I have a Yamaha 5860 Receiver, a 15 X 18 room (270 sq feet) the system is used for home theater, watching movies and TV. I have a Toshiba 46hm94 High Def TV. I currently have a Bose Accoustamas 5,( 2 double cubes for front chanels and non powered base). A bose V300 which is center channel and 2 surrounds(center channel is really bad). I am not happy with the base, or the center channel.
I have room for bookcase speakers for the front L&R, I am somewhat limited for space for the surrounds at the rear, the height of the Bose surrounds are 7" and the size works out great.
I have a budget of $500 to $600 max, am giving serious consideration to just starting over with a new system, if so, any recommendations
any suggestions on how I might mix and match , is it possible to use the cubes as surround speakers without the non powered base unit if I got a sub wooofer, other suggestions would be helpful busterbrown885 is invisible Report Bad Post Report Post Edit/Delete Message