Anniversary Party


New member
Username: Redticketitem

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-06
Hi, all. This is a great forum full of helpful members and very informative.

I am having a wedding anniversary party in a barn with @ 100 guests and I am using an iPod or Mac as my DJ. I have an Onkyo TX-800 amp/reciever, and have just bought a pair of Advent Legacy Two way speakers to go along with my Advent Baby ll's, in our small home.

My question to you'all is will this work? Will it be loud enough? Should I use all 4 speakers? Can my Onkyo handle it? And somehow I have to work a mic in.

This is kind of a back door way of aquiring new gear so I don't want to rent ;)

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 4619
Registered: Jun-04
I had the advent prodigy's the 8's with the tweets on my onkyo 424 reciever and that alone cranked and sounded very good imaging wise in the house but in a barn im not sure but id think it would be fine if you dont wanna rock the house down

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 4620
Registered: Jun-04 can run all four on the amp and run it in 4 ohm stereo the reciever can take it .....I have cerwin vega dx 7's on it now and there are 4 ohm and its fine....never shuts down been fine for years....if you want more spacious sound you can run the beefy speakers up front and the smaller ones in the rear in phantom mode for front rear effect....a mac would be good also in the setup and you can play mp3's cd's tapes if you wanted also....if you had a tape deck as buddy dj's like this all the time with the pc
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