Subwoofer setup


I am trying to setup an active subwoofer (Velodyne HGS12X)to an NAD C160 preamp that is 40 feet away. The NAD has 2 sets of preouts. Preout-2 connects to my main amps and preout-1 to the subwoofer. What's the problem? When I try to capture low frequency signals from both the L and R channels of preout-1 via a Y-splitter to a single 40 foot IC cable to the subwoofer I get only a mono signal to my main speakers. If I connect the IC cable only to the L channel of preeout-1 it works fine (but, obviously, I am not getting signal from the R channel to the subwoofer). The same happens if I switch the preouts, i.e. preout-1 to main amps and preout-2 to subwoofer. Is this a quirk of the NAD? Does anyone make a Y-joiner as opposed to a Y-splitter? Any suggestions will be much appreciated. If I have to, I will run a second IC cable. Thanks

Bronze Member
Username: N8d1


Post Number: 48
Registered: Jan-06
It sounds like you are running a Y-joiner from the pre amp to a single RCA which runs to the I have that right? Does your sub have one or two low-level inputs? Pretty interesting that it's affecting the other preouts. I don't have an exlanation for that. A Y-splitter and Y-joiner are the same all depends on how you hook it up. You can get them with whatever RCA connection combination you need.

I spoke with a tech person at NAD who told me that a Y-joiner on the L and R channels of preout-1 would, indeed, cancel the stereo effect of preout-2 because the circuit in the NAD C160 lacks some kind of buffering. My only solution is, then, to run a second 40 foot IC cable from the R channel of preout-1 to the R channel input on the subwoofer.
Thanks for your help.

Bronze Member
Username: N8d1


Post Number: 49
Registered: Jan-06
That's really odd....and a bummer. Just adds more bulk and expense. I wonder why they did that? I would expect more from a high-end amp/pre-amp. Oh well.

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