I came across a thread from July, where someone claimed Wharfedale is laughed at by Brits (music lovers from the UK).
I couldn't help but get a few chuckles from such a comment. But I did find such a comment to be inaccurate and misleading, so I felt compelled to write something.
Let me start by saying that I own the Wharfedale Opus 2 (Piano Gloss Black), Opus Center Channel (P.Gloss Black), Wharfedale Evolution 10 (Gloss Black, used as rears) and I also have the Wharfedale SW300 subwoofer (ordered and waiting for it to arrive); which occupy my 2-channel/HT room.
Also, after auditioning at dealers and trying at home several different (manufactor's )speakers for my home office, I finally came to the conclusion that none of those speakers brought me the smooth, richly textured, emotionally satisfying, musical pleasure of my Opus 2.
So I have just placed my order for another pair of Wharfedale Opus 2, in the Rosewood high gloss finish; for my home office where I work all day.
Now, while I'm sure there are some "Brits" who laugh at Wharfedale. As I'm sure there are people from every country who turn their nose up and snub Wharfedale.
I do find it intereseting that I often read and post in an UK based message board, and I find many "Brits" who love their Diamond 8s, Diamond 9s, Evolution and Opus speakers. Actually, the ratio of those who like these Wharfedale speakers is higher than those who don't. Much higher.
So much for all encompassing, sweeping generalizations!!!!
Personally, I don't care what other people say about gear. I take their opinions and comments with a grain of salt, take into consideration their criticism (based on their personal tastes and preferences) and make a point to audtion and listen for myself, if I'm interested in that particular piece of gear.
Listening for yourself and considering the other components in the chain, room acoustics/room dimensions and recording quality of the source; are the most important elements in buying any gear.
Reviews can be helpful in some minor ways, but I never buy anything based on reviews.
Especially " What-HiFi?" reviews !!!!!!
In this hobby you will find many different opinions....sometimes conflicting......contridicting opinions and reviews of what people heard.
There are many who post on message boards and have serious self-interested agendas, when they write......what they write.
I'm not trying to convince you that Wharfedale is great. I'm simply telling you that "I" think the Opus series is great....almost....dare I say....exceptional.
That's right.... "I" think they're great.
Doesn't mean any of you will or should think and hear the same thing.
Think for yourself. Listen for yourself.
Right now ....somewhere in the USA, there are some guys laughing at Musical Fidelity and B & W products.
I don't buy Audio/HT gear to be cool or to be hip.
I don't buy it to be part of a cool crowd or to fit in.
I'm not trying to impress anyone.
I don't give a rat's behind what anyone else buys or owns.
Right now ....somewhere in the USA, there are some guys laughing at Balanced Audio Technologies and Ayre products.
Do you care that they're laughing?
I don't.
Posted on
I do
I wish I had speakers that made me laugh. Think of all the stuff I could give up!
Might I suggest the equipment should never impress. Only the music it reproduces should do that. You will eventually get tired of a system that constantly impresses you as it will do so in the same exact fashion with all music and there will be no individuality to your library. Let the music surprise, fascinate and astound you by letting the electronics get out of the way.
WOW"""""""""""" Could not agree more. More than once was I slammed on THIS board because I own the 9.6's!! Most people that made a negative comment failed to mentioned that they even listened to them at all! I also hate it when people try to impress everyone but themselves with audio gear but it is like this with cars and other items as well. Some people never seem to be satisfied at all and are always looking for that "little bit better". I would like to compare this with people who spend mega dollars on cables that I have never noticed a difference after comparing myself!
I have to agree that Wharfedale surprised me with their new products and for whatever reason, people find something to critisize a company that has existed for over 70 years!!!
Yes NMT..........the OPUS series is absolutely fantastic!! Very underestimated!
I hate to rain on your parade but Wharfedale is mid-fi at best, with most of their offerings falling squarely into the low-fi category. Perhaps you should look at slightly more refined speakers like the B&W 800 series or offerings from Wilson Audio. Then you will be impressed my friend.
I have to say Im at a loss here. If your not impressed with your gear wouldnt you want to find something that does impress you? Im talking about the presentation of the music of course, and also if everyone were happy with the gear they currently own, why continue to audition new gear, or for that matter buy new gear. I for one am continually searching for the right sound that I like, and if it happens to impress me, or others for that matter, wheres the harm? And Jan, Im curious, why would you not want to constantly impressed by your gear? Isnt that why you spent the time and money for anyway? just curious.
not sure if you've been around to catch this, but I did borrow my friend's Diamond 8.2s and auditioned them for a couple of days on both my Panny and NAD setups, and have since completely retracted all my unflattering remarks about Wharfedale from a while back. It became obvious that they were largely influenced by his poor speaker positioning and $125 Pioneer 414 receiver he had them running off of.
British Snob, I know you're just being a silly boy. But let me respond here, as if you were being serious. Just for ships and giggles.
It may shock you to know that I have auditioned in the home and at dealers, several B & W and Wilson speakers.
I think B & W makes some real nice speakers, but they also make some not-so-nice speakers...they also make some "lo-fi/mid-fi" speakers which sound horrible, to my ears. Still, even the good ones are not my cup of tea.
Wilson Audio? Sorry, but to my ears these have to be the most over-rated, over-priced pieces of junk I have ever heard.
Believe what you will, but I would not accept a pair of Wilson Audio speakers, if someone offered them to me for free. Unless it was for the purpose of re-selling and making a few bucks.
I have auditioned some very expensive speakers that caused me to run out of the room with my ears covered. Expensive speakers that were closer to a train wreck, than music.
But that's just my opinion, my tastes and my preferences.
I love how people label and catagorize gear into "lo-fi......mid-fi.....and hi-fi " and then assume the label determines the gear's worth and quality.
By far I have loved and enjoyed more speakers in the "mid-fi" catagory, than those labeled in the "high end" catagory.
The Wharfedale Opus 2 and Opus 3 are by far the most enjoyable speakers I have heard. Vienna Acoustice Beethoven Baby Grand and Beethoven Grand , running in close second.
I enjoy the Odyssey Nightingales and Lorelie (a close third) more than all of those other "high-End" speakers, which cost a gazillion dollars, but fail miserabily to convey melody, tunefullness and musical emotion and passion.
The Wharfedale Evolution 30 and 40 are wonderful sounding speakers, that make listening an enjoyable, pleasurable musical experience.
Label all of the above mentioned speakers, what you will. But it's what my ears hear and enjoy that matters to me. Not what you or what anyone else thinks of them or any other speakers ...for that matter.
What I meant in my intial post was this. People should buy gear that please them, their ears, their personal individual tastes and preferences; speakers they can live with and listen to, for as long as they want to, listen to their music. Not go about buying speakers to impress someone else or to be a part of the latest flavor of the month (year).
Musical tastes are a personal, individual thing and so is the gear a person chooses to convey that music.
Edster922, would it not have been objective to consider the source and gear connected to thos Diamond 8.2 speakers, before writing something negative about them?
Seems like the reasonable thing to do.
Posted on
"Musical tastes are a personal, individual thing and so is the gear a person chooses to convey that music."
Oh thank you for that wonderful enlightenment!
"Label all of the above mentioned speakers, what you will. But it's what my ears hear and enjoy that matters to me. Not what you or what anyone else thinks of them or any other speakers ...for that matter."
you have a good point there. However, I plead for clemency based on just how AWFUL those speakers sounded in his house, if you heard them you might not have given them the benefit of the doubt either. I think their being 6 ohms might have had a lot to do with it too, that Pio 414 was totally lost. I lent him my 8 ohm Polk R20s which sounded about the same (about as bad as they sound in my setups, lol) with the Pio.
just a mere "grain," Art? Ho ho ho, you are in a generous mood tonight I see. Must be that Christmas spirit...lol
The nice thing is I just unloaded the R20s last weekend for about what I paid for them. The JBL sub is following suit tomorrow. Now all I need is to unload the Marantz, and I'll be set for either a STF-3 or LFM-1!
I really should sell the NAD gear too but still am a bit attached to them...they did sound nice with the Wharfies (as long as I kept it under 90db). The warmth/fuzziness and exaggerated midrange made a couple of Diana Krall CDs sound very nice, I have to say.
Anyways, will be picking up Tim's Emmas tomorrow for a week or two, that will be interesting...
Please pardon the "semi-hijacking." Anyone have any personal takes on the Diamond series? The information I've read on the 9.1's has gotten my attention. Also, does anyone know of any reputable online Wharfedale dealers in addtion to Audio Advisor? Much thanks!
Buy.com carries Wharfedale and I've never had any problems with them. They don't have the full lineup like audioadvisor.com has but are often quite a bit cheaper.
just trying
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Audio advisor is awesome, please give them your business if possible.
Well said NMyTree,yes the Opus are quite amazing as are the Sonus Fabers and the Viennas,and the Lorelei is qiute amazing they sell for $2700 in the US,but they are actually a $7600 speaker in Eurpoe although they dont sell for that anymore.But I certainly dont agree with you on the Wilsons and the B&Ws,both are alot more tedious to setup than the Opus series,which is by the way quite amazing for a high end speaker which the Opus certainly are.Yes its easier to get the Opus series to sound good,where as with B&Ws and the Wilsons it takes the right setup form your source and amps,cableing,ect.