power with the Nordost to see if I can get even further improvement. Might be too much of a good thing, don't know. But the Nordost have pretty good resale so I think it's worth a try. Speaker cables will be last. Seriously considering some Goertz MI 2's. How do you think the Naim speaker cable would work with non Naim amp? Specifically my Outlaw Model-755? I'm using Monster M1s bi-wired right now, but many seem to think their not very good. BTW, some say the my Energy Veritas 2.3i's have a somewhat recessed and laid back mid-range. Perhaps this is why the Nordost fair so well in my system? |
New member Username: UnagiPost Number: 6 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi jack: i cant comment much coz i've not experimented much with interconnects (the use of DINs very much got that headache out the window). but we're glad you salvaged something enjoyable that you almost sold. Hi frank: yeah you are right. naim kit really take a long time to burn in. good thing is that it will improve everyday. i cant put in that much hours to my kit yet. probably a maximum of 10hrs while im at home (including my sleeping time). weekends are good times to burn them in. and i agree with you on the naim cables being more involving and enjoyable and less "hifi-ish" sounding. naim kits exude a fundamental instinct of musical enjoyment without the layers and layers of hifi attributes that tends to over-polish. but still, one man's meat may be another man's poison. to each his own ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1363 Registered: Sep-04 | Jack, I used to deal in Goertz. It had a very sweet and reasonably open midrange and treble but suffered from a bit of a bloated bass. Goertz M3 (? - the bigger one) was far better balanced and had loads more resolution to boot - miles better. Your description of the Nordost is my experience. Yes, I get the extra resolution, the finely etched transients etc. My problem with it is the loss of timing. That said, there are a lot of people who absolutely love the Nordosts precisely because of the resolution. FWIW, the Cobra is my second choice Chord. My first choice is Chrysalis since this most closely resembles Naim's own standard interconnect (Naim have introduced a new megabuck interconnect which is a different kettle of fish). Not sure how Naim speaker cable will work with a non-Naim amp. It depends on the amp's presentation. If the amp is fairly dry in the bass, then the Naqim will fill it out a bit, but if the amp is already big in the bass (more likely with NA kit), then the Naim may be too much. For example, it works really well with rega amps because they're tight fast and dry, but with Arcam it's a bit too much bass, and I go with a more balanced cable (Chord Co again). Mikael, why not just put the CD player on repeat so it plays all day when you're out of the house? Or leave it on tuner? Provided it's not loud (it doesn't need to be, just room-filling or 9 o'clock on the volume dial), it won't bother the neighbours. You do know you're meant to leave it on all the time, right? Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: Jack_dotsonPost Number: 13 Registered: Mar-06 | Frank, thanks for you response. It's really nice to chat with someone familiar with the Naim equipment. You also hit the nail right on the head with the Nordost as well. I knew there was something else that I lost with this cable, and your right, it has to be the timing. It was a funny thing about the Chord cable, while it didn't have the detail and seemed more recessed, it did get your feet tapping. Timing has to be it. Now that I've lived with the Nordost for a couple of weeks I think I'll roll the Cobra back in one more time and see how it fares this weekend. I might change my mind again, but I don't really care. I'm going to just keep testing until I get it right. I thought the Chrysalis cable was actually a lower model than the Cobra and according to the Chord website it is supposed to be better. However, I also noticed they are now on revision 3 for the Cobra while the one I have is the original. Maybe the new one's are better. Do you have any experience with the Cameleon 2 cables? A guy has a set on sale on AG for a good price and I was thinking of trying them between my pre/power. This would give me the Cobra with Cameleon. Or do you think I would be better off just to try some Chrysalis throughout. I can probably get both sets about as cheap as I can get teh Cameleon. Chord speaker cables. Hear allot about their IC's on the Naim forum, but rarely see the speaker cable mentioned. Which of these do you like? I Know they have some really high dollar cables that are probably out of my reach. Last but not lest since I'm bending your ear, and thanks for that, do you know a good place to order the Chord cables on-line? |
New member Username: Willy_57Moerbeke waas, Oost-vlaanderen Belgium Post Number: 2 Registered: May-06 | Both players are on my wish list.Normally at this price range there are no bad players.It comes all down to personal taste.This is strange concidering that good equipment just should tell us exactly what is on the disc,but I hear from others that there such thing as Naim or Meridian sound.I9 don't know and it confuses me.Me musical preferences goes to the rather strange things,as new music,avant-prog and classic prog like Van Der Graaf generator,King Crimson,Peter Hammill,Henri Cow to name a few.I heard for example a YBA 3 player and the sound was amazing with acoustic jazz and classic,but when trowing a King Crimson disc into the player,the sound was awfull just like the thing wanted to explode![]() |
Bronze Member Username: FatelvisPost Number: 69 Registered: Feb-06 | Hey Frank, would you recco the new Chord Crimson as an IC between a Rega Cursa and Maia? Or the Cobra 3? The Crimson seems to be priced right... |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2384 Registered: Sep-04 | Jack, Chrysalis is lower than Cobra in the range, but it is the closest to the Naim interconnect which comes free with Naim's CD players. Since Chord have now discontinued Chrysalis in favour of Crimson, I believe Naim may be offering their interconnect with different terminations (e.g DIN-RCA) so you may be able to get that instead. Early Cobra was OK, but I found it very soft in the bass and lacking in snap or attack. Also note that original Cobra was unlike all other Chord cables in that its directionality was the opposite to what you'd expect. The direction of the print ont he cable usually reads from source to amp, but on original Cobra it was the other way around, reading from amp to source. Arcam amps and Chord speaker cables are a great combination. Try anything from the Carnival Silver Plus up. I use combinations of Odyssey and EPIC Super Twin in my system (Arcam FMJ AV9/P7) and it works very well indeed. The reason that you don't see the Chord speaker cable mentioned much on the forum is that the Naim speaker cable is still the one to beat with Naim amps. It's around the price of Chord Rumour, but is a whole lot more engaging and ... vital ... than even the best Chord speaker cables. The Chord speaker cables offer huge gains elsewhere of course. By comparison, the Naim speaker cable is weak in its resolution and its portrayal of treble. The better Chords (and I would argue that EPIC Super Twin at £78/m is better with a Naim amp than Signature at £115/m) are very good and I can see some people choosing them over the Naim cable, but it's going to be a minority who will make this choice. Willy, King Crimson is a difficult one to get right. There's usually a pretty dense mix with a lot going on. Acoustic Jazz is actually quite a bit easier to do well (unless it's progressive and crazy) and so is a lot of classical. I know what you mean about 'just reading what's on the disc', but the fact is there's a lot more to designing a CD player than just reading bits off a disc, and a lot of this has to do with design philosophy and implementation. Even the casework makes a big difference! Jeff, Neither Crimson nor Cobra3 is really in the right ballpark for Cursa/Maia. They're good cables and of the two I'd choose Cobra3 by a country mile, but really you want to get into the Silver Siren, Chameleon Silver Plus or our bestseller - the Chorus, the latest variant of which uses Chord's newer Microwave cable technology which is what all their top cables use. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: Willy_57Moerbeke waas, Oost-vlaanderen Belgium Post Number: 29 Registered: May-06 | You are right to a certain degree Frank, but on a Accuphase player anything sound right, even complicated stuff like Henri Cow, Zappa or Magma.The only negative thing about Accuphase is that you pay the price of a car for cd-player,not to mention their amps. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8823 Registered: Dec-04 | That does slow us down a bit, doesn't it Willy? Damn nuicence that currency. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2394 Registered: Sep-04 | Willy, I've only heard Accuphase a few times and although nice HiFi I find it relatively uninspiring to listen to. Also, as you go up the HiFi tree, CD players get better at more things. That's what I meant about the Crimson being difficult to get right. At the $500 price band, nothing gets it right... Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: Willy_57Moerbeke waas, Oost-vlaanderen Belgium Post Number: 30 Registered: May-06 | We all hear different Frank, I alwys liked what I heared from Accuphase,but a Naim CDX 2 came close second as the best I ever heared.I liked the Naim better than Krel or Mark Levinson, but unfortunately the Naim CDX 2 is sick in the same bed.Toe expensive for your normal working class hero. Kind Regards, Willy |
New member Username: MagfanPost Number: 4 Registered: Oct-07 | Recently went to SanDiego and test drove some Magnepan MG-1.6qr speakers. The kit? Naim CD player and Audio Research preamp.... Working into a Rotel 130/side amp then the Maggies it produced a remarkable effect that just blew me out of the water. I only had a few familiar CD's with me but it was like all new material. At home, with the new Maggies, I can hear just how my universal player has been letting me down. I feel an upgrade coming on! |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2414 Registered: Sep-04 | Heh, spot on Willy! I get where you're coming from. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8833 Registered: Dec-04 | leo be shopping! Aw, yer still my hero Willy. In a country song kind of way. |
New member Username: MagfanPost Number: 6 Registered: Oct-07 | It always pays to buy a Naim Brand! |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 8859 Registered: Dec-04 | no soup for Leo. |
Silver Member Username: Mike3Wylie, Tx USA Post Number: 778 Registered: May-06 | cute |
Bronze Member Username: LamcamStanton, Ca Usa Post Number: 51 Registered: Nov-07 | Just bought the CD5i and like it very much! I like it better than the Apollo that I just sold. A great combo with the Arcam 300 and Dynaudio speakers. I am using KK Silver Streak IC RCA between the Naim and Arcam, very detailed. Don't know if I should try the DIN to RCA that Jack mentioned above? |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 2557 Registered: May-05 | The Din to RCA should sound better. |
Bronze Member Username: Scorpio1PA USA Post Number: 88 Registered: Nov-07 | Congrats on the CDP Loc. As Stu (and others) have said, the Din should provide you with better sound. Try it and let us know. |
Bronze Member Username: LamcamStanton, Ca Usa Post Number: 52 Registered: Nov-07 | Thanks. I will try it although I am happy with the Silver Streak IC. Anyone has a spare one for sale? ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2787 Registered: Sep-04 | loc, This may seem a bizarre suggestion. Go to a local electronics store and get a hardwired DIN-Phono adaptor. Here in the UK we can buy a Mayware adaptor for £10 ($20US). Use your current interconnect on the end of it with the DIN output and see what you think. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: LamcamStanton, Ca Usa Post Number: 53 Registered: Nov-07 | Frank, I though about your "smart" suggestion too and looked for it at my local Radio Shack store but they did not carry it! I don't want to buy online because I can not return it if I don't like it!!! I saw a guy in U.K. selling the DIN to RCA cable on Ebay here: mZ320227742928QQihZ011QQcategoryZ116850QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem?_tr ksid=p1638.m122. What do you think? |
Bronze Member Username: DudywoxerScunthorpeUK Post Number: 55 Registered: Mar-06 | try contacting these people, good service, good gear |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1858 Registered: Nov-05 | Loc, I just bought one of those Din/RCA cables thanks to your Ebay link. At that price it's worth a try. Thanks |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9896 Registered: Dec-04 | Ya just gotta love sharing good info... Let us know, Rantz! |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1859 Registered: Nov-05 | Will do Nuck. |
Bronze Member Username: LamcamStanton, Ca Usa Post Number: 54 Registered: Nov-07 | let me know too. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1860 Registered: Nov-05 | These cables will have to be pretty good to better the Merlin Verdis I'm using at present. It is widely stated the din connection for the Naims is best - so we'll see in a couple of weeks (allowing for delivery and burn in). For $37AU including delivery - it's little to lose if there's no improvement - and I could resell them on Ebay here. |
Bronze Member Username: LamcamStanton, Ca Usa Post Number: 55 Registered: Nov-07 | I know that DIN connection is best for Naim, but IMO, DIN to DIN is best, not sure about DIN to RCA, because RCA still involved...anyway, let me know how it come up. |
Gold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 2562 Registered: May-05 | DIN to DIN would be the best case scenario, but DIN to RCA may still sound better. The DIN output of the CD player would be used, which reportedly sounds better than the RCA output. Only one way to find out for sure though. |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1861 Registered: Nov-05 | Exactly |
Bronze Member Username: LamcamStanton, Ca Usa Post Number: 56 Registered: Nov-07 | Maybe so, but if the cables with the DIN to RCA are not good as the cables with RCA to RCA? |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1862 Registered: Nov-05 | Already answered that one a couple of posts back. Loc - it's only $37aud, I ain't gonna lose the house. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2789 Registered: Sep-04 | I don't know the Gotham cables at all, so I can't comment on that. I found the Milty CC121 DIN-Phono Mayware adaptor at: 0Connectors $15 - it's what we use with some seriously expensive kit... |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 2790 Registered: Sep-04 | For a better photo look at: |
Bronze Member Username: LamcamStanton, Ca Usa Post Number: 57 Registered: Nov-07 | Thanks Frank, That's what I am looking for ![]() |
Gold Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 1864 Registered: Nov-05 | The Milty adaptor looks good Frank. Not knowing the Gotham cables either, I can only suggest the less connections the better providing the cable is okay. The cost difference with postage between the two is minimal. However, if the Gothams aren't better than the Merlins, the Miltis might be worth a shot also. Thanks. BTW - it's not that I'm unhappy with the sound (far from it) just thought it worth the experiment. |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 9903 Registered: Dec-04 | Good thing it didn't cost the house, Rantz. Not like a divorce...DOH! Good post, Frank. |