I am considering to buy this to Drive a Paradigm 7.1 system. (Studio series). Any ideas??? How would you compare it with the Onkyo SR800 or the Denon 3803? is it worth the price difference???
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What is the sensitivity rating of those speakers in DB 1 watt/ 1 meter? Also what is their impedance? I own the 49TX and it powers a moderately efficient (about 91 DB) sextet of speakers in a large room (30x14x9). I have no wants power-wise, but might if I moved to more inefficient speakers. But you should be fine. Other than the Denon 5803 and the new Sunfire Receiver, the 49TX's amplifier is about the best you'll get until you move to separates (130 RMS into 8 ohms, 160 into 6)
The 49TX is rated very highly by every publication that has reveiewed it. Read the review in Stereophile's Guide to Home Theater to see how highly they regard this receiver. I wouldn't even compare it to any Denon model other than the AVR-5803, and no Onkyo model comes close in my opinion.
If you can't swing the price, look at the next model down (the 47TX or maybe it's the 45TX I can't remember). Same amp, but less in the way of DAC's, DSP engines and EQ bands.
Good Luck!
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sometimes the power of the pioneer elite vsx-09txwill shut down for two seconds then come back on. this has only ocurred maybe 3 times in 5 years,why does this happen?
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sometimes the power of the pioneer elite vsx-09txwill shut down for two seconds then come back on. this has only ocurred maybe 3 times in 5 years,why does this happen?