I'd appreciate any suggestions for a new amplifier for my 20? year old Celestion SL6 speakers which are inefficent.(But I like them) I listen to folk, blues, rock and some jazz in a 20x16 foot room with a Denon 2200 player. Local dealers carry Yamaha, NAD. Rotel and Denon. A Rotel 1062 was suggested but I was unsure if 60 watts is enough power. Any comments would be appreciated
Sixty watts of Rotel should be enough wattage and current, though the Rotel might seem a bit cold to you. Rotel sound can be broadly generalized as "slightly" cold and mechanical; i.e. transistorized. Pairing it with the Celestions wouldn't, in my estimation, be the best option of everything available but it might be what you want to add some kick to the 6's. The dynamics of Rotel are (again speaking broadly) very good and their amps have a punchy quality that appeals to some listeners. It would depend on what you've had driving the SL-6's to this point and what you think you want to head towards now. Of the lines available in your area the NAD and Rotel are the better sounding products. Both can be bettered by other gear or some wisely chosen used equipment, but you wouldn't have the opportunity to hear the amp before you owned it.
Thanks for the input. I currently have a Sony VX550 Receiver with minor repairs needed.(Old, 50 watts but very good specs)My key goal is to improve the sound at low volumes and keep the clean sound I currently have at moderate volumes Would the Nad 352 be a reasonable choice? If the store will hook up a comparison test should I ask for anything special besides bringing my own CD.