What are the best center channels for the money? (less than 300)
I was lookig at the Wharfedale and Acoustic Research centers, but I really don't know what would be the best value for my money, or if Polk or Klipsch might be better...
I am constantly listening to music and watching movies on my system, and right now I have a muddy-sounding, piece of crap JVC speaker serving me as a center.
can you please offer me some names worth checking out.
What's mopst important is timbre-matching. They should be matched to your main speakers. There are tons of different companies that make quality centers BUT you should almost never mix and match. B&W make great main speakers but you wouldn't want to use a very sensitive Klipsch center with them. What model speakers do you have? If you're planning on upgrading those soon you should find out which you'll eventually be upgrading to THEN buy your center using those as models.
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I have a pair of old Boston acoustic Floorstanding speakers, maybe 15-18 years old. They still sound pretty good, Although I did listen to some killer Klipsch towers yesterday, I have to say they are tempting...
I am a big Klipsch fan. Actually Klipsch Heritage stuff...I'm not that familiar with the RF stuff which is probably what you heard. I think some of the best deals going are Klipsch products from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. I highly recommend the KG series as they are readily available at VERY reasonable prices. If you have plenty of room they're perfect for an awesome home theater. I've seen pairs of KG 4.2s and 5.2s for as little as $200. You could realistically get a full 6.1 system using all floor-standing models and have enough $ left over for a rockin' sub for less than a grand.
Alford Holland
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I have an Accoustic Research AR2C matched with Paradigm Monitor 11's. For some reason this combo defies the theory of not mixing brands. I sold my Paradigm CC370 and kept the AR because it sounds so much better. Finding an AR2C will be difficult but it is worth an effort to locate one.