My receiver has been great...i've had no issues with it at all. for audio...i have my dvd player hooked up with an optical cord, my xbox 360 with an optical cord and an airport express with an optical cord. everything ahs been fine...i can run it blaring all night long without any problems. i've had nights where i've played dvd concerts all night cranked up to -2 sometimes. a few days ago i got hooked up with HDTV digital cable. i ran out of optical inputs on my receiver so i got a digital coax cord instead for the terminal. I was atching the grammys lastnight and didnt' even have it very loud and it went into "protect" mode and kept shutting off. Is it a dirty signal? what would cause it to go into protect so easily?
I venture to guess it has nothing to do with the "signal". Your having a power issue. I imagine that your receiver has a power draw similar to mine (550 watts-ish), so don't forget that the total wattage draw from each breaker is roughly 1500w. If you have many items all hooked into the same circuit, you may be at or past its tolerance, causing surges which trip the receivers protection breakers. Or it is broken and needs repair (not what you want to hear, I know). First try this: plug something into the switched and unswithced outlets in your receiver (totalling no more than 100w). Secondly, plug your receiver into an outlet NOT CONNECTED TO THE SAME BREAKER as the rest of your AV eqpt. The best way to find one is to trip the breaker that runs to your AV eqpt, then run around your room with a lamp and plug it ito the other outlets, when it works you found your separate circuit, understandably the WAF might be low on this option, but there are ways to hide extensions. If you still get the protect enabled, then bring it in for (hopefully) warranty work.