ok im not sure if i did thsi right but... i cut and stripped the wires that i had there is total of 4 black wires and 2(?) yellow wires... im assuming theres supppossed to be more hten 2 yellows.... but anyway i conect the blacks to ground on the amp then if i touch the +12 my pc power supply just shuts off, then i have to unplug itfrom mother board plug back in... to get it to come on... but if i put the two yellows on RMT the protect lifhgt comes on for 3 secs then shuts off.... can someone help me idk wat im doing wrong. thanks
can someone please just explain to me wat im doing wrong... am i not getting neof power do i have the wires in the wrong place or wat...? i searched for fryguys tutorial but i cant find it....
i need to know where to put all yellow wires, all black wires.... and wat is the RMT on the amp for.... please help, thanks.