My pioneer receiver (older model) surged the other day and i opened it up and 3 fuses were blown to crap, i put new ones in and when i turned it on they blew again, i was wondering if anybody knew whats wrong with it or could tell me how to fix it. thanks
You need to take it to a proper electronics repairer. It could be something cheap to fix but it depends on how much damage was done. The fuses are there to safeguard further damage to the innards of the unit which could eventually result in a fire.
If you don't have a clue what's wrong, you don't have the ability to do anything more than replace fuses. There are lethal voltages inside an amplifier and the capacitors hold that voltage long after the plug has been pulled from the AC outlet. Take the unit to a service department and hope for the best. Be prepared for a bill of at least $75-100. If you prefer, most shops will give an estimate before they do any repairs.