Archive through December 31, 2005


Unregistered guest
wuts the code for puting music in the background without the play stop and pause buttons?

Unregistered guest
Hi um I've got some songs that I'd like to change into html codes, I've heard that some music hosting sites can do this and I've been searching for ages for a music hosting site like photobucket sept well it hosts music instead does any1 know of any sites ro any other ways to make my songs into html codes?

little jay
Unregistered guest
im trying to use the code to add bg music on my myspace, but its not working,

can anyone tell me why or suggest another way??

Unregistered guest
i have limewire n cannot figure out wut to do to put the music on my myspace i have tried putfile but doesnt work so tell me wut do i use n how to do it

Unregistered guest
Living Legend
Unregistered guest
Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 06:31 am:


I have Music on my computer system at home and i want to put them on my myspace site. I have a player on my site that will play MP3 files. I just need a URL for the music i want to be played. Do i make a url for my music? or do i have to track them down from somewhere?

please help me.

from lolovinage:


Unregistered guest
hey. i have photoshop. i made a little animation and i want to upload it. its saved as a .mov file. but i cant find anywhere to upload it. AND i want it to loop. i actually found one place but it doesnt loop the animation. so if someone could PLEASE help me out.


Unregistered guest
Hello. Like some people here have posted I am trying to put music to my Myspace Profile. I have the song that I want on my LimeWire and my iTunes. Can someone tell me how to put the song to my Myspace. Thanks

Unregistered guest
hey... just like everyone else here.. i downloaded a song i have bearshare and i want to put it on my space.. but i ned the url how do i get it.. help will be very appreaciated thanx

Unregistered guest
same as do you put songs from iTunes onto myspace?

Mad Mike V
Unregistered guest
Yo i made a mix and i want all my friends to hear it i have a mp3 version of it and a wma version i wanan stik it in myspace but u need a code and stuff can some 1 pleez help me thanks


jenna lynn
Unregistered guest
i have a cd, a myspace accout, and a goal. lol. now all i want to do is put a track from the cd as my background on my profile and im kinda starting from scratch here. i have windows media and real and itunes and all that stuff but i have no clue what im supposed to do. can someone help me out before i pull all the rest of my hair out? please?

kent b
Unregistered guest
I use myspace to convirse with my friends and I was wondering If anyone knew how to write an html code that would allow me to play a different song everytime some one cheaked out my site? The problem I have is that I don't like just one song and so I would like to share a variety of songs with other people without making them board.

Unregistered guest
Hey i have a myspace and i really want to know how to put music in the backround and not a video just a song from my files. i went to and it doesnt work at all. my sister once put a song up for me i dont know how, she sed that she uploads them from my dads email address? i dont know but if u can tell me whats a good website for uploading songs cus i really want to put a song on my please tell me what to do. thanks

Unregistered guest
LIKE MOSTLY ALL of you guys i have music downloaded from limewire and i want to put that music on my site. i did try and it did work but it only works for like one song and when i want to switch the song on my site it doesnt play. are there any other sites that are for FREE and are as easy as

thanks, carolyn

Unregistered guest
ok, i want 2 put music on my myspace page, but i have absolutely no clue what the hell i need do,or where 2 go so if ANYONE out there could help me, I LOVE YOU! email me @

THANX in advance!

Unregistered guest
ok, i want 2 put music on my myspace page, but i have absolutely no clue what the hell i need do,or where 2 go so if ANYONE out there could help me, I LOVE YOU! email me @

THANX in advance!

Unregistered guest
hey guys,

i just wanted to ask experienced ppl lol

i have a my space but i wanted to upload music from my comp on to that does anyone have any advice or a HTML code so i can put that music on there

thank you

Unregistered guest

Unregistered guest
hey, my account thing from ripway got "locked", so is it a "too bad, you never get to come back!" kind of thing or do i wait it off... and if i can, i can take requests for songs and post the url's on this site for y'all to use on your webpages, since you guys have been such a help to me.

caitlin .
Unregistered guest
ok all these people have music sites where you click on the link and it plays the song on xanga right?? i wanna make one of those but i just dont understand how they get the music on their sites. how do they make it so you can just click on it and it plays the song? thanks :o)

Unregistered guest
ok, i don't know if i'm at the right site for this, but here it goes... i had limewire, and then i had to delete it. so i did, and then i figured that i didn't really need the java that came with it, but i only got around to deleting half. i want to reinstall java so that i can get limewire again. (winMX just isn't the same) but i know that to do that i must first delete all of my remaining java. So now here's my problem. i go to add/remove programs and select to remove java, but when i do, all i get is a "you already have this version of the jre installed. please uninstall the product through your add/remove programs utility before reinstalling". like, wtf?!! i am already here and that's what im trying to do!!! so can anyone help me out here? please? maybe an alternate way to get rid of jre? (that's the java name)

Unregistered guest
Doramail's not working for me and ripway's taking forever to send the stuopid confirmation mail..and ican't figure out how to work alt.and oh yeah, mseals is a virus.

Unregistered guest
ok i got the confirmation mail form iweb(spam folder) but how do i convert my files from mp3 to wma?i got a free tial converter but it only converts 60% of the file...

Unregistered guest
hi there,
i want to add background music to my webpage but it is of mp3 format.what should i do?do i have to convert it to wav format?
please help.

Unregistered guest was a disappointment.
i had everything right. everything was working.

and out of nowhere they disable my links because i exceeded my "service level". free space of 30 mb, right? i only used 15.6 mb ... what the hell is wrong with this. if i could get any help it would be greatly appreciated.


Unregistered guest
I have all these songs from limewire and they're in my itunes library but I can't get them on my ipod or on to a cd. I'm not really a computer person and I don't want to delete ne thing else.
if ne one could tell me how to do it I'd appreciate it.

New member
Username: Dick

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-05

Unregistered guest
I would like to know how to take the audio from a webpage. I really need this ASAP!! I really want the background music, I just need to know how to take that music and send it to Windows Media Player so I can burn it to a CD. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS!!!

Unregistered guest
How do I upload music from my c.d to my myspace profile?

Unregistered guest
guys guys guys, think about it', you probably won't be able to put most music on your website..For one reason, it is a possibility that the song you want to upload is owned by someone already..i would love to say the artist in this situation, but in most cases it is the record label or publisher. Be careful, b/c in these situations it is also possible to get into legal trouble for these kind of situations..Copyright infringement or even trademark infringement..just remember to be safe..

Unregistered guest


Unregistered guest
no not only MP3 but .wma, .mid and .midi
haha kay

Unregistered guest
Hey, I would like to know how to upload music from the cd to a web site, i can only do .mp3 and .wav. I am trying to put it on a petpage on neopets but i just cant figure out how. if anybody dose know how and wants to help/do it for me then the song i want is Dance, dance by fall out boy. you can find me at and if you play neopets, (yeah right...) then is littleangel5090 oh and i have aim, babydragon98765

Unregistered guest
thnx for all the help. this site is aiight

Unregistered guest
thnx for all the help. this site is aiight

Unregistered guest
i want to add a playlist to my myspace page. one that only plays music. not music videos. i have no idea how 2 get it on my page. or how 2 add songs. someone plz help.

Unregistered guest

Unregistered guest
Hey guys, I've tried and many other sites but I still can't get the music to work on my xanga! please help I've been trying for HOURS

Unregistered guest
how can i download music off the internet onto my xanga site?? cause i have NO clue how and i'm getting frustrated.

Unregistered guest
i want to know how i can upload one of my songs that i have sabed on my computer to put it on my website it would be really cool if you guys helped me!! thank you!!

Unregistered guest
well i have a myspace and i added this ipod thing that u could add more than one song like 10 songs but again non of these sites upload the songs either my mp3 is to big or the link doesnt workk. please helpp if anything email me at

missy maxx
Unregistered guest
I want to add my bands song on myspace for booking reasons..everytime i do it says this page cannot be displayed..ive tried rip and still no go..please email me at with any info and help...Missy Maxx

Does anyone know of a site that offers codes that you can put on MySpace that doesn't run on Windows Media Player? And if not, can anyone tell me how to change a code so that the song does not play in a WMP box?

Unregistered guest
Does anyone know of a site that offers codes that you can put on MySpace that doesn't run on Windows Media Player? And if not, can anyone tell me how to change a code so that the song does not play in a WMP box?

Unregistered guest
thanx for all the help.. i used the to download the mp3 then used the <embed> as what i have read from here.. then pasted it on myspace..
sure it did work.. i can hear the song.. autoplays and repeating.. problem is: ITS ONLY ON MY COMPUTER.. some of my friends said they didn't hear anything.. so please.. can someone explain??

Unregistered guest
im just wondering because i have BearShare and i see how the hip-hop artists song appear up on the screen when i type in there names so im wonderin how i can upload or get some of my songs on BearShare..???

Unregistered guest
I have been trying to find out how to download music to my myspace account for some time now and heard about RIPWAY, well I tried it out & at first thought it was going to work but when I went to edit my profile under 'music' and pasted the played the song and I was so excited until I realized that it was only playing for me in the edit screen & not in my actual profile for myself AND others to hear.. Am I doing something wrong here? and does anyone else have any suggestions?? (I'm not interested in music videos; just audio..)


Summer Butterfly
Unregistered guest
I'm tryin to load background music to a xanga site...and it says i need web hosting to stream the music so other ppl can hear it...and i really have absolutely no clue how to do it AT me?

Unregistered guest
man, i'm so tired of trying to figure this out!!!... all i wanted to do was to upload my own music onto my website...ahh, i got the damn virus.. grr... whoever posted that... hopefully, you got the virus too... gosh, i had to rebooted everything... i went on and they said i used 16.28Mb out of 30mb within the last 24 hours... in which, i haven't even uploaded all day today... only yesterday, i uploaded 5 songs it was 6.38MB... what did i do wrong??? they block me for 24 hours... God, there was no files of the 16.28Mb.. only of the one i uploaded.. gosh!!! are they trying to get something?? what the hell??!!

Unregistered guest
is there a site where u can just upload a song and get a tag for it
like photobucket but it should be music bucket
so all u comp genius theres a new idea

Unregistered guest
ok, so i took the advice here and I:
* uploaded a song to
*and then i copied the code from
*and then i put it in my myspace profile under music, replacing the url with my new one.
*and it is still not playing music. WHAT did i do wrong?

For the embeded code Myspace has suddenly blocked it.

This has upset ALOT of users but have no fear they're working on a new code.

Course knowing them it might take awhile mail to tom about this stuff.

fellow myspace user

Unregistered guest
Ok. Every time I go to upload a mp3 file, the site (neopets) doesn't allow it. I did find one site, however, that worked, but then I went to my lookup again and the music wasn't playing. I tried ripway, geocities, and all those other websites... Could someone please help? You can contact me through email if you want...

i need some more music hosting places that will work on my i kan put a song on my myspace!! can ne wun help me please!!??

Unregistered guest
i need i code for music like once a song ends another one begins

Unregistered guest
hey well im trying to upload music on to my xanga site but i dont know how to do any of that stuff so if anyone could please help me itll be greatly appreciated please email me about it at

Unregistered guest
ripway is bad for blogs if you've got a bunch of people checking it out. While you get 30 mb of space, the bandwidth is not very high, so by the end of the day you exceed the limit. I'm using singingfish right now, but it doesn't have a bunch of songs I need. I'm like everyone else, looking for a good upload site with tons of bandwidth! Thanks!

Unregistered guest
I have a question. I have a song in my windows media player. But i want to put that song in my site. What is a site link that i can use to upload it. I need that songs url. And i don't know how to get it.

Unregistered guest
hi, i have that same question that strawberryz just asked. because i want this song and when i click properties and view the link...
it gives me like C: documents and settings/lauren/
all that stuff..
so i think i need to upload it or host it somewhere so i can put the link in a music code for backround music for my site?

Unregistered guest
Okay, either I'm stupid, blind or both(most likely both), but I went on:
-my space
-edit profile
and I saw NO section that says music.
I have the link for the where do I put it?

Thank in advance

Unregistered guest
hello, I have a myspace. I also have an mp3 player that can record stuff. So i was sitting in my room and i recorded this song on my guitar with my mp3 player... I want to know how to put this song on my myspace. Whenever i upload it too the computer it says it's a .wav file but when i change it too a .mp3 or .mov file it says( cannot find file) please help me ~ kyle

Unregistered guest
I found my problem! The problem is that when I click on edit profile on myspace, it takes me to the profile page for MSN.

How do I get to the profile page for instead of the one on msn?

Unregistered guest
anyone know how to upload a music mp3 to friendster page..any website is good for friendster plz..cos i try cant anyone here know

Unregistered guest
anyone know how to upload a music mp3 to friendster page..any website is good for friendster plz..cos i try cant anyone here know friendster is abit like xanga too..i think lolx

New member
Username: Goth_thing

Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
how do you put music on a website?

the archeologist
Unregistered guest

this is what i use to play my tunes on myspace. but is there a way to allow the other person to hit play instaed of just autoplaying

Unregistered guest
hey uhm.. is alright to upload music. to get it on your xanga, don't copy and paste the code just paste the URL where it says "music" and in myspace, paste the code anywhere in your editing page. hope that helps. man im having troubles getting my music to work haha. stupid site keeps deleting all my accounts i use to upload my songs. idk why i never do anything bad. =/ owells

how do u get music videos from limewire to itunes so i can watch it on my video ipod.????please i need help@!!!!

Unregistered guest
hey.. does anybody kno how to find a songs URL .. i alreddy have it downloaded but i want to post it on one of my sites and it says i need a URL .. can someone please help me out ???
thanks :D

Unregistered guest

I have recently put a flash player onto my myspace profile, anyway, the music does not play. What could be the problem? it was fine last night!


The Master Mixer
Unregistered guest
Hi There, I am currently creating a website about the type of music that I am interested in. And I am wondering if there is any software that will allow me to upload live music. A bit like a radio station but only for a few hours a week. Because i do mixing i want to get people listening on my site when i am doing a set.
Cheers Richy, OXFORD UK

Unregistered guest
Does anyone know how to upload a song from a cd to Myspace? If so please IM me on aim @ mandyyy0984....Thanks

alexandria thompson
Unregistered guest
HI - I really need help. I'd like to put some of my OWN music on my myspace music page, but i'm a a little bit computer illiterate & can't figure it out. All i have is the CD with the recording & i need to know HOW to upload it onto my computer! If anyone could help me, i would be forever grateful. email -
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