kamrans Unregistered guest | I had the chance to listen to JMLab Cobalt 826s and the Paradigm Reference Studio 100 and both sounded great and detailed. The price difference between the two is little with JMLab costing roughly $300 more. I want to build a stereo setup first and later expand it to 5.1 home theater. I have two questions 1. which is a better speaker in overall quality and accuracy. 2. What Amp/Pro would best suite both speakers (Outlaw, Rotel, Arcam, etc.). I want something cost effective for $2000 to $3000. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 652 Registered: Feb-05 | first question, how big is your room? (have another idea but it is room dependant) |
kamrans Unregistered guest | the room size is 14x22 feet with vaulted ceiling 9' on one side and 16' on the other side. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 664 Registered: Feb-05 | ok...nevermind then... both of them are VERY good speakers. pick whichever one sounds best to your ears I myself am a paradigm fan, and would take the studio 100's between the two. Rotel will go well with paradigm speakers. |
Silver Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 102 Registered: Sep-05 | What amp will go with the Cobalt 816's? I have a Yamaha receiver(RX-V757). |
kamrans Unregistered guest | Thanks Gavin, I am a newbie so I couldn't tell any significant difference between the two and I am sure if someone more experienced have listened to the two would be able to tell the difference. Any takers. In terms of quality and price performance ratio, which would be a better choice for both stereo and home theater? Since I can't listen to the speakers with these specific Amps I am looking for an expert advice. Any specific receiver or separates that would go equally well for both of these speakers. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2796 Registered: Feb-05 | Rotel and Paradigm are indeed a good match. However as Gavin said they are both very nice speakers, you really can't lose with either. It comes down to a matter of preference. All of the amplimfication options you have chosen are of high quality as well. You may have to do some listening (in home auditions) and return what you don't want. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 670 Registered: Feb-05 | I personally think that Paradigm has the nod over the JMLabs once again, but like I said, I am a huge paradigm fan. I love them, and think that the price / performance ratio is one of the best in the industry. I would also reccomend taking a look at Mirage OM series speakers if you can find a dealer. They have a positivly HUGE soundstage, thanks to their unique design, however they still retain incredible imagery. I find them very detailed with their incredible tweeters, and in a room that size they could work wonders. http://miragespeakers.com/omseries.shtml I have been a mirage fan for quite a while, and rarely ever think to reccomend them. They have a unique, intoxicating sound that is either love it or hate it. But, I personally think the sound is fantastic :-) I think that these start out at $1500 a pair if I remember correctly. |
kamrans Unregistered guest | I will check out Mirage OM series as well. On the Amp side what other option do I have other than Rotel, something that does not add any color to the sound and can drive both of these speakers. For Rotel do I need to go with 200wpc specs or will I be fine with something smaller. Remember Paradigm draw more power than JMLabs. Also someone in one of the forum mentioned that Rotel amps are a little bright and since JMLabs are a little bright they may not be a very good fit. What amp do you use for your Paradigm speakers? |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 673 Registered: Feb-05 | I myself use a rotel / paradigm combo. That is why I think it is such a good combo, and where my expertise lies. I would also look at B&K, which makes great amps as well. You don't need to go to the 200wpc specs, and you can even go over. The more powerful the amp the better. You are more likely to blow a speaker from the amp clipping (distorting) than overdriving the speaker itself. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 46 Registered: Dec-05 | Kamrans, I think the Rotel would go great with the JMlabs. Rotel are very neutral and should match the JMlabs clarity. Rotel 1070 135 wpc should be ok, but the more power the better. Especially with the Studio 100, where you need to all the power for those drivers. I personally like the JMlabs 926 more than the Studio 100. I think it's a more balance speaker with better soundstage, .5" wider baffle helps. But like Art said, they are both great speakers, and I would be content with either one of them. Actually I would settle for the Studio 60 or the Cobalt 916. The Mirage I wasn't impressed, but you should check them out to see if they fit your taste. Lots of bass for sure. Hope that helps a little. Eld |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 47 Registered: Dec-05 | Sorry, I meant JMlabs 826 and 816. ![]() |
kamrans Unregistered guest | Why Cobalt 816 or Studio 60? pricing? or there isn't much difference with the next model up. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 674 Registered: Feb-05 | that's why I threw them in :-) they have a totally different sound than the paradigm speakers. I was most impressed with the OM-9, which I thought had the best balance of bass, mids, and highs in the particular room I was in. It is interesting to note that the OM-9 is the entry level OM series speaker. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 48 Registered: Dec-05 | Kamrans, Personal preference mainly. I actually thought the sound balance between the highs and lows are better in the Cobalt 816 and Studio 60 than their bigger brothers, which tend to be a bit heavy on the low side. Unless you have a really large room I feel the Studio 60 and Cobalt 816 give better tonal balance. Happy auditioning, Eld |
kamrans Unregistered guest | I'll check them out. What are good cables to use for hooking up speakers. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 49 Registered: Dec-05 | Almost any decent wires of 12 gauge or better will be excellent. Check out this website: http://bluejeanscable.com/index.htm I bought banana plugs from them, excellent quality. I have heard great review about the wires as well, very decent price. |
Silver Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 675 Registered: Feb-05 | I myself use Carare 4s8 cables from www.markertek.com I have had great results with it, and think it is an outstanding cable for the price, and is very high quality. |
New member Username: Blues651Il. United States Post Number: 4 Registered: Feb-06 | Kamrans, I too think both speakers will work great, I went with the 100's paired with Rotel. I think if you do go with the 100's you will want 200w. per ch. or more. I started with a 120w. rmb 1075 then jumped to the rb 1080 and heard a huge difference. And as far as Rotel being bright I personally don't think so , they match up very well with Paradigm. |
kamrans Unregistered guest | Thanks Greg, I have been thinking of this as well. What pre/processor are you using? I was also thinking to perhaps get the Outlaw RR2150 for now and later spend more money on something like Rotel RMB-1095. But I'd like to know what pre-processor are you using? |
New member Username: Blues651Il. United States Post Number: 5 Registered: Feb-06 | Kamrans, I use a Rotel 1068 pre , it made the biggest difference in my system , it replaced an Onkyo intergrated that I was using for a pre . Another thought if you have the room I would go the 1080 + 1075 route, the 1080 will drive your fronts much better than 1095 and both together cost the same as the 1095. |
JMoores Unregistered guest | I have a pair of Cobalt 816 S that are powered by an Arcam A80 amp, and it sounds wicked to my ears. Recently there was a product demo at the local audiophile store that had a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona's (apparently $11,000 Canadian) running through a bundle of new Arcam electronics, and my Cobalt 816's sound just as good...im no expert but the JMlab's cost me $2495 a year ago, even with the amp I spent $4000, much more affordable then the Sonus Faber. I found Paradigm to be too bright and, quite frankly, ugly..but to each his own. |
Silver Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 106 Registered: Sep-05 | Jmoores, I just ordered the 816 S's and CC800 S, I can't wait to get them. I don't have an amp yet probably go with an Outlaw amp. I only paid $2000 for all 3 speakers. Sounds like I got a really good deal. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 56 Registered: Dec-05 | Congratulations TDog! Cobalt 816s are very nice speakers and I know you will enjoy them. The center is very nice too. I love their metal grills. Good choice if you get the Outlaws, TDog. Looks like you had a very nice deal. Happy Listening! Sorry for the off post Kamrans. |
Silver Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 107 Registered: Sep-05 | I'm very excited about my new speakers on the way. The Black/gray speaker really looks good, and I love the way the metal tranparent grill looks on them. |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 24 Registered: Feb-06 | TDog, Good for you...can wait to hear from you about those speakers. ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2821 Registered: Feb-05 | Good job TDog, now what's goin' on with kamrans. |
kamrans Unregistered guest | I guess I got lost in the rubble, but I enjoyed the little distraction. I am still leaning towards Paradigm since I can find far many great reviews about the studio 100 as compared to JMLab 816/826. I was thinking of getting the Outlaw RR2150 to start with and later get the Rotel separates just to save money and no doubt they look great. Does anyone know of detailed reviews on JMLab 826. |
Silver Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 108 Registered: Sep-05 | Do yahoo or google search for them. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 58 Registered: Dec-05 | Kamrans, Don't worry about the reviews. They are both great speakers. Pick the one your ears like the most and your pocket can stand. ![]() My only suggestion is to take your time and enjoy the shopping experience. Listen to as many speakers as you can, and see what you like the best. In ten years down the road, you will be glad you did. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 26 Registered: Feb-06 | Kamrans, I agree with Eld, dont depend on the reviews because it will confuse you (like me) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Also if your not in a hurry just browse more speakers as you can and write down which one you like until you decide which one is the best for you. At the same time also you will defintely have a great time checking all the speakers trust me...hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() Happy Journey and good luck!!! |
Bronze Member Username: DelsolePost Number: 53 Registered: Feb-05 | Get the paradigms and a rotel,cant go wrong sounds awsome i have a set of energy speakers with an older rotel reciever and they sound awsome |
kamrans Unregistered guest | Thanks everyone, I'll listen to some more in the next 2-3 weeks before purchasing. |
Jmoores Unregistered guest | TDog: That's awesome, you got a smokin deal. I agree with others comments though, don't get too hung up on other peoples reviews, listen to as many speakers as you can and buy what sounds good to you. Once im done Computer Engineering @ college and have a real job i'll get my hands on a Cobalt Surround sound system ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 59 Registered: Dec-05 | Jmoores, You are one lucky student! I had used Cerwin Vegas D5's with a my older brother hand-me-down Pioneer receiver in college, definitely not in the same league. I do miss the CV Thumps once in a while. My wife thought they were too "homely". ![]() Good luck in C.E. Engineering is definitely a tough field. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 111 Registered: Sep-05 | I just got my JM-Labs in today, but there is a slight problem maybe bigger than slight. On the back of the 816's there is a see through window that you can see the crossover. On one of the 816's the crossover came loose and is and just down inside of the speaker, sucks to get something brand new and there is a problem with it, however the speaker does work and I can't tell if there is something wrong prbably not. I did call the place I got them from, he is making a call and will get back to me. However, I sure hope he plans on sending me a new speaker with free shipping to return the defective one. |