Mission M31i's with a Marantz


stephen v
Unregistered guest
Hi everyone....was just wondering how these Mission speakers would match up with the SR5400. SInce this is a 6.1 reciever and I would be using it for multichannel music i was thinking of getting 3 pairs. Might this setup sound good for music and movies? I am not worrying about a subwoofer just yet as I am considering making stereo subwoofers with the Adire extremis 6.8 in the relatively near future.
Thanks a bunch


Silver Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY USA

Post Number: 269
Registered: Oct-04
I own the both the SR5400 & the M32i and I would consider the following multi-channel set-up:

2-M32i (L/R Front)
4-M31i (3-L/C/R Rear, 1-Center)

Considering the deep discounts offered on Mission speakers @ Amazon.com, I would suggest spending the extra $55 for the M32i, you'll get much better bass response, and perhaps, first in class holographic imaging. I imagine the M31i have similar qualities, minus the muscular bass, as the M32i from some of the reviews I've read.

Silver Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY USA

Post Number: 270
Registered: Oct-04
You might want to look at this Mission package as well if want to save a few bucks, but it is a step down from what your currently considering.


Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2337
Registered: Feb-05
I ditto Christopher's first post. Should make a nice package. For subs I would consider stepping up to a Hsu. IMO one Hsu is probably better than two Adire's. Good luck.

Silver Member
Username: Exerciseguy

Brooklyn, NY USA

Post Number: 271
Registered: Oct-04
or the Dayton 12" for $120 from Parts Express.

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