Anonymous | I would like recommendations on a really nice home audio CD recorder ? Thanks. |
| Pioneer CDR 609 for Single deck recorder. I have one and if you are interested let me know. I am willing to sell to you for 250.00, I'll pay the shipping. |
Anonymous | Hi, I don't know how often people repsond to messages, but I'll give it a try anyway. I have a Pioneer PDR-555RW. Connected it with a Hitachi DVD/CD Player via coax. Supposedly, when you connect your source player digitally, it updates the track info automatically. To my disappointment, when recording the recorder did not update the tracks by it self when the source player changed tracks. What am I doing wrong? would optical wires work? Any help would be appreciated!! THanks |
Angus Black | anyone know anything about the KLH CDR1000. I can't find a thing about it on-line. |
| THe klh cdr1000 does...dub cds quickly..plays mp3s... BUT..Comes with a reset button that you need to push every single time you turn the thing on (initialization error) Makes a high pitch whine when playing either cds or mp3s. (when listening at lower volumes this WILL get annoying) You can only open or close one drive bay at a time because its busy thinking or something, who knows. Sometimes after dubbing a cd the unit will lock up and not let you open a drive bay, push a button, or let you do anything until you either hit the reset button or turn it completly off, in which case you'll have to hit the reset button again anyway. If you hit too many buttons in too quickly a manner, it'll lock up for you again. Thats all I can think of for now after owning one for 2 days now. BUY THE EXTENDED WARRANTY. Mabey somewhere down the road KLH will manufacture a working prototype and you can take the original one back for a working version and not get charged. ...remember...EXTENDED WARRANTY or buy something else. F P |
| I purchased a KLH CDR1000 CD Recorder from Best Buy last week. It had NO instruction booklet; tried to get one from Best Buy...they have no more of this model in stock. Any one out there have any ideas??? |
Anonymous | Anybody have any recommendations regarding JVC XLR5020bk & PHILIPS CDR800 ? Its hard to get info on the KLH CDR1000. Not even their website has any info. I was also interested in the unit since each deck has its seperate in/out rca's. Probably meaning you can mix from one side to the other, don't know if possible. Anyway, Kathleen you should try KLH customer tech support for your manual at (800) 321-5976. I hope you have an extended warranty since the company only offers a 90-day parts/labor. Good luck. |
Faisal Ibrahim | Yeah, and I want you to send me a million dollars and a beef and bean burrito from Taco Bell. |
Anonymous | Hi I have Had good success with recording albulms to cd's with the cdr1000. Tapes on the otherhand are another story. I seem to only be getting one side of the stereo signal to the cdr-1000. I'm going to try new cables and after that I don't know what to do. It's Really slow If you have any suggestions or have ran into this problem I'd Like to know. |
Anonymous | I just purchased a KLH CDR1000 from Best Buy - it is going back to the store this evening - as previously stated, you have to reset every time you turn it on - you can't record a CD at 1x - the option is in the manual but not on the unit's menu - it does not like having 2 drawers open at once - the unit does not always respond to the remote even though it is a couple of feet away - looks like it's chip was loaded with defective software - Oh well, onto another brand |
| KLH audio cd recorder cdr-1000 is not at all what it's cracked up to be. it is stated in the instruction 'leaflet' that the deck only works with cdrda or compact disc recordable digital audio, but when I put a cdrda into the cdr drive the nav display states that the media is invalid. what is the deal? the particular media I used is from memorex. sure the media is cheap, but is widely available and popular. didn't KLH think to make the media recognizable to the deck? |
| i would like to know how i can record a albulm onto my cd |
STEVE HEGEFIELD | is how you record an album onto a cd... first take the album in one hand and a blank cd in the other hand and proceed to vigorously rub the two together for about 2 minutes. presto, you now have a perfect copy! tip...when rubbing make sure you cover all areas of the album including the other side. this recording process is known as: ULTRA STATIC FRICTION RECORDING |
albumcollector | Seriously, the best way to record an album to CD is to use a minidisc recorder first, and then record to CD via the optical line. For best results, have the tape out of your pre-amp go through a tape deck to the minidisc recorder. This will allow you to use the tape deck's analog recording level settings to boost the signal rather than using the digital recording level of the minidisc (or CD recorder if you go that route). You can't get a good signal boost using digital equipment. That said, albums sound better than CDs anyway (unless your equipment or albums are below par). Another advantage of using the minidisc recorder first is that you can erase mistakes and set the tracks perfectly. I recently made a copy of my Buckingham/Nicks album and have had many people offer to buy copies (a truly remarkable recording, if I do say so myself - the album was perfect). Good luck. |
albumcollector | Oh yes, my Philips CDR quit recording the audio portion of CDs and minidiscs recently. A rather strange problem that I am not sure I want to find out how much it will cost to fix. Anyway, a friend of mine bought a KLH CDR1000 display model. I am not impressed, but he lent it to me and I am going to use it. I also noted that the manual claims you can record CDs at 1x, or "listen" as other recorderd call it; but, I can't find out how to do that. That is why I started looking on the web for any help. Not finding any. Has anyone heard anything on this? |
Anonymous | My suggestion would be to not buy KLH equiptment. You get what you pay for. |
Colenzo Metzola | Just wanted to thank everybody for the comments on the KLH CDR1000. I was thinking of getting one due to the fact that it can do 8X speed recording, but based on everyone's helpful description of their negative experiences I'm going to choose another brand. I'm especially glad to have found these postings since (as stated by someone else on this site) KLH's own website has no product information on this CD burner. Thanks for saving me the time and the money. |
| Hi everyone You're doing a great job, I have bought two items because of your recomendations ( Marantz SR4300 surround amp + Mission Cinema M70's) I would be appreciate greatly further advise.. I have decided to buy a dedicated CD recorder and a dedicated DVD recorder. I would like your comments. I am looking for quality but also value for money. Thanks in advance. John Doncaster, England |
| The KLH CDR1000 is really set up for bulk copying, and is almost useless for compilation recording and playback. Here is what I found: 1) If you switch tracks during playback, there is an automatic volume fade into the next track (annoying) 2) There is no way to delete just one track off a CD-RW, you have to erase the whole thing and start over. 3) When recording analog from an external source like tapes or albums, there is no way to preview the record level - you have to adjust on the fly while recording, which creates unwanted volume changes in the track, 4) For analog recording, if there is a pause in the song, the unit thinks a new song has started and makes a new (unwanted) track. 5) It does record quickly from CD's ... if you are only trying to copy whole CD's, this will probably do what you want. |
Anonymous | just bought a klh cdr 1000 yesterday from best buy. did not have a manual so i called klh at 1-800-321-5976 and ordered one. cost 5 bucks. have never recorded cds before and after reading these posts i doubt i will have any luck with this unit. can always take it back. |
Anonymous | Hello, I too bought the KLH CDR-1000 and had similar problems.I bought it open box and was ready to return it, but decided to research CD media first. Finally I figured out what type of discs to buy and my first cassettee tape to CD worked better than I hoped.The CD itself has to have "compact disc digital audio recordable, or "compact disc digital audio rewritable", on it to solve the "invalid media error"problem.To play my CD's I have to select VCR as the source on my Sherwood RX-4100 receiver.Good Luck-Digiteus |
Anonymous | Hey, what type of media worked for you in that KLH CDR-1000 ? I just bought it open box at Best Buy for $129.99 and I tried Imation Digital Audio and the player said invalid. Next, I took the Imations back and bought Fugi Digital Audio cds which said invalid media in the player as well. I called the 1-800 number and the lady on the phone said that I have to use better media and not cheap media. WTH ? Any suggestions will be appreciated. |
Anonymous | I bought Maxell CD-R music, 80 minute, 700 megabyte.On the back of the box it will say"designed for use in all stereo component based CD-R recorders". They are different than the myriad of computer data based cd's. Data CD's won't work. I am so happy I now have my Potliquor and Moby Grape on CD. Good luck to you. |
Anonymous | Thanks for the info, but I am going to take this recorder back and buy a better one. I went to Circuit City last night and bought some TDK CDRs digital audio cds for audio recorders and the KLH didn't like those either. So, it doesn't play Imation, Fugi, TDK brands and I'm done. That KLH player/recorder is crap. Thanks again for the info anon. |
G-Man | I bought a Marantz DR 6050 a couple of years ago (I think I bought it for about $595). It is a nice two tray unit that is Marantz's top of the line CD recorder. What is often typical of me when I buy recording devices--I rarely use them. I came to the realization that I always buy the CD's I want and it is my friends that want ME to make duplicates for them. So I now basically use it for just playing CD's---which is okay--it plays them great :-) I will probably sell it and then indulge myself in the soon to be released Pioneer Elite 59avi---the new universal DVD player with i-link that is the first quality player that upconverts regular DVD's to HD viewing, plus it has the brand new Silicon Imaging "HDMI" chipset--which is basically a very fancy DVI. That means I will also be forced to buy a new HDTV with DVI inputs. It never stops :-) |
Hawk | Watch out, G-Man! The RIAA is going to get you for making copies for your friends! Seriously though, thanks for the post. I have toyed with the idea of getting a CD recorder and you have confirmed what I thought might be true--it would be everyone but me who would benefit from my CD recorder. |
G-Man | Hawk--It is probably because we have both passed our teenage through 30-something years and have lost that desire to put aside many hours to copy cd's and MP3 compilation discs. I'd rather spend my time doing most anything else. I should probably give my Marantz recorder to one of my nephews or nieces for xmas. Of course they would want that and a check too :-) |
Gal | If anything I would use MD or even better a DAT, first they look cool but far more important they record from any source digital or analog, you can edit what you want when you want - it should be the best for transferring old material to digital. And for new stuff, just buy the CD's or get your friend to burn you a copy :-) That's just my thoughts |
Hawk | G-Man: LOL! Yes, they always want the cash! |
JD : | I bought a KLH 1000, it's not so bad. yes it's true that only one tray opens at a time, but it really didn't bother me. We are so much into power windows and electirc can openers we complain about every little thing. In 2 days i recorded 20 cd's (recording time is pretty fast), Megadeth to Billy Joel all different types of music and they sounded exactly the same as the master copies!! I do agree that it's for bulk recording, and seems to me it's heavy duty. Hopefully you guys won't boo me now ![]() |
| I just bough the CDR1000 myself. open box (hmmm how bout a total lack of a box ) and no manual for $132. Since I can't afford the expensive types. So is there a disc at once selection (all one track) Would be rather um silly to record a vocal track with 129 tracks on it. o_O I managed to copy my uncles old band demo to cd without much problems. I mostly bought the KLH one because I'd heard the the RCA recorders sucked. That and the only one I could find for around $130 had no optical in. ![]() ![]() |
JM | Look at the KLH - CDR2000. It is available at Best Buy. I'll give it a try and post my experiences... |
Anonymous | new dirction----there are TDK 5900's available @ $129--anyone have experience w/ or opinion about this recorder? they are supposedly refurbished but i've heard that products that are "left over" will be sold as refurbished---also there is a low end recorder made by a company called Classic(?)---any info on them?i record live blues on a mini disc recorder and want to transfer to CD's w/o figuring out (and buying cables and software) how to do it on computer.--thanks--- |
TJ Hess | MAXELL 19.95 50 pack DC-R Music (Buy one get one free) huge deals all Thanksgiving holiday. COCONUT Music locally here in Pittsburgh. I stocked up for my KLH CDR1000 I got yesterday for $109.00 Open Box at Best Buy. Works perfectly. Go stock up on this hell of a price... 100 CD-R Music blanks for $19.95!! I almost couldn't believe it and this place was right next door to COMPUSA! Ironic huh! |
| I just bought a KLH CDR2000 from Best Buy. List was $179- I got open box for $149. Great buy! What I wanted was the 12x CD copying capability because I have a lot of CDs to copy. It takes 6 minutes or less to copy each CD. The finalization time is about 20 seconds. I used 80 minute CDRs and was able to combine 2 CDs onto one when each CD was less than 40 minutes. The owner's manual is adequate but most questions are solved by fiddling around with the unit. I would highly recommend this unit. |
Anonymous | I had a Philips CDR775. It was a little flakey (sometimes CDs would not finalize) and it finally failed with 1 month left in the 4-year extended warranty. It was the 1st generation dual-drive CDR. I think I paid $400, and it was an open-box special. Best buy replaced it with a new 795 model. I've burned about 20 CDs with it and so far operation has been bullet-proof. It has improved features compared to the 775. Very easy to use. And, yes, I bought another extended warranty on the 795. |
Anonymous | Oh, and as for recording from vinyl to mini-disc to CD... don't! minidisc uses MP3 compression, which is not too bad, but far from perfect! You will introduce more error in the MP3 encode/decode than you will using analog signal from your turntable (no getting around that anyway!) to your CD recorder (audio CDs use no compression). I think about all the kids who only listen to music via MP3, and I guess since they never listed to uncompressed music, they don't know the difference. In my job I tested and reverse-engineered portable consumer products. In addition to lab measurements, anyone I ever tested (all old f@rts like me) could immediately distinguish between MP3 and uncompressed CD quality. |
mel Unregistered guest | i am using an onkyo DX-RD511 recorder. maxell cdr's work fine, but the gold film flakes off.memorex cdr's cant be read at all.i heard if you use a black marker to black out the top face the memorex cdr's will work, but what a pain.any advice on a good cdr brand would be helpful, thanks. |
New member Username: VanessalynnPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Dan, does the cdr2000 have the same problems as the above cdr1000? Thanks for any input. |
New member Username: DurfeePost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Hi - Dan Stewart, or anyone reading-- perhaps you can help me. I just got a KLH CDR2000 and immediatly dubbed an entire pre-recorded store bought CD, which was a CONTINUOS MIX. The tracks on both orig and copy were indexed of course but the copy has 1-2 second silences inbetween tracks which I do NOT want! Should I try it again in CD play mode? I need both indexing and no breaks in the music. If anyone is considering getting this unit I must warn you it is not really suitable for "play " mode, as it is not a very quiet machine. |
New member Username: DurfeePost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | ok, answered my own question above. CD-play dubbing mode gave me an exact copy with no breaks, and indexed it all too. Just had to put it in and wait 80 minutes instead of 6. I am getting acquainted with the machine (CDR-2000) and have to say even though it's a little sensitive (dont push buttons to see the LCD menu while its recording-) and the manual stinks (had an error message that was nowhere in the book) I am pretty happy with it. |
Unregistered guest | Vanessa Lynn- I think KLH fixed most of the CDR1000 problems on the CDR2000. Read the comments by Durfee re copying a continuous mix- I had the same problem, can be avoided as he states. I am still happy with the unit. |
Unregistered guest | I recently bought the KLH CDR2000 and burned my first MP3 CD-R. I was semi-succesful and wondered if any of you could give me some advice. I burned a total of 88 tracks but the first 4 tracks were faulty and wondered if this occurred because I used all of the maximum space on the Cd. I know the manual says that 97 tracks can be burned but I got a message saying I only could add 6 more tracks after I had recorded 82. The majority of the tracks (84) seem to play fine and work in my Sony 400 CD mega-changer which is very satisfying to me. I can play the tracks on my computer but seem to have a problem being able to copy them to my hard drive. However my major disappointment seems to be how long it took to dub the MP3 tracks. It certainly was NOT 12X speed and in fact was virtually only 1X or little better than 1X. I know the manual says the recording time could be significantly slower recording MP3s but surely not that SlOW! If anyone can give me any advice on MP3s please let me know. |
mommysquared Unregistered guest | Just bought a JVC R2050 and it is working really well. But........ when I record record albums to cd sometimes the first second or so of a song is not recorded. I've tried both manual and auto-sync. Any ideas on how to avoid this? Thanks |
KLH CRAP Unregistered guest | ADVICE - DON'T BUY THE KLH CDR2000 - PERIOD!!! Bought @ BesyBuy because of the price but received nothing more than frustration and the feeling of being had. First attempt at analog recording of LP's, no problem. 2nd, 3rd, 4th attempt complete failure; even with two different manufactures of CDRW discs (over $20 worth). The clock on this device is CRAP!!! Will not erase first three seconds of 80 min disc which results in "unfinalized" or "blank cdrw/mp3 disc found" as the error display. Every attempt to erase results with the CDRW cueing @ 79:57 min rather than 80 min and throws the recording process no matter how many times erased, leaves "track one" on the cd with a split second of sound when played back, but WILL record properly after "error to writing disc" and recoding activated again, but the first track still remains with sudden sound blast at the beginning of disc? After five nights of rage I have accepted the fault is not by my own (ie connections, cdrw discs, ect) With the advertisement of "Motorola DNA Inside" on the recorder and box, thought quality but I was very mistaken. Has anyone else experienced this problem or have a solution? Now, I'm scared to buy another of any brand! |
Unregistered guest | Are there any CD recorders which will let me copy a CD-R or MD? I was about to buy the Sony 500, but it has SCMS protection which will not allow digital copies of CD-R's or MDs. |
Unregistered guest | I purchased the KLH 2000 at Best Buy three days ago and admit I was nervous purchasing a CDR that sold for $100 less than most other CDR's. My main purpose was for recording Karaoke, cable music stations and old LP's. If you are not a serious recording buff requiring the editing features found on mini-disc or Yamaha CDR's with a hard drive this indeed is an inexpensive way to nicely record CD's. The drawbacks I found were 1) it cannot erase just the last track recorded but instead the entire disc, 2) there is soft motor noise coming from the trays, 3) the recording level indicator does not indicate when the level is set too high (and can only be adjusted during actual recording, so first use a CDRW), 4) the LED screen is good but the light goes off after one minute and then it becomes hard to see, and 5) as expected, the manual does not clearly explain all the operating features properly. But overall I'm happy with it. The sound is good and I did not really want to invest too much into this type of component. A way to get around the inability to erase only the last track is to first record onto a CDRW then dub the selected tracks onto a CDR. My only concern is how long it will last. Hope this helps you with your decisions. |
Anonymous | KLH CD RECORDER HAS PROBLEMS! I experienced problems on approximately every 5th CD that I recorded at high speed on the KLH CDR 2000. The most common problem was after playing my dubbed CD-R in other CD Players just before the first track ended the disc would NOT play. In other words after the first track nearly ended the CD would NOT play. If I manually fast forwarded to the 2nd track the rest of the disc ususally was OK. I recorded approximately 30 CDs and ended up with 5 or 6 "coasters." I even EXCHANGED for another unit and on my first attempted dub on the 2nd unit the dubbed disc did the SAME thing: stalled after the first track! Since I bought the unit at BEST BUY I was able to exchange the 2nd unit for a Sony 5 CD Changer-Recorder which I consider to be the BEST CD Recorder I have ever owned. The KLH CD Recorder promises many things but I will NOT tolerate making defective dubbed discs. My wife attempted to call the company and they put her on "hold" and then a few minutes later the company was CLOSED for the day! I will NOT buy any more KLH equipment. I will stick with Sony, or Panasonic or Phillips, I just can't bear any more disappointment with KLH. Buyer beware! |
Unregistered guest | I'm sorry to hear about the problems with the KLH 2000 experienced by Anonymous. It is almost two weeks since I purchased the KLH 2000 at Best Buy and after making six or seven high speed dubs I have been fortunate not to experience any playback problems on three other CD players, a DVD unit and a PC (one CD player is more than ten years old). Our KLH 2000 is used extensively for home karaoke with hours of takes first recorded onto CDRW and the best tracks selected and dubbed at high speed onto a CDR. I also have reused CDRWs many times and before erasing have not encountered any problems with playback either (except for the sound of my voice). There are occasions when the unit encounters an error recording a particular take, however, this occurs maybe once every 50 times. So overall I am still pleased with it. As mentioned in an earlier post, my only worry is that it won't break down in the near future. |
Unregistered guest | IGNORE MY TWO PREVIOUS POSTS - MY KLH 2000 JUST BROKE! ANONOYMOUS WAS RIGHT! I'm embarrased because it seemed I was one of two people who actually recommended this unit. But last night it began producing only mistracked dubs, which were impossible to listen to. We heard a loud "pop" when playing back a cd we just dubbed, a few seconds later another pop and the mistracking settled in permantly. Again, I apologize to anybody who might have purchased this machine based on my recommendation. Get a refund. It's of poor craftmanship and KLH should be embarrased to have its logo on it. |
KLHStinks Unregistered guest | Avoid this piece of junk. The KLH CDR2000--I've had three in three days--returns from Best Buy. They are clueless there and KLH is no help. I get weird error messages--"Hardware error" that locks up the system. It skips tracks in high speed copying. Unfortunately, my three local Best Buys do not HAVE ANY OTHER CD recorders in stock!!!!!!! |
khlstinks Unregistered guest | Update: I returned the last KLH CDR2000 to Best Buy. Today, the return guy was fiesty and wanted to argue. "Why," he said, with a whine, "I had three returned yesterday." He claims to have tested them and that KLH includes a chip that will not let you make more than one copy of a prerecorded CD. Not true--I did. Plus, the skinny little thing called a manual says that you can make copies of CDs you have made on the KLH 2000. I called KLH and they were worthless. The error message is: "Hardware error--please powercylce." There is a second message, with what appears to be computer code. Nada in the manual on that! |
Unregistered guest | When I returned the KLH 2000 to Best Buy a gentleman from the customer service department came out to ask me a few questions. I told him the problems and asked if he was getting an unusual amount of returns for this model. He admitted they're getting a lot of returns on all KLH low end merchandise. I purchased the Sony 5 disc cdr (the only other model Best Buy carries) and so far... so good. But after getting "burned" with the KLH burner I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one. |
Judi Lee Unregistered guest | I just bought the KLH 2000 and can't even get sound unless the input is touching the outside of the metal. I came on line to get "HELP" and found this site. After reading all this I think I'm headed back to Best-BUY. I don't think it will be worth hours of frustration yo figure it out. |
Kyle Brandon Unregistered guest | Out of curiousity can i take a source such as my computer and record anything i want, stop the record and start it again with another track on the same cd? i'd appreciate some advice! By the way Best Buy Also carries a TDK model with a 20gb hardrive check their website out! |
Unregistered guest | Yes Kyle - you can record from the external output of your speakers into the recorder. I did mess around with the cdr2000 and got it to work but I'm experiencing the same problems as others; the first track on aux (analog) recording is a dummy track with 2 seconds of nothing. then the rest of the cd is all track 2 - there's no new tracks when the music pauses. I'm not sure what I will do. |
New member Username: Chatman2Post Number: 1 Registered: 02-2004 | Could someone please send me a free trial unit of the KLH CDR2000. Based on the innumerable negative experiences reported on this web page, I don't want to risk using my own money to purchase what may turn out to be a "lemon." Kindly ship item to: Trial Wiz PO Box 1026 Flushing, NY 11377 Thanks. |
Alan L. Inglis Unregistered guest | Dear Mr. Chatman, I bought my KLH CDR2000 two days ago, but thought to read these posts only AFTER experiencing this product myself. Rather than throw it in the trash, I will be happy to send it to you if you will pay the shipping costs. I'm not trying to scam you for 10 bucks or anything. If you can inform me of a way to ship the piece of junk to you at your expense, I will send it. I live in Ohio. You can email me at |
Alan L. Inglis Unregistered guest | Mr. Chatman, I hate to have to rescind my offer, but I've got a friend who wants the CD recorder, despite its shortcomings. Sorry. |
New member Username: Nortledorf82350Post Number: 1 Registered: 02-2004 | I just bought a klh cdr 2000. it copies cd to cd just fine, but I can't seem to get it to record lps or cassettes to cd. The instruction booklet that came with it might as well be written in chinese for the lack of information it gives on recording cassettes and lps. does anyone have any helpful hints on what I might be doing wrong? |
Unregistered guest | Fred, While I am one of many who returned the KLH CDR 2000 I do remember having to go into a set-up menu for the source and then selecting ANALOG. Hope this helps and hope you have better luck with the KLH CDR 2000 than the rest of us. - Joe |
nicknolin Unregistered guest | hey wow i thought klh was half decent but it seems like their low end , at least the cdr2000 is a piece of crap . i was just gonna buy it tonite.THANKYOU for the warnings. nice lookin unit but theres no f'n way im gonna pick it up . good previous experience with a cd deck tho. one wonders why they only stick to speakers now i understand on their site. man the cdr wasnt even listed on the site thats sloppy. i assume theres better units around that have the same (BETTER) features. anyone suggest??? hey guys THANKS FOR SAVIN MY @$$!!!!!!!!!! |
christian1o Unregistered guest | Hi Boy am I glad I came to this site. I was thinking about the KLH CDR2000. No longer. Manufacturers should be more careful producing their products now that they can be reviewed so easily. Thanks for posting your woes! |
Unregistered guest | Good news for KLH CDR2000 owners! I just determined that the recorder will copy CD digital copies. Most CD recorders will not allow this to be done. I made the copies in the CD dubb mode (12X speed). I have not experienced the problems encountered by other owners. Perhaps the reason is I only use the recorder to copy CDs and use the unit in a stand-alone mode- it is not even hooked-up to my stereo system. |
judi lee Unregistered guest | I brought back the klh and got the sony - I am THRILLED with it! in 5 minutes I was up and running and the sound quality blows the klh away. It's soooo eay to uses and a total pleasure no matter whay I'm recording.I ruined about 6 cds with that other peice of junk! |
Judi Lee Unregistered guest | BTW: Nicknolin I got the Sony RCD-W500C At best buy for $259 open box - I think it retails for $299 - I've had it for over a month now and I personally HIGHLY recommend it! |
New member Username: Jack_strawPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-04 | I own the KLH CDR2000 and can not figure out how to burn DAO I read the above posts and tried the copy cd play mode and every other combination it will alow and everything still has 2 second gaps. the CDS are DAO until I finalize the disc ,that seams to be putting the spaces is. Can any one please help me I am already past Best Buys 30 day return period. |
New member Username: DurfeePost Number: 3 Registered: Dec-03 | rob- I am having the same problem again- the first time I tried "play " mode to dub it worked, making a continuos mix (as per my messages above a few weeks ago). The n I tried again and now no worky. Obviously it's a fickle inferior piece of {{The following words are not allowed on this discussion board: * s*** Please revise your post to remove the words indicated above.}} ; Wow I just got censored. I got mine as a gift so Im happy enough that its dubbing cds for me. Good luck everyone. |
New member Username: Jack_strawPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-04 | Well thats great! anyone else having any luck in this area? It must be capable of this ,if not Im going to throw it against the wall. Thanks for responding Durfee |
Unregistered guest | Just a thought - If you are past the 30 day return - print out this whole message board and bring it to best buy and demand either an upgrade or your money back or you will alert the better business bureau thet they are willingly selling a known peice of junk to consumers - there is enough evidence here. - worth a try - the worst they can say is no but they might be talked into it if you're persistant enough and threaten to bad mouth their selling of this product. |
New member Username: Long_toenailsPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-04 | Soooo ... I was looking for information on my KLH CDR2000, and I found this site. I got mine as a Christmas gift and have had problems figuring out how to separate tracks recorded from a mix tape or a live recording from my turntables. It's a bit annoying to have a 75+ minute continuous mix, but it appears that my problems aren't the only ones. I haven't used it much, but I'm getting worried now. Other than the continuous mix dilemma, I'm also having a problem with the volume of the recordings on the CDs. I kinda lost my train of thought here, but does anyone have advice to help me with my [apparently] fickle problems? Can I even exchange this thing at this late date? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. |
ihihnvdas Unregistered guest | I just mixed down several of my own compositions from a digital home studio onto the KLH2000. Then I tried to make duplicate copies of my that recording onto another CD (this is the purpose for which I bought the machine). Imagine my surprise at the following error message: "Source is copyright protected." I looked the message up in the instruction manual and it listed the "meaning" as "The CDR200 will make a copy from a CDR2000 recorded disk. The external analog recording is the only exception." I think they meant to write "the CDR2000 will NOT make a copy ..." The Best Buy salesman had told me that the machine was well-suited to my needs after I specifically told him what I planned to do. Does anyone know if Sony or any reputable brands have a similar blocking mechanism to keep you from copying CD's you create on your machine? |
Unregistered guest | Simply amazing. . . . . THANKFULLY I stumbled across this thread. I've owned the KLH 2000 for 3 days now and have spent mega-bucks buying different brands of blank cd's trying to get the KLH recorder to accept just ONE brand - which I haven't found yet. Everytime I try to begin recording it says "INVALID MEDIA." I previously owned a Phillps cd burner which I had purchased from Best Buy as well, but that damn thing was so tempermental I took it back and exchanged it, only to find that the new one was just as finicky. Out of 10 blank cd's I might get 2 that it would burn all the way through without locking up on. Thus far I haven't been able to burn 2 seconds worth of audio on the KLH. Thank goodness I found this thread and can cut my losses. I guess I'll be upgrading to the Sony 5 disc changer/burner - which is the only other brand that Best Buy carries. Thanks ya'll! |
turbodog Unregistered guest | I had 2 Philips dual-tray recorders. 1st one was tempermental as you say. Would fail OPC on mosts brands of disc. Finally it crapped out (thank God for 4 year extended warrantee). Got a newer Phillips. User interface was great, but at 4X speed, it had errors in every recording. Was OK at 1X. Then the recorder door stuck open. Again replaced at no cost, this time for Sony dual tray 5-disc(Philips seems to have abandoned the audio CD-R market.... good riddance!). The Sony user interface is not nearly as nice as the Philips, but so far it has made perfect copies on all brands of blank discs. |
Anonymous | Add me to the unfortunate roster of those who bought a KLH 2000 before reading the this site. After three frustrating days and a lot of wasted CD-Rs, I returned it to BEST BUY and upgraded to a SONY W5000C. The SONY has performed perfectly, not only for CD duplication (which I can do on my computer anyway), but for dubbing from my vinyl and tape collection. The kicker is that the KLH unit I bought had apparently been returned to BEST BUY by previous customer. When I prepared to return it, I noticed that the tape used to seal the box had faint BEST BUY logos on it. Then I recalled thinking how strange it was that the unit had been packed upside down! I guess you can call me a slow study. |
Unregistered guest | I have used an early Phillips duel tray recorder with great success, once I got used to it's intricate little interface. My only issue with the unit is that it records on CD-A (Audio) disks that seem harder and harder to find. Maxel came out with a "CD-R Music" that seems compatable, but, I've had trouble tracking them down of late. Does anyone know if there is an upgrade or list of media this thing will accept? |
Unregistered guest | To the person who got a Philips CDR795 - good luck. Since September, mine has been in for service 3 times - I've had the actual use of it for maybe 2 months. Philips closed it's factory service centers, and everything is now outsourced. They couldn't get the part (power supply board) to fix mine, and it took 1-1/2 months to finally get hold of someone who spoke English well enough for me to understand to have them give me a buy-back (their customer service number puts you at an undisloced spot in the Caribbean). Anybody who needs a number to talk to a human at Philips shoot me an e-mail. Also, thanks for the reviews on the KLH CDR2000. Will buy a Harmon-Cardon, unless there's been some problems wit it too. |
Throw-away non-sustainable world. Unregistered guest | I have read some pretty bad reviews about the Harmon Kardon deck and especially the Koss brand. Looks like almost every consumer CD recorder out there is GARBAGE THAT FALLS APART. |
New member Username: Atomic_stevePost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-04 | Thank you to all of you in this message post who posted your opinions about the KLH recorder!!! I avoided that pile of $#!^, and purchased the Sony RCD-W500C, and am very pleased with it. The Sony has a couple of quirks that leaves me scratching my head, but, all in all, it's an excellent machine. |
L.A. Unregistered guest | Well looks like I am in good company. I too bought the KLHCDR1000 and i guess it is a piece of crap. It is doing the same thing to me that it is doing to everybody else but for awhile there it was working great, but i am screwed because i have had it for sometime and i cant take it back or get a refund. I still have the receipts, should i try and take it back anyway? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks. |
New member Username: Dgb100PA Post Number: 8 Registered: May-04 | I've finally abandoned CD-Rs. I have a single CD Philips 760 which worked great with the early CD-R media (particularly Kodak) but has problems with the new cheap crap on the market like Maxel and Memorex, not to mention the no-name garbage. Never recorded on CD-RWs successfully. My NAD 541 doesn't play %90 of the CD-Rs I have (either component or computer). I just bought a nice Yamaha KX-690 tape deck (Dolby S and HX Pro) and have been thrilled with the results. No more coasters for me. At least the Philips will play just about anything I throw into it. |
nexus Unregistered guest | As an update to this thread, I came across this while trying to find info on this unit. My local church bought this unholy cr*p to record our meetings. I have not been able to get the unit to accept more than one brand (TDK)blank CD, and the unit starts a new track every time there is a pause in the sound (like a dictation recorder). After ten minutes of this there are like 90 tracks on a disc and then it quits recording! I cannot get decent dubs either. If ANYONE knows how to get this bloomin' thing to WORK, please post it here! My church cannot get their money back, they bought it from a local store during a liquidation closeout. I sure do love my TASCAM CD-RW 5000 !! |
New member Username: Buttercup74Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-04 | Hi all, I recently bought the KLH CDR2000 and I have no experience with it. I purchased it because I want to record from cassette to CDs, do I have to customize anything to do this? What is the process I would have to go through to do this? I've read everyone elses experiences and I see that some of you have had bad luck. I was also told that I have to only use digital audio CDS, it that true? Thanks in advance. |
New member Username: CescoffyPost Number: 3 Registered: May-04 | Would someone please help! I posted this on its own but have received no response. My first and only CD recorder so far - Philips 765 - has worked reasonably well except that I don't seem to be able to seamlessly mix my songs when recording vinyl records via my turntables & mixer, while changing the track number at the same time! The autotrack adds a 3 second pause, while changing the track manually causes a quick hitch that ruins the CD quality. I suppose that I could just make one long mix, but I'd have no track numbers or be able to select the songs individual without tediously searching back and forth. I want to buy a recorder, any recorder, that will do what I want!! Being able to easily adjust input volume and set CD recording volume to avoid that up and down sound quality would also be great if possible. |
New member Username: Bleu_allenPensacola, Florida Post Number: 4 Registered: Jun-04 | I feel lucky today. I have had a Harman Kardon Cdr 26 for two years and it works perfect. I use Sony digital audio music disc and have created a collection of disc that I actually play all the way through. One of my best audio investments ever. I have had no problems and it is a cinch to use. I have burned between 200-300 disc. Most for me and quite a few for friends. My friends love it, but I do even more. No more listening through 15 songs to hear 2 or 3 that I like. I paid $350 for mine two years ago and will be selling mine soon to get a hard disc recorder. It has more than paid for itself just with the cd's I was able to sell after I copied the songs I wanted. |
Unregistered guest | I wish I had come across this .before I purchased the klh cdr2000.I gave it a chance 3 times.(I returned it and exchanged it for another)It is the biggest piece of crap!when I got it to work (once)it would only accept sony cd-r music,then they kept saying software or disc error.or it wouldn't make past the recordable screen.when you call customer support,they treat you like your a idiot.I now have a phillips 778.Its great.I haven't had a single works well when recording from Lp.although I haven't tried tapes yet,I highly recomend it. |
Unregistered guest | I forgot to include the following,I noticed that no one has posted the customer support # for klh cdr 2000 .after waiting 3 days for a reply (e-mail) this is the number you need, FDM 1-800-321-5976.beware the aren't very nice. |
jklassen Unregistered guest | whoo! i was just at best buy tonight drooling over cd recorders. Didn't buy anything...big sigh of relief.... poked around on line, found KLH, but nothing of their cd recorders. went to best, found the KLH and sony rcd-w500c recorders, printed them both up and somehow found my way here. read everything you fine folks had to say about an awful KLH product and am very grateful for all of your honest opinions on the matter of the klhcdr2000. Thanks alot. |
New member Username: MusicmikeGreenville, Mississippi USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-04 | Someone mentioned earlier in this thread how to get your KLH CDR2000 recorder to separate the tracks when recording from a record. You have to press stop twice,stop your record, then after the recorder processes stop request you select "source" on your remote, then select "analog", then press record twice. You have to get your record started again after press record. It is a pain. However, I am simply using the cd recorder to make a master copy. I am then inserting it into my computer, running it through Goldwave, editing, and then making my final copy. While this recorder is an improvement over trying to record directly to my computer, I am concerned after what I have been reading as to how long it will last. I guess it is one of those "live and learn" situations. |
DarrenG Unregistered guest | We bought a KLH Cdr2000 for our church. (I wish I was consulted prior to this purchase) Anyways, I am trying to record from the analog input. My problem is that I am trying to record the sermon and everytime there is as pause from the minister, the recorder stops and starts a new track. I would like it to be able to tell it when I want a new track, or just have one long one. Any help out there Thanks |
Unregistered guest | HEY EVERYONE, thanks for the suggestions more helpful than any store employee... I went ahead and got the sony 500c and I recorded a compilation through the "Analog input" and when the cd was finished it only plays mono "out of one speaker" very unacceptable and I'm not sure what to do to avoid this so as I don't waste anymore cd's..... anything will help ....Adam |
Michael Dean Unregistered guest | Let me add to the chorus of opinion that the KLH CDR 2000 is a piece of junk. I wish I'd read this site before purchase. I never got beyond the "disc error" message despite using three different brands (Sony, Maxell, TDK) of CD-R/RW designed specifically for component CD recorders. At least Best Buy gave a full refund of the purchase price and extended warranty, no questions asked. After reading this, I can understand why. Finally, the manual was as shoddy as the equipment. KLH goes on my "never buy" list. |
Rog Unregistered guest | Don't use the CD-R "music" CDs. I almost returned my SONY W500C recorder until I found the Fujifilm CD-R All Purpose. They work great for recording analog cassettes and vinyl onto CD-R-- the sound quality is very good. For me the big challenge was finding a suitable CD-R. Sony really should provide a list of compatible brands/types of CD-R. It would have saved me a lot of frustration. I'm very happy with the SONY W500C Recorder now that I have found a CD-R that works! Oh-also make sure your recording level doesn't go into the red at all or the sound quality will be poor. |
Johnnie Unregistered guest | Rog/all, w/the SONY W500C are you able to record using the full 80mins? I read elsewhere someone complaining about being able to use around 74. Also, based on Earsfilled mono message above, with LP the good sound quality you receive stereo or mono? Thanks in advance. |
Anonymous | Hi, another unhappy KLH CDR2000 user here. I'm probably going to return the thing, unless I can confirm that it has less copy-protection restrictions than the Sony-500. Question: Has anyone figured out how to turn off the Auto Track Break feature? In the manual it says there's a Track Break selection under Settings, but in reality, this is not so. Sigh. |
Donnie Unregistered guest | I am thinking about buying a Sony 500. I noticed that it only has one set of analog inputs, therefore I assume you have to unplug and replug when going from recording tapes to LP's. Is the same true if you want to play a tape through the receiver? Suggestions? |
Unregistered guest | Another who wished he had seen this forum before he purchased. I just bought the KLH CDR2000 today because my Sony RCD W50C had crapped out. I had a Phillips prior to that. I've been converting my vinyl and cassettes for several years. I'm taking the KLH back tomorrow. I can't find a practical way to insert manual tracks and the auto track doesn't work with Analog input, no matter how many seconds of silence between tracks. Also I can't tell when the recording has actually started and the record level doesn't tell me anything. Luckily I used a CD-RW instead of wasting a lot of CD-R. Guess I'll try Pioneer next. |
Unregistered guest | Beware! Beware! Do not buy the KLH CDR 2000! I've had two units and a so called firmware upgrade cd from the manufacturer, and none of these have worked properly. The problem - it will not record from the analog line inputs (for archiving tapes and vinyl), which is the only practical reason for owning a componet cd recorder in the first place (It's much easier and faster to copy a cd on your computer). It only uses Fuji audio cd blanks, and once you make a copy and finalize it (if you ever get to that point at all), it won't allow you to duplicate that disc. There's no way to manually have it insert tracks on your disc without shutting down the recording process and starting again with the next selection. It has a crummy 90 day warranty and Best Buy will only assist you for the initial 30 days. Suggestions for other units: Don't be fooled by the KLH name. This is nothing but a cheap piece of crap from China. It has nothing to do with the high-end products made by the old American KLH company in the Sixties and Seventies. I've used a Harmon Kardon cd recorder on my job, and it works great and is easy to operate. The Harmon Kardon may cost twice as muck as the KLH, but it's ten times better. |
KLHater Unregistered guest | I just brought the KLH truly is a piece of crap.....I can't get any disks to work, maxell, doesn't frustration and search for answers brought me it will bring me back to Best Buy tomorrow.....only wish i would have done my research before purchasing.....let that be a lesson to the reader. |
Anonymous | Johnnie-- The 80min Fujifilm "All Purpose" CD-R works great. The recordings on CD-R from vinyl sound great and are in stereo. Now that I am pulling my old vinyl out of storage I do notice the sound quality of vinyl is superior to CD. Possibly the person having mono problems didn't have a stereo record player? |
New member Username: QfirePost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-04 | After reading the post here yesterday,took back my KLH CDR200 without even opening it. I would like to mention the iriver lFP-380T mp3 recorder. It has a mic and a line input. This one has 128 megs of mem, non expandable. I went with my wife and bought it a few months back. I used it today after taking the KLH back for recording my LP's. Its doing a great job, I record with the line in from my recievers headphone jack (you could probably get a rca splitter if you perfeered and use the jacks on the reciever). Then I just upload to the computer in MP3 and I'm ready to burn. (Note if you do use the head phone jack, keep the volume set low) Qfire |
New member Username: WishponyPost Number: 2 Registered: Oct-04 | I am looking for help with my RCA CDRW121. The B Deck will not read the blank or store bought CDs at all. I can't clean it because it won't read that disk either. Any suggestions? I have burns to make for gifts. Thanks. |
Unregistered guest | I have just broke my KLH out of the box. I have tried 3 different types of media to record with. I keep getting error after error messages that aren't listed in the manual. Someone should start a class action lawsuit for selling faulty murchandise.I'm sure this is a crime. Ask yourself this question, how could so many people have the same problems? |
otis Unregistered guest | Alas, I also got a klh2000. I had a Phillips that broke down (again)and took it back to best buy to get fixed. They couldn't and I got the klh2000. (Sometimes it pays to get the 4 yr main. agreement). The only way I found to increment tracks from tapes is to pause the tape deck and then play. I too will be returning this and exchanging it for a sony. |
Unregistered guest | Gee, i wish i was a bit sharper than most on this site but alas i also bought my klh2000 BEFORE i found this info site. I too became frustrated with the " disc errors" and " improper media " readouts. Finally i called the 800 number for klh and felt like an idiot, only because they made it sound like I WAS the idiot. The woman on the line was obviously having a bad day with problem consumer calls. She did tell me that you cannot make a copy from a copy that was made on the klh. You need to take your copy to ANOTHER recorder, ( hopefully you have a friend that has a nice recorder ) and copy it on theirs and then bring it back to the klh so it doesn't know that it was originally copied from it. Hmmmmmm. Also she told me to NOT use sony or memorex cd-r's because for some reason they dont work well with klh. I mentioned i was using fugi all perpose and she said that was my problem also. I did let her know that i had recorded a copy of a copy on the klh but i had to keep shutting it off completely and re-starting to get it to work. By the time our conversation ended i still did feel like an idiot............ FOR BUYING THE KLH2000. I asked her if all these questions upset her so much then why doesn't klh just spend a few more pennies and put all this into the manual. The manual IS worthless. 10 sheets of toilet paper is thicker than their manual, but their manual could be used as 10 sheets of toilet paper. Oh well, fool me once, shame on me , fool me twice, buy another brand. ( p.s. ) i did get maxell cd-r's to work well in itat times, even better than the fugi cd-r's. |
Unregistered guest | I just replaced a phillips cdr 665 with the CDR 778. I was told that a lot of the earlier bugs had been worked out, and that seemed true. However, I can't manually advance the tracks. I have reset the auto track off and tried using the remote as indicated in the manual but nothing happens. I have tried to find a phillips website for technical support but struck out. Anyone with any idea? |
Anonymous | Hi Everybody, I bought a KLH CDR 2000 yesterday and found this e-board on recorders, today.(I really did it BACKWARDS, didn't I???)I'm not even going to try to use the thing and get frustrated. I'm just going to take it back to Best Buy. Thanks for enlightening me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOGIE |
Anonymous | I bought a KLH CDR2000 in august and didn't have the sense to return it to best buy before the 30 days were up. it's a piece of garbage--really and truly. i can't even get three or four songs copied before the powercycle error appears. |
JackLynx Unregistered guest | I bought the KLH2000in Dec 2003 and was stupid enough to not try and use it for several months (during a move). I got it to play Memorex CDRs fine - but only after caling KLH and being told that it won't accept the Sony discs I bought and they acted like I was a fool for not calling them first and asking them which media to use. I was able to record several mixed CDs and a few full cds also, but I have had serios problems recording my Tapes onto CDR. The manual states how to set it up, and I can hear the Tape fine through the headphones, but I can't get the darn CDR2000 to record them. The recorder actually shows that it is recording, it separates the songs when there is a break (and adds a track if there are short bvreaks in the song) and then will finalize and everything, but then it will not play. If I turn up the volume to 10 on my CD player with this newly recorded disc, I can hear a faint terribly distorted version of the songs I just recorded. Terrible. KLH claims it should be working and that I am doing everything correct. They took the item back (after charging me $70 plus shipping - since I was beyond the 90 day warranty), but the new item does the same thing. Frustrating as hell. If they don't refund my money, I will be starting a suit since this is obvious fraudulence on thier part of what this recorder is capable of doing. What a waste of time, money, and energy. If anyone has had better luck recording tape to CD, please post the step by step directions for the rest of us fools still trying to use this machine. Thanks a bunch. |
Kenn45 Unregistered guest | I too made the mistake of buying the klh cdr 2000. I needed to copy old reel to reel tapes of Christmas past and make copies for family members. It worked well with Imation cdr music, but I get a high failure rate with anything else. The tech support line was pretty useless, implying that it was all my fault. I am unfortunately past the 30 days with Best Buy and screwed. |
New member Username: Portdawg92Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-04 | My mom just purchased the Sony RCD-W500C because she wants to record her LP's and Cassettes to CD. Has anyone had any luck and if so, could you please respond to me and let me know how to do this? She is at the point of returning the burner, however asked me for some advice. Not having any experience I'm asking you all for assistance. Please respond via email as I don't go online often to check posts. |
New member Username: KimPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-04 | After reading the comments in this forum about the klh, i definitely will stear away from that apparent piece of detritus. However, i am looking at the sony 500c. Irrespective of the unit, is it advisable to pick up the extended warranty on cd burners? thanx. |
King Unregistered guest | Well, I wish I had seen this site before I made the mistake of purchasing the KLH CDR2000 from Best Buy today. As most of you have already stated, I cannot record from the Analog input. So it is clueless why I would need this piece of equipment. I thought we could save our church some money but I am taking it back to Best Buy tomorrow and upgrading to the Sony. |
Bill M Unregistered guest | Okay, I get the message...KLH = Krappy Low-end Heartbreak! Does anyone out there have experience of other CD recorders? I'm thinking specifically of Pioneer, RCA and Harmon Kardon units. Thanks. |
Anonymous | To all of the consumers who got screwed buy BEST BUY on the KLH CDR2000... SHOULD'NT WE BE HOLDING BEST BUY ACCOUNTABLE??? If you go and buy a lawn mower, from any store... and it does'nt cut your grass, you take it back to be looked at and they say it worked fine for them. So you take it back home to mow and it still does'nt work, WHO'S AT FAULT? ? ? ? SHOULD'NT A STORE BACK IT'S PRODUCTS??? I too own a klhell piece of $h** cdr-2000 and BEST BUY would NOT give me a refund!!! Yes I'm past my 30 day mark, they did try to upgrade me to the sony 5 disc cd changer/burner after they made the mistake of telling me that they have had a lot of returns on the KLH brand!!! SO MANY , THAT KLH HAS RECALLED THIER CDR-2000 Now don't get too excited, ALL THIS CAME FROM A SALESMAN THAT WANTED TO UPGRADE ME TO THIER SONY MODEL!!! Everytime I would read just one more frustrating expierience with the KLH cdr2000 from this site, the madder i'd get for all of US!!! I write my own music on a KORG D-1600 mk-II and after i create a good mix, i fire up the KLH, so i can save it to CD - AND THAT'S ABOUT THE LAST THING I'VE BEEN ABLE TO DO, SAVE IT TO CD! THE KLH CDR-2000 CAN NOT BE DEPENDED ON, WHEATHER IT'S AN OLD RECORD, YOUR FAVORITE CASSETTE OR BRAND NEW MUSIC YOU WRITE YOURSELF!! Being's BEST BUY no longer carry's the KLH brand of CD BURNERS and I have no need for thier SONY 5 DISC CD CHANGER/BURNER UPGRADE, WHY SHOULD I BE FORCED TO BUY IT??? Wheather it's $20,000 OR $300.00 dollars, JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! |
Lrpjazz Unregistered guest | What about ESA CDR16XDUAL DUAL TRAY CD RECORDER (Circuit City's former brand)? I ask because as far as I can tell only the KLH that everyone hates and this ESA will dub MP3 CDs as well as standard audio CDs. Who has heard of or used this ESA deck? Lewis |
DJTOBY Unregistered guest | In regards to burning digitaly from a CD Player through coax into the CD Burner, you need to makesure you setup the CD Recorder corectly. Press the record pause button, then look for a button that says "make track" or something to that sense. Press it till it says something like "Auto Tracks". I havn't used mine in awhile so I can't give destinct details, but I will when I get off work! |
slowbyrne Unregistered guest | Can anyone here help me out with a purchase decision on an "Audiologic CDR1000" which is avaialable at Target for $140? It is difficult getting much information on Audiologic other than they are an OEM for some brand name manufacturers. Has anyone here used this unit or does anyone here have an opinion on Audiologic? TIA |
edster911 Unregistered guest | NO NO NO DONT DO IT YOU WILL REGRET IT FOREVER AND EVER |
Chris1973 Unregistered guest | I have an Ebay-ed KLH CDR-2000, and the damn thing feels like you could fry an egg on it. I've been exhaustively hunting for info about this situation on the web but haven't found a thing. I simply need to find out if this is dangerous or a normal occurence in component Cd burners. |
Anonymous | Lp to CD converters - anyone has any idea what is good and works (and is simple to do)? I have around 300 LP's I would like to convert to CD's, and am not technically THAT gifted, so I'd appreciate any input! And no, I don't have a turntable any more! Thank you. |
Unregistered guest | How smart I am! I was thinking of getting a KLH CDR-2000!!! After reading all the enclosed reviews, NEVER!! How about the Sony RCD-500C/W100? Is it any good for recording from LPs and tapes? Difficult? |
New member Username: MichelePost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | hi; i need a website i can go to to print a operate manual for a klhcdr1000? please let me know what email to go to . thanks mcihele |
New member Username: RagamoffynPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | Update on my 09/30/04 message about the KLH CDR 2000 CR Recorder: After nearly a year of headaches and three defective units, I finally achieved a resolution. It involved sending the last dead KLH CDR 2000, 15 pages of documentation, and a threatening letter from an attorney (my brother is a partner in a major law firm) to the two companies primarily responsible for making and selling this garbage - Starlight Marketing Development of Hong Kong (the manufacturer) and Factory Direct Marketing (the US distributor). Two months later, they shipped me another KLH CDR 2000. This time, instead of opening it and trying it out, I gave the unit in its sealed carton to a deaf coworker's non-profit and took a tax deduction. His organization was successful in returning it to the store for a merchandise credit. Apparently, the store manager relented and issued a credit since obviously the merchandise is not much use to people who can't hear. So, I cut my losses and the charity benefited. As for KLH, this is the situation: The old American KLH company went out of business years ago. The KLH name was sold several times since then and is now owned by a company called Lavcon Inc. in Sun Valley, CA. Lavcon still manufactures low-end speakers sold under the KLH name. All other products that bear the KLH insignia are manufactured in China under various licenses and distributed by American companies like Factory Direct Marketing (FDM). It should be noted that FDM is basically a front for a discount Chinese manufacturer. It's nothing but a couple of telephones and a few square feet of office space in a warehouse in Livonia, MI. In 2004, the company had less than a dozen employees and managed only 1 million dollars in sales. Folks, there are sellers on ebay who run bigger operations out of their basements and garages than this. Beware, there are lots of once famous brand names like KLH that now are just phanthom trademarks that are bought, sold, and licensed to be put on any piece of junk you wish to sell. Former reputable brands like Dual, Phase Linear, Craig, Sherwood, etc. are now just meaningless names that are randomly licensed to be put on cheap Asian goods. Even big companies like Sony and Phillips now license (out-source) their manufacturing of lower-priced goods to cut-rate Chinese operations like Starlight Marketing. The result - often the quality-control accountability chain is broken and the name brand becomes meaningless. Last year, Best Buy stopped selling KLH products. So, what about a replacement CD recorder? I bought the $300 Sony RCD 500 with the five disc changer. After two years, it works great and has performed flawlessly. The Sony can be a little complicated if you need to change any of the factory settings in the set-up menu. But the unit and the manual are both well designed. Benefits: The Sony works with all brand name digital audio (all-purpose) CD-R discs. The discs you record also work perfectly in even the oldest CD players. It allows you to manually create tracks on the CD-R. This is critical when archiving old records and tapes on a CD. It will make an analog copy of a digital copy of a prerecorded CD (and the analog dub sounds great). It has a fade-in and fade-out feature which is handy for eliminating needle noise at the beginning of old records or skipping bothersome DJ chatter when recording off-the-air radio programs. I only have two complaints - labeling text for each track and the title for the CD is very time consuming using the unit's remote control. Also, the text is not in a universal format, so it does not always appear on computers or other brands of CD players. Secondly, the high-speed syncro dubbing feature only copies a CD at twice the normal speed. Other CD recorders like the Harmon Kardon copy at 4 times normal speed. Bottom line - I've used both a Sony and a Harmon Kardon CD recorder for more than two years without problems. |
New member Username: ZwanesaPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-10 | Hi can you please help, i've got a problem with my tascam cd recorder rw5000, it does playback but when i record the message "OPC error" apperars on screen, please help |
New member Username: FrankenePost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-10 | Johnnie-- The 80min Fujifilm "All Purpose" CD-R works great. The recordings on CD-R from vinyl sound great and are in stereo. Now that I am pulling my old vinyl out of storage I do notice the sound quality of vinyl is superior to CD. Possibly the person having mono problems didn't have a stereo record player? |