For bw n805?


Unregistered guest
What is a better option for the N805 among the Krell KAV400, Creek 5350ES and the Creek Destiny?

Unregistered guest
Any help?

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 6937
Registered: May-04

Are those our only choices?

Unregistered guest
Best price options in Mexico

What is the recomendation among them?


Unregistered guest
Best price options in Mexico

What is the recomendation among them?


Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2465
Registered: Feb-05
Actaully I've heard both Creek and Krell often with B&W and both work remarkably well. My most recent experience was with Krell Reference series products and the new "D" tweeters on the 800 series B&W's. It was fabulous! Last time I heard a KAV integrated it was with Martin Logan speakers and again it was outstanding. I listen to the Creek 5350SE with the B&W 700 series floorstanders nearly every weekend and that is a great match. If you can listen to them both and choose. If you haven't that option and can get them for a similar price buy the Krell. If the Creek is significantly less money, it's not significantly less amp (besides the power) and may be a better choice.

Unregistered guest
I can get the krell for 2800 and the creek ES for 1600 both new

Thanks for the advise, i was expwcting that then incremental benefit is not worth the incremental cost

Any other comments?
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