Bronze Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 90 Registered: Sep-05 | Do they have a bright or detailed? Or more like a flat/ dull sound? |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 36 Registered: Dec-05 | TDog, Very detailed and slightly bright. I would put the 72 in the middle of Dynaudio Focus series and B&W 700s as far as brightness. You will need power that does well in 4 ohms and the 72s will do both home theatre and music very well. Vocals are without coloration. I highly recommend you give them a listen. You should notice a great soundstage, clean bass and great imaging at both low and high volume. If you like instrumental music, or a thicker bass and mids, check out the Focus 140 as well. Eld |
Bronze Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 91 Registered: Sep-05 | Elderion, the reason I ask is I have see a lot about those speakers around some forums. From what you are saying my yamaha rx-v757 isnt going to be enough to power them. I would need a seperat amp. What amps are good for 4ohm, or are they all about the same whether 4 or 6 ohm? Would outlaw amps work good for 4 ohm? I found some used 72's(about 6mths old) for $1200, and I probably could talk him down some to. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 38 Registered: Dec-05 | TDog, Have you checked with Yamaha regarding your receiver ability to drive speakers with 4 ohms impedance? If they said it's ok, then you are good to go. If you need a separate amp, the Outlaws will do fine. I have Outlaws driving my Audience 82 and they work great. Rotels would work well too. I have no reservation recommending the 72s, they are excellent speakers, but I recommend that you listen to them if you can. If you decide to purchase the 72s, Dynaudio have a 5 year transferable warranty, so make sure you get the original receipt Good luck and happy listening! Eld |
Bronze Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 92 Registered: Sep-05 | Elderion, My yamaha receiver has a way to set the ohms to either 4 or 8. Here are the models I like, what is the best line of Dynaudio? What size drivers do these have? Audience 82, 72, 122 Focus 220 Contour S5.4, S3.4 |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 933 Registered: May-05 | TDog, Just because your receiver has a switch and can drive 4 ohm speakers doesn't mean it'll do it well. You're putting way too much thought into this process. Go out, hear as many speakers as you REASONABLY can, and make a decision. If you dwell on something somewhere might be slightly better for the same amount of money, you won't end up with anything. The point of this whole thing is to have fun and enjoy the music, not driving yourself crazy and second guessing yourself. What is the best line of Dynaudio or any other manufacturer? The ones you like the most and can afford. What's the best speaker out their? The ones that you can afford that reproduce music the way you believe it's supposed to be reproduced. You haven't mentioned a single bad speaker. They are all well known and well respected products. None of them are "White Van" or any other scam. They all sound different from each other, and the only one who will ever be able to tell which sounds best to you is you. Forget about everyone else's opinion. It's your money, not ours. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 39 Registered: Dec-05 | TDog, Definitely go out and listen to as many speakers as you can and choose the one you like the most. It all boils down to personal preferences and taste. Take your time and enjoy the process of auditioning, don't rush to buy anything because a good pair of speakers can last you a decade or more. As far as Dynaudio, for me, I like the Contour the most, having the best qualities of the Audience and Focus. Then you know the rest based on my speaker choice. Cheers and happy auditioning! Eld |
Bronze Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 93 Registered: Sep-05 | I hear ya guys. I went and listened to boston Acoustics VR3's, and the high on those were to much, very forward and the bass wasn't that good. I also heard some Focal-JMLab Chorus 716's & Cobalt 816's. They were very nice. Very nice highs and very good bass, no overkill with either one A very good blend of highs and lows. I think this is what I will go with. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 40 Registered: Dec-05 | TDog, Take your time. ![]() I like the Cobalt 816's, but don't buy until you get a chance to listen to the Dyns. ![]() Eld |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 14 Registered: Feb-06 | TDog, How much in your area on those Cobalt 816? Have you tried the 826's? They're also good but base from Eld it seems he's recommending the Dyns...hmmmm... I think I better check on those too, well, the salesguy in my local store telling me to check the Dyns also besides JMlab 826 'coz the high's and the bass are good. ![]() ![]() Eld, Which one would you recommend in Dyns..??? So that I can check with those also. ![]() Thanks! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 94 Registered: Sep-05 | Elderion, I dont have a dealer in Des Moines to listen to Dynaudio's. I wish I could hear them. Is the Dynaudio sound and Cobalt 816 sound similar? Adrian, My dealer will sell me the 816's & CC800 S for $2120. He sure didn't want to come down a whole lot. Do you guys think that is high? What is your dealer selling them for? |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 41 Registered: Dec-05 | Hi guys, I hope you are really enjoying the auditioning process, I know I had a lot of fun discovering all the different speakers out there. Like a kid in a candy store, nice surprises at every corner. As far as the Dyns, each of their line have different flavor, much like the JMlabs. I recommend you listen to: Audience 72 Audience 72SE Audience 82 Focus 140 Contour S3.4 (My fav., but too high $) Contour S5.4 (Just for kicks) Any of the series in HT mode. TDog, To give you an idea, I would put the Dyns in more of the JMlab Profile 918 sound, not as bright, a little more bass and same clarity, I hope you can listen to the Profile. I also enjoyed the ProAc line very much, and was very tempted with the MartinLogans ![]() Happy auditioning! BTW, almost all the dealers I talked to were willing to give a 5-10% break on prices. |
Bronze Member Username: TdogroederDes Moines, IA Post Number: 96 Registered: Sep-05 | Elderion, I wish I could hear the Dynaudio. I just don't have any dealers around Des Moines, Iowa to audition them. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 42 Registered: Dec-05 | TDog, I think my dealer can help you out, I send you an email on the details. Good luck. |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 15 Registered: Feb-06 | TDog, Sorry i have no idea how much on those speakers.. but in 826's is $2700 but the salesguy wants to sell me for $2400/pair...and if I want to get the Center (cc800), surrounds (sr800) and sub (velodyne) he will give it to me for around $4400 or less. Which it's way too much for me but if its worth it maybe there's a probability to get it... hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Eld, Base from your experience did you hear both JMLab and Dyns? Is it true that Dyns is much better than JMLab? Because when I heard the 826's for me is already good but the salesguy told me if I did like the JMLab probably the Dyns I'm going to love it. Obviously the Dyns will cost more huh..??? Or maybe that guy just selling me more so that he can get more profit from me huh? He also recommend me the Tannoy speaker. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 43 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, I end up buying the Dynaudio Audience 82s and I listen to both the JMlab Cobalts and Profile lines during my speaker search. I agree with your salesman, but take that with a grain of salt, because your music preference can be totally different than ours. The Audience 72s are cheaper than the Cobalt 826 and the Audience 82s cost the same. I think you will enjoy listening to them this weekend. Cheers! |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 16 Registered: Feb-06 | hmmm...oh man I cant wait to check on those this weekend...well, actually that guy told me that "next time you stop by give me a call so that we can setup JMlab and Dyns with 5.1 setup and dont forget to bring your music CD and Movie". Also he told me if I'm planning to get a receiver get Marantz it better much for those speaker. What receiver your using on those speaker? Thanks! |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 44 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, I running Outlaws 970/2200 Amp combo with the Dyns. Outlaws are very neutral similar to Rotels. Ask the dealer if you can listen to the Marantz and any other power source that he has (like Rotels, Anthems, NAD, Arcam, etc.) and see which ones you like the best. I'm curious about all the high review the digital amps are getting. I'm going to check out the digital amps (have on order the T-Amp and Panasonic SA-XR55) and will report on how they sound. Cheers. |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 19 Registered: Feb-06 | Thanks for your input Eld...I did try the RSX-1056 with B&W 603's and it's neutral like what you've said and it sounds good and clear (watching 5th element and played pop music)...but when I check the review on Rotel some people said that Rotel has a Hiss problem, which I didnt hear when I checked it. The price on this is $1400 plus discount. Tomorrow I will check Martin Logan Montage and over the weekend will be Paradigm Studio 100 and Dyns...hopefully after that I will decide which one I will get and of course Receiver also .... hehehe Do you have any info on the Marantz and Integra by any chance? Thanks! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 45 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, I have listened to several Rotel's current amps and have not detected any hiss. I think hiss problems usually occurs in older homes, where the wire ground system are not up to par (most people use 2/3 power cord plug converter to eliminate the hiss). I like Marantz very much. They have a warm coloration. See if you like Dyns Audience lineup with the Marantz. I would not match them up with the Focus or Contour lines. Go with a more neutral or bright amp with the Focus or Contours like Rotel or Anthems. I haven't a chance to check out the Integra, but being a big brother to the Onkyo, which are very good, they should be great. Hopefully someone else here can give you a heads up on the Integra. When you check out the Studio 100, check out the Studio 60 with the Marantz as well. I thought it was a very nice combo when I got a chance to listen to it. You will enjoy the Martin Logans! Not true enough to all the vocal range, but very enticing! Eld ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 20 Registered: Feb-06 | Eld, Oh man I can wait to check some speaker tomorrow...I will go 2 local stores to check the Studio 100, Monitor 7, Dyns Audience 72se & 82, Martin Logan Montage and check again the Cobalt 826. Yup, I will try the Marantz and hopefully those guys have Rotel. Actually Gavin recomend me to check on the Integra combine with Paradigm Monitor 7's or Studio 100's and he said its nice combo...Anyway, I will let you know after my spkear/receiver hunt...hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 50 Registered: Dec-05 | Don't forget to bring a few of your favorite CDs and DVDs. ![]() Now you have really asked a tough question! I'll try my best to explain it as short as possible. I'll define it pretty similar to how speaker sounds. (Similar to speaker, this is all pretty relative, but the majority agrees.) Each electronic component have its own unique sonic characteristic. Warm characteristic usually constitute thicker, heavier ting to the music, adds a little depth (Marantz, NAD, Adcom). Neutral means the amp is very clear and translucent, doesn't really add any tint to the sound (Rotels, Outlaws). Bright characteristics tend to make the music more airy, forward and sharp, (Anthems, Krell). You should really be able to tell the difference when you get a chance to hear a music track that you are very familiar with on the different types. I highly recommend you test this out. |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 21 Registered: Feb-06 | Eld, Oh man havent get a chance to check on the Dyns because the local store sold the demo, also i went to some dealer but they dont have it. So probably next weekend...but one of the store demo me the Linn Ninka (main)$1900, Linn Katan (rear)$1000, Linn Sizmik (sub)$1100-demo, Linn Trikan (ctr)$800, with marantz 8500 $1100. The mains are good (me & my friend) eventhough its a two way speaker, its sounds like a 3 has bass on it...clear and smooth. I thought they put it in a 3 way stereo(+ subs) because it has bass but its not. Have you heard Linn speakers? Do you have info on this? When I check on -line it seems the review is coming from UK (including JMLabs spkear review) this speaker also has 3 pair connection which the salesguy said that we can put amps on each connection, 1 for tweeter, 1 for midrange & 1 for woofer. Is that possible? Also I did check on the Paradigms studio 100's but the saleguy told me that this speaker can't drive much with the Marantz 8500 by should be seprate it true also? I thought I can give you the results on Dyns Speaker but it didnt happen, I end up with different speaker... huhuhu ![]() ![]() Anyway, I already have an appointment for the Dyns and JMlabs to compare them, lucky both of them have in the store. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6410 Registered: Dec-03 | You have been on this journey for a while now Adrian. The choices must be driving you! |
dphantom-adrian c Unregistered guest | hehehe...![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyway, berny, kind of imbarassing but what do you think on my question regarding on the Linn that has 3 pair of connection and also on the seperate amps..??? hehehe sorry for bugging you on this...hihihi ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 55 Registered: Dec-05 | Glad you are having fun! Take your time and enjoy the experience. It took me over 3 months to settle on the Dyns and I enjoyed every moment of shopping and the end result is worth it. I actually vacuum with my Audience 82 playing over the vacuum, and the clarity is unbelievable! I did get a chance to listen to the Linn Ninka, and I thought they are nice speakers. Quality is top notch. Dynaudio Focus borrow on the trapezoid shape of the Linn. The trapezoid shape really affects the soundstage and image I feel, both the Focus and these speakers have relatively small soundstage. A sub will help this some. Did you noticed that the JMlabs cobalt 826 fill the room more, and have better off axial performance as you walk around than the Linn? The 3 pair of connection can be used by three amps like your salesman said, it's a nice option to have, which you can bypass, because sometimes it's more trouble than its worth in cables and amps (very similar to bi-wiring, but in this case it's tri-wiring). Paradigm Studio 100 do need a lot of power with all its drivers, your salesman is correct again, but this will mainly effect the low end performance the most. What did you think about its highs and mids compare to the Linns and JMlabs? Hope you can get a chance to listen to the Dyns soon, and if you see a dealer with some ProAc Studio, listen to those too. I almost bought the ProAc, which would work better with the Marantz power. Cheers and happy auditioning! |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6418 Registered: Dec-03 | Adrian, I can't comment on the Linn's as I have not listened to them for any length of time. Now the question is,what are you going to do after you find the speakers that you want? The search is over, now what...??? It never ends...mwahahaha! But as long as you are having fun...what else can you do, right??? ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 963 Registered: May-05 | Adrian - The Paradigm Studio 100's need a strong amp to really show what they're capable of. The main reason for this is because they have some of the most erratic impedence swings of speakers in this range. They have a tendency to dip down to 2 ohms on a somewhat regular basis. A lot of power amps can't handle this too well, let alone receivers or HT receivers. Your salesman was being honest. |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 22 Registered: Feb-06 | Eld, Well much better than Linn and JMLabs...but I didnt pay attention or check the studio 100 thoroughly 'coz it needs more amps on it which means more money on it but you'll never know maybe I upgrade my budget also later...hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() Berny, Well, it seems that I really having fun of checking on speakers because of you (j/k only)...hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Stu, Thanks for your inputs on this... that's why i'm going back and forth to this store because the salesguy is so friendly and so far all of his comments or let say info on this is correct. Now, at long last hopefully...hehehe here are my choices 1. B&W 604 S3 (nice price $1400 + disc; 5.1 setup $3500 +disc; good sound) 2. JMLabs Cobalt 826S (pricey $2700 +disc; wife likes it and me too; 5.1 setup $4500 +disc) 3. Linn Ninka (pricey $1900 no disc; descent sound ; 5.1 setup $5900 out the door) 4. Paradigm Monitor 7 (hopefully can check this weekend again) 5. Dyns 72SE or 82 (can wait to check this weekend) After this I think I'm done hunting down Speakers... hehehe Now from your opinions do I need to go for seperates or HT receiver? I do remember that if I go seperates the price will go up compare to receiver alone (obviously....stupid of me hehehe) What's the difference on the receiver can be add an amp on it later if i want to? Does it worth it to get seperates instead ht receiver alone in a long run? How much averaging on a descent seperates? So far my choices on receiver is Marantz 8500 and Rotel RSX-1056. |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 23 Registered: Feb-06 | Also guys I just want to spend or let say invest a good stuff without regret at the end. If I'm still in a journey for couple of months or's cool with me (am i?!??!:8) hehehe :D![]() Correction on the Linn price 5.1 setup will be $4800 w/o marantz 8500 receiver |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 968 Registered: May-05 | "If I'm still in a journey for couple of months or's cool with me (am i?!??!:8) hehehe :D" That reminds me of a story from a very wise man - A bull and his son are standing on the top of a hill, looking at a bunch of cows grazing in the pasture. The son says to his father, "Hey dad, let's run run down their and f uck one of those cows." The father bull says "No son. Let's walk down there and f uck them all." Anyone remember where that one came from? |
Anonymous | This is an audio forum - not a place for your foul language Stupid! |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 25 Registered: Feb-06 | hmmm...thats funny stu pitt...but seems that anonymous warned you on this... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6469 Registered: Dec-03 | Colors |
madmartigan Unregistered guest | i have only heard the focal 816's w/ the 800 center channel & it sounded great. they turned on a velodyne sub & it filled in the lower bass. is it really worth buying the 826's for twice the price??? with the extra $1000 the 826's cost you could get a sub. right???? or are the 826's that much better? |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 64 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, Make sure to listen to both the Dynaudio 72SE and 82s you meantioned above, because they sound very different, but both are excellent speakers. The 52 and 52SE with a good sub is worth an audition too. Enjoy. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 28 Registered: Feb-06 | Eld, Defintely I will check on those speaker if I can only talk to my salesguy if tomorrow (sat) will be available on Dyns, Cobalts with Marantz 8500... Madmartigan, Well, the way I test the 826's it's feels that it fills the room already without the subs. I havent test on 816's yet but probably I need to check on those too and maybe there's not much a different so maybe your right for the price difference i can get the subs with it. ![]() ![]() ![]() Just letting you know guys that yesterday I check on monitor 7's and its sounds great also a little bit high's maybe because its a 2.5 way speaker compare to 3.5 way speaker with more bass on it. This speaker will be in my list specially price wise ($719/pr) hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 37 Registered: Feb-06 | Eld, I did stop by to the store and tested the Dyns 72se and Profile 926 with Marantz 8500...the dyns is way better than profile. The DYns 72se's is way clearer and nice lows & highs compare to Profile 926 which is kinda warm with less highs. Too bad they dont have the 82's and 826's so that I can compare all... also do you think the reason why profile 926's is not clear because it's using a receiver which doenst have a juice to push the speaker and besides that its 2x the price of 826's so it must be good for that price, isnt it? The price on 72se's is $2500/pr compare to 826's is $2650/pr. now I'm leaning to 72se with marantz 8500 but the price is kida high though...hehehe $3350 + tax. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 79 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, I'm glad you like the Dynaudio. Aren't they awesome! ![]() I have only heard the Profile 908, 918, and the cc908 and it was on Krells, so the highs were pretty clear, but overall, the Dynaudio have a fuller presentation with awesome clarity and soundstage. I like the Dyns much better and they are cheaper than the Profile too. I think you will be very happy with the 72SE, very smooth sound. The 82s are bigger, 3-speakers that is not as smooth, but have bigger soundstage and better range. Also works better with the Audience center. Both are really good values. I have send you an email, see if that will help. For cables, look at or Gavin recommendation Carare 4s8 cables from Cables should cost you around $30, and if you want to go with plugs for looks/convenience, another $20, but bare connections will give you awesome sound. No taxes too. ![]() Keep us updated on what you get. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 80 Registered: Dec-05 | I meant 82s are 3-way speakers. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 82 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, I forgot to meantioned the Panasonic SA-XR55, if budget is an issue, it's worth a look at this receiver for $230. I've been testing this guy out for about a week now. Will need about a 40hrs to really have the bass show up (+10db bass setting). It's great for an intermediate receiver until you can save up for a high quality Rotel or Outlaw separates. Check it out if you can. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 38 Registered: Feb-06 | Eld, Thanks for your quick response...yup I definitely put the 72se on top of my list... honestly speaking I almost tempting to get it last Saturday even my wife loves the sound of the 72's and it's match with Marantz 8500...its clear and smooth and it feels the singer is right in front of me, by the way I played acoustic music cd with a lady singer and also "Nobody Knows" by Nelly oh man the bass from that music is awesome and the highs from 72's. Well, for me its not the budget is an issue as long iti½s worth it I think you know what I mean...hehehe ![]() Anyway, just letting you knows that my lists of speakers are: 1. Audience 72se 2. Studio 60 3. Cobalt 826 Receivers: 1. Rotel 2. Marantz |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 83 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, I have not try the Rotel 1056 Receiver on the 72SE, not sure if 75 Watts (+/-120 watts with 4ohms all channels driven) will be able to drive the 72SE to its potential. I have heard the 72SE on the Rotel 1070 and 1080 amps, and they do sing. If you go with separates, Rotels and Outlaws are great options. Rotel 1070 could almost drive the 82s to its potential, the 1080 did a much better job. I honestly have no idea which receiver between the Marantz or Rotel is better. I like them both. I have heard the Studio 60, and I was pretty impress. I would rank the Studio60 in my top 10 along with the Cobalt 816; the ones above those are more expensive. If you like the Studio 60, check out Dynaudio Audience 72, at $1850/pair, they are killer. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 40 Registered: Feb-06 | Eld, How much usually on 72SE and 82 on the retail? Is there any difference on this two? I didnt have a chance to check on the 82 'coz they dont have on demo nor stock also. Base from your explaination is 82 is not smooth like 72se but bigger soundstage. Do you mean by that is much better in bigger room? |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1223 Registered: Sep-04 | Big difference between 82 and 72SE. The 72SE is an upgraded 72 built into a 72 cabinet with extra bracing. The 72SE comprises two 6.5" drive units and a tweeter. The drive units are higher quality than the 72's, being closer to the drive units from the old Contour 1.8 (next series up). It's a fine speaker acting in a 2-way but with slightly different rolloff figures for the two main drive units which they claim gives better distortion figures and imaging. The 82 comes in a bigger cabinet, both taller and wider. It is a genuine 3-way speaker with two 8" bass, one 6" mid and one tweeter. It's quite a large speaker and so it did not sell well in the UK which prefers the 72 size. However, it's an excellent speaker thanks to that dedicated midrange unit. The 82 and 72 work in similar sized rooms. Either can overwhelm truly small rooms since both have a truly big sound. No idea on retail differences in the US, but over here the last 82s were slightly more expensive than the 72SE, but not by much. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 84 Registered: Dec-05 | 72SE ($2500) 82 ($2700) They sound different, so I recommend you check out the 82 if you can. If your dealer has 52 and 52SE standmounts, this will give you an idea on the different sounds between the 82 and 72SE. Pay attention to the mid's and hi-mid's with vocals, this is where you can tell the most noticeable difference. The 82 leans slightly toward the highs while the 72SE favors the mids. The 82s do sound smooth, just not as smooth as the 72SE because of the mids. Being a bigger speaker, the 82 does have a wider soundstage, and works better in a bigger room. They also work better at lower volume and off axial. I can be 45 degrees outside of one speaker and it still sounds unbelievable. The 82 matches better with the audience center, while the 72SE matches better with Focus or Contour center. Listen to the different centers will also give you an idea on the sound difference. They are both great, just slightly different flavor. Clarity, imaging, and soundstage are all excellent. Tell your dealer to stock some 72 or 82 as demos. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 41 Registered: Feb-06 | Thanks guys again for you rhelp and infos on this..actually I decided to get the 72se's with marantz 8500 but kind of curious about the 82's...well, if its not much of a different on the price (same price with cobalt 826) probably i better go for the 82's but of course i need to check it first...hehehe ![]() I'm so excited to get this speakers 72se or 82, I have a feeling probably this coming weekend I will get this. Thanks! |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 42 Registered: Feb-06 | I agree with you about stocking some demos on this two speakers. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6695 Registered: Dec-03 | I am so curious at what speakers you'll end up taking home![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 44 Registered: Feb-06 | either berny...hehehe ![]() ![]() ![]() It seems my journey almost end (hopefully) hehehe... ![]() ![]() ![]() Wish me luck guys!!! |
Bronze Member Username: EldTexas Post Number: 87 Registered: Dec-05 | Adrian, Good luck and happy journey ends! You and your family are in for a treat with either one. ![]() My wife and I are very happy with our choice of Dynaudio after a very long journey like yours. Did I say I was a very happy camper? ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Dfantom32Irvine, CA USA Post Number: 45 Registered: Feb-06 | hehehe...Oh man 'coz of you my Journey ends..!!! hahaha ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually I'm very dissappointed yesterday because I stop by one of the store near by my work that has Audience 72se & 82 on demo by the time I got there they're close which it says on the front door 12-6pm store hours and besides that I called first and tell them I will be there around 530pm. Oh man, I'm very pissed!!! >:I So I leave a voice mail telling that "I called earlier on the Audience to have it test and going to be there around 530pm and your store is closed". Well, sorry for them they loose a business...hehehe Well, I'll let you know what will end up. ![]() |