Comparing a few CD players


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Username: Doug_b

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
First of all, hello everyone. Technically, this isn't my first post, but I forgot my account info, and I haven't posted here in quite a while now.

To preface this post, I need to say that I will be focusing on two specific CD players, but since this is my FIRST post, I just want to give a bit of info on my current gear, and that of which I'll be buying very soon, which I think is relevant to the CD player obviously.

I currently have an Onkyo TX Sv515 receiver, and a Fisher 60 CD changer, (though I've been using my Toshiba DVD player more and more for CD playback) and they're going through some really aweful speakers, which come from Radio Shack !

I also own a pair of Energy C3 speakers, but refused to hook them up to the Onkyo, because I was having issues with surges that caused the unit to go to protect mode, and from time to time, one or the other speaker would just cut out, and I'd have to raise the volume rather quickly to get it to pop back in. Something I won't dare subject my Energy's to.

Here is what I have pretty much been looking at for my new rig:

Outlaw Audio RR 2150

Next on the list is the CD player, which is why I'm really posting. Since the Outlaw receiver does not have an optical IN/OUT, I don't really need to spend extra $$ on a source which happens to have the OUTs.

Now, I've been looking at the NAD C521BEE and the NAD C542. The only obvious differences I can make out between the two, is that the former does not have optical ports. If this is indeed the case, and the DAC's are the same, then this pretty much answers my question as far as which one to buy. Of course I'd rather not spend an extra $200 on something I'll not utilize anytime soon.

Other contenders are:

Music HAll MMF-25
Onix cd88-x (which I can't find for sale, even at 123)
Cambridge Audio 640C. (which got bottom of the barrel reviews when compared to both the NAD C521BEE and the next CD player I'm considering), which is a :

Marantz CD5400

I'm also buying a Music Hall MMF-5, but that's for another thread. So, I'd really appreciate it if anyone can answer this question for me. Are those two CD players (the NAD's) identical besides the in/out ports ?

Thanks a lot.

Silver Member
Username: Unbridled_id


Post Number: 125
Registered: Mar-04
The 542 has better internal components than the 521 bee, I have not heard both but I have not heard of anyone who has preferring the latter. The music hall, Cambridge, and the onix have all been updated although the updates to the onix are cosmetic.

Bronze Member
Username: Nadz


Post Number: 13
Registered: Aug-05
There are more differences.

Toroidal Transformer - C542

24 bit Burr Brown DAC,s instead of 20 bit in the C521BEE.

Better opamps.

HDCD decoding

These are the primary differecs. Both offer identical hookups.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2459
Registered: Feb-05
The NAD C542 is superior to the 521 in all ways and better than any of the CD players that you listed Doug. Among Marantz players I believe that their CC4300 changer is their best sounding player overall. Very well balanced. BTW my Audio Refinement CD player has 18 bit DAC's, no HDCD, and sounds better than any of the above players. I sold my C542 when I bought my Audio Refinement. Sometimes the numbers aren't the whole story. Good luck Doug.

New member
Username: Doug_b

Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-05
Thank you everyone, for your replies. Of course, more information makes things harder to choose, because more questions arise ! Ok, so I'll take everyone's word that the 542 is a better deal than the 521, seems reasonable with the stated info.

Interestingly though, that Marants you pointed out Art, is a hell of a lot cheaper than the 542, and if I can get someone here to confirm its quality, or get a comparison between it, and the 542, I'd be inches away from knowing which player to get.

Thanks for being so helpful everybody.


Bronze Member
Username: My_rantz


Post Number: 88
Registered: Nov-05

I have the Marantz CC4300 also. It is a 5 disc carousel player. I believe for the money it is excellent value - great sound, a tad better than my Denon 2900 universal player - though I would also believe the NAD C542 would be a step up in sound quality as well as having the extra benefit of decoding HDCD's. Try and have a listen to a few models to help you decide. Take a reference disc you are familar with to audition if possible.

New member
Username: Doug_b

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-05
Well, what the hell. I might as well go for the one which has gotten the most acclaim at that price. Logically speaking, I'm going for a just above mid priced, budget system, and I think that my proposed components fit that bill:

Outlaw Audio RR 2150
Music Hall MMF-5 Turntable
Energy C-3's (already own)

Now I need to consider interconnects, speaker cables and a new entertainment center/rack system for my gear. Unless someone wants to recommend a different CDP which is as good as the C542 for the $$, that's where I'm going. Same goes for the TT.

On to a new thread for cables and furnature.


Bronze Member
Username: My_rantz


Post Number: 98
Registered: Nov-05
Well, we had a little windfall and the wonderful Mrs Rantz suggested adding a C542 to the C162/C272 combo. We auditioned it, bought it, and spent half the day listening to various cd's on it. Very impressed - not a giant difference from the CC4300 but certainly enough to make music even more special. HDCD's, of which I have quite a few, sound truly fabulous. The C542 has wonderful clarity in the mid/highs, great detail, and solid, but not overblown bass. And is really quite dynamic overall - and musical. It was a worthwhile step up imho.

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Username: Mlhm5

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
I don't know if anyone has ordered one or not but China is selling directly on Ebay.

The Shanling CD-S100 is there, the Sheng Ya CD-S10 and a bunch of other stuff. I do not know if it is a rip off, but if it is, Ebay will shut the seller down in a heartbeat.

Worth a lurk if you are in the market for an amp, preamp, CD, Speakers, IBGT amp/preamp, etc.

Seller is new and has only 14 feedback comments but those people bought expensive equipment.

New member
Username: Doug_b

Post Number: 5
Registered: Dec-05
Personally speaking, I don't like Ebay or Paypal for that matter. Even moreso, I would never buy from "some company" whose base is in China and has no reputation. There are WAY too many scams out there, and to me, it's not worth it to try and save a little bit of money, to try and get a "hot deal", or buy some grey/black market stuff which comes with no warranty/guarantee, and which could potentially be a nightmare should anything go wrong with the product.

That's just asking for trouble if you asked me.


Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 848
Registered: Dec-04
Doug, I dig.
I would be happier buying from a 'brand name' than from some shandling company.

Even if the goods come from the same factory, the name means'We stand behind it'

If I get keif, I want support.

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Username: Mlhm5

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-05
It is brand name. No secret that Shanling is Vincent in Europe and Music Hall here in the USA. Here is 6 Moons write up of the $600 Music Hall CD-25 (Shanling CD-S100) that you can buy from many places for $190. Review


New member
Username: Doug_b

Post Number: 6
Registered: Dec-05
I think my post was mis-interpreted. It's not Shanling which I don't trust, it's the mystery vendor out of China. Shanling is very well known, agreed on that. I'm just talking about any place which has the potential to sell black or grey market goods, and doesn't really offer a valid factory/manufacturer warranty.

Sometimes, you really get what you pay for, which as a lot of people know, may or may not be such a good thing.


(nice dig dug reference btw) :-)

Silver Member
Username: Ftalife

Post Number: 124
Registered: Jul-06
check some of the reviews to compare.
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