Just bought an active subwoofer. It has just one RCA output from the back and comes with the lead. I thought this would be simple just plug the bugger in but noooooooooooo. I have a hi-fi with white and red holes (technobabble) that the lead fits into but it doesn't work. So I try it on my sodding TV where I have the red and white input/outputs whatever and a yellow hole (for video?) and none of these work. So I try jamming the lead into the headphone socket on TV but again no luck. I then found another socket on back of TV (can't remember what it's called) and still it didn't work! Don't think it's a problem with sub because it hums like a mother when I touch the RCA lead with my finger. What is the name of the socket I should be pluggin the RCA into? Or even better, what colour socket should I be plugging it into?