Actaully I've heard both Creek and Krell often with B&W and both work remarkably well. My most recent experience was with Krell Reference series products and the new "D" tweeters on the 800 series B&W's. It was fabulous! Last time I heard a KAV integrated it was with Martin Logan speakers and again it was outstanding. I listen to the Creek 5350SE with the B&W 700 series floorstanders nearly every weekend and that is a great match. If you can listen to them both and choose. If you haven't that option and can get them for a similar price buy the Krell. If the Creek is significantly less money, it's not significantly less amp (besides the power) and may be a better choice.
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I can get the krell for 2800 and the creek ES for 1600 both new
Thanks for the advise, i was expwcting that then incremental benefit is not worth the incremental cost