Hi, I noticed posts about BIC America speakers in this forum. I came across an idea of using centers DV62CLR as main speakers. Saw a couple of opinions and a long review article on this on the Net. They were all raving about this setup. I am also interested in floor standing speakers DV84 which I cannot find too much info on. Supposedly also amazing speakers and the lower range is even lower (27Hz vs. 38Hz in DV62CLR). So I am wonderind if anybody had a chance to compare these two setups and could share their opinion on this subject? Thanks for your time and effort up front.
I'm not going to comment on BIC America speakers but just point out that using D'Appolito style speakers (mid-tweet-mid) for the front three of a home theater setup is not a new idea and if the right speakers are used is a great solution.
Posted on
Yeah, I know the idea. My point is anyone compared those two speakers, or eventually DV64 in place of DV84 vs. DV62CLRs?