I've had a Delphi Ski-Fi Tuner hooked up to my system now for almost two years and have enjoyed it. So I finally purchased a Polk xrt12 in hopes that I would get better sound quality.
I hooked up the xrt12 last night and although I do think it sounds better (most likely due to the DAC) I am disappointed that the xrt12 still has a very low output.. seemingly about half the output of my CD player. I dislike that when I switch sources, the sound levels are not even close to matching.
So, I'm hoping that this forum might have some ideas on how to boost the analog outputs of the Polk xrt12 to a more acceptable level. I'm comfortable opening the case and perform some modifications if nessesary.
Or, alternatively, I could pump the xrt12's digital output into an external DAC in hopes that the anaglog output of the external DAC would be a better match to my other components. Anyone reccomend an decent external DAC? Doens't need to be fancy as the quality of the XM signal doesn't demand a high quality DAC.