i am currently using paradigm studio 20's for front L&R w/ matching cc-470 (surrounds are of a different brand but will soon match w/ adp-470's) and a HSU subwoofer and am trying to decide what to do about powering and processing (old HK receiver is getting replaced secondary to a hum/hiss problem). I listen to music about 70% and movies/TV 30%.
1) I had been heavily thinking about an Arcam AVR300 (factory refurb for about $1600 w/ warranty) but recently have been alerted to Outlaw audio's separates and am wondering which would be better choice. The separates I was looking at ranged in various combos of the 970 or 990 Pre/Pros with the 7125 or 7075 Amps. Costs tend to run from $1300 to $1900 (all dollars american). 2) if i go w/ the outlaw separates, is the 75 watt 7075 enough to power this setup or would i require/be better off w/ the 125 W of the 7125?
William... I looked at the Arcam AVR300 for my basement system and found it to be a truly excellent unit... far and away the most musical AVR without going into the Megabucks.
But ultimately I decided that its lack of features would probably have me feeling the upgrade bug within a couple of years, and that was a tough pill to swallow on a $2k machine. I ended up going the separates route with an Outlaw amp (755) behind an HK AVR. I'll upgrade the HK to a dedicated pre (like the 990) at some point, but went with it initially to keep the 755 in my budget.
If you do end up with separates, I would recommend the 7125. Your studio 20s will appreciate the extra power.
Nuck, My old HK model is the AVR125 (55W). The volume did go up quite high but i have to say i've had it close to the max when driving all channels w/ some movies. For movies i just do 2 channel (no dvd audio or SACD).
Ziggy, thanks for the input. what's the watts on the 755 and do you feel that it's enough. what features did you feel the Arcam lacked that you would be wanting in the next few years? are you only talking about HDMI stuff or referring to HD dvd players and such?
William... the 755 is 5 x 200W (all channels driven) and is a real powerhouse. My Def Techs LOVE the amp. It's been discontinued though, and the replacement (7500) hasn't been released yet.
As far as the Arcam, video switching is a big one. I could already use that now, and I'd imagine I'll really be wanting it if I do HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. I also need a Lip-Sync delay to keep everything together with the projector in the system.
That's not to take anything away from the Arcam. It is indeed a fine machine. But I felt/feel like I have much greater flexibility with the route I chose.
William, the outlaw model rr2150 is a stereo only brand you might consider. Although giving up surround, the stereo option is one I have really listened to lately.
Powerful option, and good price! I listen to concert dvd's in 2.1, mostly.