...and... the range given should be variations of +/-3db or less. That doesn't apply to all manufacturers which is where the confusion begins. Even then, a stated range doesn't tell you where the peaks and dips are which is one of the things that gives speakers their "personality". So, while the Canton looks to have a wider frequency response range it doesn't mean you will like the sound better than the Axiom or vice versa.
Flip a coin to see if you believe stated freq. response or any other spec. I've had $9 clock radios with a 2 inch speaker claim they go 20-20,000. Also, on the high end of those measurements, I wouldn't obsess over the difference between 22k and 30k. Unless you are a superhero, and a superhero under the age of 35, you can't hear that high.
As a designer I have to purchase drivers based on what a manufacturer tells me. Once I get the driver I test it myself. Here's an example of one that was supposed to be accurate from 100Hz to 15kHz. The color band is the +/-3db zone. The black line is the raw FR, the red line is an attempt to use a filter to tame the response. And no, I don't use this driver.