I got a NAD 5325 CD player. This is a old but supreme product of NAD. But there is a problem. The IC that controls the motor of the openning tray is broken. So I can't open the tray. The IC is "LA9200N" I searced it in my country. By the way, I am from Turkey, Istanbul. I couldn't find the IC here. I searched the web and found some semiconductor companies in USA that sells this IC. But the shipping is a great problem.
Can anybody from USA (or other countries e.g.Europe or Canada etc. in that there is companies sell this IC) get this IC for me and send it to Istanbul, Turkey. I guarantee that I'll pay the IC and shipping prices. This is really important for me. Please don't abuse my offer.
I know this is an interesting offer but I think this is my last chance to listen my NAD. Waiting for reply. Thanks a lot
Sorry Serhan. I dont mean to sound rude. But if you have the ability. Try and get one of the newer NAD CD players. They are head and shoulders above the older models.