Free Turntable Alignment / Calibration Tools


Bronze Member
Username: Enjoythemusic

Post Number: 12
Registered: Sep-04
Free Two Point Turntable Cartridge Alignment Protractor and Strobe Disc

It has been a while since i have posted this and felt it was time for a reminder for the new folks. This protractor tool is used for your vinyl turntable to insure proper alignment of the cartridge on your tonearm. i have a Adobe Acrobat PDF version for easy download, or we have a printed on a high quality cardboard sheet version that is 4 inches wide by 7 inches long (DL or a C5 envelope for my European and overseas friends). Downloading the PDF is of course free, while if you want the high quality printed version all i ask is that you send your request with a self addressed stamped envelope that will fit the protractor to the dude nearest to you. A listing of the locations where it is available for FREE and strobe disc information appears on my Web site at:

We also have free downloadable Excel spreadsheet version of you want to make your own protractor to custom specification.

Add to that, free downloadable strobe disc is available on the same web page to check the speed accuracy of your turntable. If anyone has any questions or problems, please let me know. Always glad to be of service. After all, what really matters to me is that you...

Enjoy the Music,

Steven R. Rochlin

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New member
Username: Tomas_mulcahy

Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-05
That's brilliant Steven! Thanks very much.

Bronze Member
Username: Enjoythemusic

Post Number: 13
Registered: Sep-04
Always glad to help :-)

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 7072
Registered: May-04

I have always been told there are several alignment points that can be chosen for a two point protractor. While not very different in the actual points to which the stylus is aligned, the results will vary with one set giving better "imaging and soundstaging" while another set of points will provide lower distortion across the entire disc surface. Is this true and, if so, to which set have you chosen to align the stylus on your protractor?


Unregistered guest
I have a Pioneer PL518X Direct drive turntable. The arm is not returning after the record ends. I have to manually lift it and take it closer to the spindle and then the auto return mechanism gets activated. Can someone suggest me how to adjust this auto return mechanism.
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