In-wall polk speakers


New member
Username: Konman

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-05
I have a Denon AVR-1906 7 channel receiver. I want to put speakers in the ceiling all over the house. my den has the receiver. i want surround sound in that room. i was originally going to buy polk Rc80i speakers for all of the rooms. i was planning on putting four in the den(in the corners). that is where the TV is located. I was then told that I could simply buy a sub-woofer and a center channel to complete my surround sound.

1. do you think that will sound adequate?
2. are those speakers ok for an occassional movie? i listen to music more than movies.
3. should i just get one of those complete surround sound systems in a box for that room instead?

i want good sound, but i don't really want to spend more than the $200 a pair i will be spending on the polks.

any input is appreciated.



Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 6751
Registered: May-04

Kon - At no more than $200 per pair, it really doesn't matter much. The Polks will do as well as any others.

New member
Username: Konman

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-05
i went to tweeter yesterday to listen. they tried to talk me into these $1800 dollar a pair floor speakers. made me think that i need to spend a little more on my speakers, but not quite that much. any suggestions?

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 587
Registered: Dec-04
Run, don't walk away from any big$$ purchase right away!
Enough advise here to at LEAST guide you to something to try at home first.

Would the Tweetr guy let you try them at home first?

Did he run through your system?
Ask about your listening habits?

A high quality guy will let you try a set first.

If not, then buyer beware.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 6799
Registered: May-04

And here I was beginning to think Kon Man was actually Nuck.

Of course, nothing says it's not.


Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 593
Registered: Dec-04
Oh fer Gawd's sakes, will you get OVER IT?

Geez Laweez...

Sorry KonMan

New member
Username: Konman

Post Number: 3
Registered: Nov-05
Thanks for the advise, Nuck. He did ask me about my habbits. I told him about my system. He did not offer to let me try them at home. There is no way I will spend nearly that much on a pair of speakers (unless I win the lottery....and I mean at least 100 Mill).

I am leaning towards putting the polk speakers throughout the house in the ceiling, and getting traditional surround sound speakers for the den. Everyone's input is appreciated. I will let you know what happens.
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