New member Username: SonofaresiiiPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-04 | I bought one of those sony walkman atrac3-capable cd players a while back, but i lost the sonicburner cd that came with it, so i can't burn atrac3 files to cd. I downloaded sonicstage 1.5, but it doesn't burn to cds (or i'm just doing it wrong). can anyone tell me where i can download this program, or something similar? Thanks. |
New member Username: SonofaresiiiPost Number: 2 Registered: Oct-04 | although I believe i posted this in the wrong forum..... well, can anyone help anyway? (or maybe a mod move this thread?) |
TarQuar Unregistered guest | You can make download this file in this site: =en |
johnfrar Unregistered guest | no no no... that is an UPGRADE, there... not a damn full file. god damn you. |
New member Username: OlayiwolaPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-04 | please can you post to me a users manual for the Sony mini Hifi component system - MHC V808 in English Language |
Jordan H Unregistered guest | i had the same problem, i lost the software CD for my sony minidisc player, and the sony customer service said I would have to order a new CD from then and pay for it... but i found that you can download sonicstage 2.2 for free from !! |
John Doeeeee Unregistered guest | Thanks Jordan H, link works like a charm. |
fbds Unregistered guest | SONICSTAGE IS A PILE OF SHT, version 1.5 doesnt allow u to burn to cd and the other versions 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 dont work. |
willyman Unregistered guest | sonicstage only works with a special discman you jackass |
MI_Andrew Unregistered guest | Where can I get a download location for FireFox? anywhere? I've tried IE, but my family keeps downloading "free screensavers" and trojans come to IE like bees to honey. |
badger Unregistered guest | dont get connect, it sucks. I cant rip anything onto my MDs |
Anonymous | Jordan H's link is good, I've used it. You download the shell (570k) then that app downloads the 60Mb+ of the ActiveX etc plus SonicStage software. Broadband recommended ![]() |
helzwash Unregistered guest | where can i download sonicstage 2.1 for free? i can't use any other sonicstage but it's proving difficult to find it. |
Unregistered guest | Hello: i have a atrac3plus sony discman too, but i dont have the burner disc, then i want if, you can help me to found it, im cuban, then i cant buy it. thanks, DAniel |
Unregistered guest | hi i have a net MD Player and I have a problem with it. I cant use it beacause my gateway is running Windows 98. is there a program that work with net md burning on just Windows 98 |
jim jim 03403i2598y5 Unregistered guest | Ive got network walkman the 20 gb one i need sonic stage 2.1 to get the songs on there but i need a english version anyone got a link for free download? |
random poster...meh Unregistered guest | visit go to system requirements in the top right, and check system. click download. then you get a 850kb app that downloads 2.3. |
Unregistered guest | is anyone out there? can any one tell me where to find sonicstage version 1.5U, email me quick it an emergency |
warlock Unregistered guest | the above is a beautiful link to the latest 2.3 sonicstage software - it downloads the small installer first and then the full files (approx 35 meg) - thankyou sooo much Jordan for the link - it works a treat |
Unregistered guest | hey i have a md player and i need a software to download music to it. i dont have the cd and i have windows XP so please mail me if anyone knows where i can download this software mail me |
Unregistered guest | I need SonicStage 2.1. 2.3 doesn't recognise my HD-1. I lost the program when my hard drive failed, and i can't find the CD. Any help would be very much appreciated. |
Unregistered guest | Gah, the link doesnt work!!! I really need Sonicstage. |
Unregistered guest | Hi guys I recently got my brother's old Sony Mini disk player (model MZ-NF610) and I need sonic stage. Will that Sonic stage 3.0 support my mini disk player? Please reply and thanks in advance. |
ku Unregistered guest | go here for download sonicstage. in this .ini there are the url' for download the file. by all ku |
aqua tigress Unregistered guest | ku, that link doesn't work for me, at least. I dled it and only found a notepad file. |
thief Unregistered guest | last INI file did provide good links to the component downloads. Thanks ku! |
Unregistered guest | SonicStage 2.0 or 2.1 is REALLY buggy. It continuosly abends. However it looks like SonicStage 3 is not available in Europe. But the Sony product is a mess. I cannot generate atrac files without troubles. |
hell_tripper Unregistered guest | i hav no idea what version of sonicstage i have bt its gotta be pretty new since it came wiht my CD player wich i onli got around january. everything works fine bt when burning it 'prepares image files', but then at 50% when its supposed to start writing to CD-R it justs stops. i guess i aint the only one having troubles.... suddenly i really wish id bought an ipod instead. |
rolken Unregistered guest | I need sonic stage version 2.0 u. Does anyone know where I can download it for free because my ss cd is broken![]() |
catacomb kitten Unregistered guest | i do believe that "warlock" just saved my life. :D |
Franzilla Unregistered guest | IS it possible to copy songs straight on to the 20gb nw-hd1 from an audio Cd? I kinda figured out away but it doesn't work because it doesn't transfer into the right format? which kinda sucks but what can ya do... I happy with it |
Anonymous | Ini file Rules!!! Thanks a lot! |
Chlo Unregistered guest | Hey, i have 700 songs on my computer that i can play in sonic stage only...i recently got an ipod mini and worried that i may have to find new copies of these songs! i cant seem to move the song files and i cant find where they may be on my computer. Can anyone help?? It would be so appreciated! |
New member Username: Gek0Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-05 | I also lost my cd but my new comp is a mac, is it possible to still use sonicstage on a mac? |
carliz ere Unregistered guest | if you put music on your computer using sonicstage, it will not work on an ipod as its in omg format, u'll need convert the format to put them on an ipod |
indy 79 Unregistered guest | greogry, sorry man, but even the newest verison of sonic stage isn't available for macs :-( |
Unregistered guest | Yo i have the NW - E99 network walkman, and i don't have sonic stage, i lost the cd...and i need sonic stage 2.0 can anyone hook me up? e-mail me thanks |
Unregistered guest | hi, I recently got my father minidisc mz-r500. I want to know how can y get my mp3 songs on it. I f anyone knows please, i am really desperate |
New member Username: JohneucbPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-05 | You can always download the latest version of Sonic Stage from Sony's Connect site @ |
cybersincere Unregistered guest | In my opinion, SonicStage has gotten a lot better with version 3.0, which is what Connect is distributing now. The link "John Eucb" gave above goes to the Connect homepage, and all you need to do is click on "Download the Connect Player" at the top of the page...that will get you the 3.0 version. If you continue to have problems getting SonicStage 3.0 to work with your portable Sony devices, contact them for support by clicking "help" at the top of the page. I had some troubles before and they responded in a few minutes to my request... |
Rochelle Dawson Unregistered guest | I would like to thank 'Warlock' for providing a link to Sonic Stage which definetly works. I really can not over enphasise how much I appreciate you putting that link on this site. Once again thank you very much. If anyone else has any information or tips about SonicStage could they please put them on this site. |
SomeGuyInThisForum Unregistered guest | Why can't sony just make a goddamn program that works. Sonic Stage is so annoying, you have to check in/ check out your songs and convert all your damn music to Atrac... Sonys MD Players etc are great - its just the software that lets them down. |
iceravenVI Unregistered guest | i was wondering, does sonicstage 3.1 work with net md MZ-N710? |
Unregistered guest | here is the last version : |
New member Username: GollamPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-05 | I have a sony atrac cd player.Can anyone help,new at this.My pc didn't want to install sonicstage (don't know why!) so I've downloaded the atrac3 codecs so I can convert my audio files with Audiograbber.This worked ok.Can I burn an atrac cd using Realplayer10 or Nero 6.If not how do I burn an atrac cd?Thanx hopefully Dave. |
RayRay2005 Unregistered guest | Does that 2.3 soundstage support MZ-NE410? |
Unregistered guest | Because Nero does not work with my Pioneer 109 I installed Record Now 4.5 to burn dvds. That works fine but now Sonic Stage burner can not find my dvd drive. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this ? Thank you. |
Unregistered guest | a few ppl complained about having to convert to atrac... sony has a firmware update that allows the HD-NW1 to play mp3s... however u still need to use their stupid sonicstage to put them on there.... : ( If anyone knows of a program other than sonic stage that can access the NW1 can u email me please... BTW if u live in Australia the firmware update is free! |
Msive2 Unregistered guest | Sonicstage 2.0 or higher doesnt work, it just comes up with some crappy message that says "Converting SonicStage Database" or something then it closes down. Any help? |
Unregistered guest | Hi i wonder if any one can help me. Im looking for actrac3plus software or Sonicstage2 or later,or sonicstage simple burner. Please email me at it would be much appreciated Thanks Hennie |
Unregistered guest | Yo I just bought I sony nw e99, that i have to pick it up when i am going to be travelling. I want to get my music ready so i would only need to transfer the songs in atrac format. I have all of my songs in mp3 or wma format. I downloaded sonicstage 3.1, but it does not let me convert them. the following message appears: Cannot convert the specified track. SonicStage does not support the file format of the track. can someone please help me on how to convert my mp3s into atrac. it doesnt matter if its not using sonicstage. cheers |
Unregistered guest | thanks for the help. even though i was not a part of it. |
shawn234234435 Unregistered guest | My mp3 player doesn't even work anymore, the mz-n105, idk what happened, it used to work but now the files transfer and it doens't work anymore ![]() |
Ramsgate30 Unregistered guest | Get yourself an I pod. I too have had some serious problems with the Sonicstage programs and this is not as easy to play with as you would with a dedicated MP3 player. I have a Sony MZ-N710 and am wishing that I have bought an Ipod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Molumbo Unregistered guest | Dude enough of listening to all of there bollox. i went to this website because i hated changing everything to atrac and it worked a treat. enought sh*t ----- go here Molumbo |
macdonald Unregistered guest | Hey all im havin prob wif my MD, Hi MD player model MZ-NH700. My sonicstage keeps buggering up and will not transfer files for me. wot do i do? |
Unregistered guest | hey molumbo, you rock =) serious, my ap-1 was like crap because the sonicstage2.1 on the disk Doesnt work for me now i will have to try that 2.3 and tell u guys how nice molumbo is |
Tanneruuuu Unregistered guest | You guys stop wining, search the web. And most sonicstage programs come with any MD player and work like a charm. My reccmmendation is to go to Run.. under the start button, then type in "MSCONFIG" and click on the tab startup. Uncheck all boxes. Your computer will start in an instant and will be faster then ever. SonicStage usually has problems under slow conditions. good luck you guys |
Agnes Unregistered guest | Hello, I try to download sonicstage 2.1 and older version in order to convert MD file to MP3 but in vain! I'm on an old Windows 98 (don't blame me, I save for XP. I tried Sonicstage 1.5 but still in vain, my system can't use it. Any one could help me? Thanks in advance! I have a MD MZ-R91 |
coyle Unregistered guest | umm could someone just post a link for the sonic stage program all those links above don't work or they're links for patches, i need the program, (lost the cd) |
New member Username: JohneucbPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-05 | You can always download the latest version of SonicStage, whether new or updating your current install, at Click on the "Download the Connect Player" link at the top. |
legal man 2341 Unregistered guest | wow that good that i found a site that i can download sound stage from cus i need that for my Fu**** psp that support atrac 3 cant you tell that im from the hood with my psp 4sho.dat how we real niggaz do it from down south |
legal man 2341 Unregistered guest | wow that good that i found a site that i can download sound stage from cus i need that for my Fu**** psp that support atrac 3 cant you tell that im from the hood with my psp 4sho.dat how we real niggaz do it from down south |
legal man 2341 Unregistered guest | wow that good that i found a site that i can download sound stage from cus i need that for my Fu**** psp that support atrac 3 cant you tell that im from the hood with my psp 4sho.dat how we real niggaz do it from down south |
daftbloke Unregistered guest | Dont be fooled by the Sonicstage 2 links you'll get linked to the 3.1 download, fair enough but not great if you've abandoned 3.1 because it's so sloooowwww on a dial-up and you reckoned 2.0 had to be smaller lol. Better yet is when you've lost 6Gb+ of mp3s by installing the driver in the first place and had to re-install without a backup of said music. Ah joy, this netmd better be good, looks like the software's gonna be fun now, where did I put the CD Ripper . . . . |
Josh A. Unregistered guest | hey i need to find a link for "sonicstage 1.5" plz i need to make atrac 3 |
Josh A. Unregistered guest | hey i need to find a link for "sonicstage 1.5" to install plz i need to make atrac 3 |
Josh A. Unregistered guest | hey i need to find a link for "sonicstage 1.5" to install plz i need to make atrac 3 |
Unregistered guest | Hello i need help, i have a network walkman NW-HD1 and i realy need the sonicstage 2.1 because mi HD1 don't work whit other sonicstage version. Can somebody help me please??? where i can download that sonicstage version???? |
Unregistered guest | HEy Jordan or some one with the same mini disc as me tell me where i can download the program to put songs on to my mini disc. this is pissing me off i have it over a month now. the model is [mz-n510] Please help me |
gsgsgsdgfs Unregistered guest | wOOt Jordan H. u rock that sh!t rocks go to his site that is soo awsome finally i get too use my minidisc! |
Unregistered guest | hi every1 i have a nw-e75 sony walkman. when i downloaded sonicstage3.1 i try to open and it gives me the message can not open mg secure moduale. can someone please guide me in the right direction Roscoe |
ricgarcas Unregistered guest | Please i need your help, suddenly my sonicstage menubar started flashing and i cannot do anything. I have re-installed it but nothing happens. What can I do? Please help!!! |
Conor Unregistered guest | Hi, do any of you know how to transfer music onto my PSP? Thanx |
Cpt Nemo Unregistered guest | Gotta admit the technology here in Tokyo kicks a$$ first off. Turns out my cell phone uses atrac 3 format for its ringtones and I've got some wavs I need to convert to that format to install on my phone. You can find pretty much all versions of Sonicstage on Ares( I just need to fix some .dlls for the installation. And if yer worried about viruses or spyware hit for AVG, or for Ad-Aware. Lates. |
Breeze Unregistered guest | Does sonic stage 2.2 burn atrac3plus to disc that I can play in a sony atrac3plus car dash cd player? |
Bl00dy Demon Unregistered guest | You Transfer music to ur PSP by adding in PSP folder a folder named "MUSIC" then u just drag the mp3 or Atrac3plus files into the folder... |
chubb Unregistered guest | ... its me or the sonic stage series is not very stable... why apple don't make minidisk :'( |
sedem Unregistered guest | Does someone still have the sonicstage 1.x or 2.x at home? The 3.1 doesn't work. Please email to THX sedem |
Pi Unregistered guest | i think sony pretty much owns the MD tech...and apparently they didn't learn much from the whole BetaMax fiasco so we all have to suffer yet again as a superior product dies out because sony hordes all rights to it's production... i just got my MD player and the sonicstage software i got with it wouldn't get past the library i downloaded v 3.1 ...very bad least the program would start i get a C++ runtime error on startup...whats more, i was reading the op manual for the software and sony says that this program pretty much isn't supported by any OS in existance...and that they don't assure operability of the software even if your computer meets every last one of their system why Sony would release an inferior, untested, and half finnished product is beyond's kinda like a world famous wine maker stuffing a buch of grapes into a bottle and hurling it at their coustomers...but only if the bottle hit you in your temple effectivly causing the cesation of your life...or at least a headache that makes you wonder if computer software can, in fact, give you an inoperable brain tumor by being so poorly written... but then again i guess if monkeys can write shakespear they can also write a PC that doesn't work but still it's impressive for feeble primates no??? |
New member Username: UffePost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | Hi Can any one help me and tell me why I get the message "can not connect to the server" when I install the SS 3.1? I am behind a router, using broadband connection. I don't use the firewall in xp. Ulf |
uhum Unregistered guest | hi when i try to convert a track to atrac3 or atrac3plus then he gives the message: cannot convert the specified track can somebody help me |
Unregistered guest | I bought a network walkman ,but the instalation cd doesn't want to install in my computer because this cd came from Japan and I live in Brazil.Cannot install with my windows language.How can I download the program to put any musics im my MP3?Thanks |
Unregistered guest | can i play atrac3 files on a atrac3plus player? thanks |
Hopesomeonecanhelp Unregistered guest | I'm trying to find smewhere to download sonic stage 2.1(lost the CD) in Japan but the download websites are for America or Europe. Does anyone know where I can download from in Japan. |
Unregistered guest | Have just come off the phone with Sony UK, for us entertainers, the new 3.1 is just not suitable, they have taken away the ability to make and create, update albums. They are going towards the comsumer for the normal Mp3s not the people who want to organise and transfer their backing tracks. If anyone has got a copy of 2.3 (Which worked fine) I would appreciate it. Contact me at or if you are on MSN, |
Rizza00888 Unregistered guest | I have a DNE820 Sony walkman from Japan and am trying to use the sonic stage CD on an american computer. Is that possible? Everytime I try to import anything it shuts down. I've also tried to download sonic stage from the site and it wont even open up on my computer. I am Windows XP Home |
Nauchan Unregistered guest | i have sonicstage simple burner and whenever i burn it says their is no D:\ drive and then that there is a new drive, but i have to restart it.Then it does the same thing again.Can anyone help me? |
Arkhein Unregistered guest | Yeah, i dun like the sonicstage 3.1 either. I'm also looking for SonicStage 2.3. Anyone has it? Would be grateful if anyone could help. Contact me at |
Unregistered guest | Does anyone know why an atrac3plus CD won't play in Sonicstage even though it was burned in SonicStage? Also, is there anyway to convert .atp to wma/mp3? |
Unregistered guest | can ne1 plz gimme a link for sonicstage v2.1???? ive been looking everywere and cant find. My dam friend told me that 3.1 is sik and itll work on ne computer, well lets just say that aint true. So neways if ne1 can give me the link for a site with sonigstage v2.1, it would be greatly apreciated. |
pinkladylucy Unregistered guest | HiHi do i need this sonic stage lark thingy just to make minidiscs straight from my laptop through net MD? I just dont wanna waste blank cds to make my minidiscs if i can do it straight from my computer! Hope somebody can help. thanks!!! |
jokster543 Unregistered guest | still looking for sonicstage v2.1!! cant find it newhere online, all thats out there is 3.1, and that doesnt work right on my computer. My hotmail is down but if any1 knows where to get it u can IM me if u have Aol Instant Messenger, my screeen name is JOKSTER543, only IM me if u know a site with sonicstage 2.1, ty |
Unregistered guest | Email Me, i'll Send you ne copy your looking for contact me by email at if u have yahoo msger u can leave me an offline msg leaving me ur email and what version your looking for. |
Unregistered guest | hi, i'm from mexico and i got a problem, i can't burn a cd with mp3 files in the sonic stage software. can any one tell me how burn a cd with mp3 files o rip the omg files into mp3? |
Unregistered guest | I had an early version of sonic stage that allowed me to remove vocals and change pitch, but I couldn't burn to a cd. I downloaded v. 3.2 and now I can't do all that with the vocals and pitch. Is there a way or do I need an earlier version like 2.1 or 2.3? Help! I really need this! |
red.rocket Unregistered guest | I wanna burn a few albums on an ATRAC. But eveytime i put in a CD-R, it keeps saying "Please insert recordable disc." Other time it says "Device/Media not connected." Does anyone know what can be done to make it stop saying this garbage? Am I gonna have to dowlnload a new version? Has anyone had this me problem before? |
red.rocket Unregistered guest | I wanna burn a few albums on an ATRAC. But eveytime i put in a CD-R, it keeps saying "Please insert recordable disc." Other time it says "Device/Media not connected." Does anyone know what can be done to make it stop saying this garbage? Am I gonna have to dowlnload a new version? Has anyone had this me problem before? |
Unregistered guest | a better way to find a full version of sonic : you launch an web installation with the installer. After that you launch a web install again. The unsinstall of the previous version lets you the time to copy these four directories on your LocalSettings\Temp : pft...tmp sonicdl.tmp sonicext.tmp soniclauc.tmp You must copy and paste otherwere these files before the beginning of the installation, because the installer deletes it. You have now all your setup files in these directories. Enjoy! |
Unregistered guest | My Sonicstage 3.1 does not recognize my memory stick driver. It's a built in driver but still it won't appear in sonicstage. I try to buy USB memory stick reader but still none. It doesn't work. Can anyone help me? I can't use my sounds for my cellphone without that atrac3 in my memory stick. Please help.. Can anyone tell me what i would do so the memory stick drive would appear in my sonicstage? |