I seem to be having serious problems with my IPod mini.
I got it in about May, and it has been fine.
Last night, i tried to connect it to the computer to update it with a new album i had just got.
The computer didn't register the IPod was there although the IPod was showing that it was charging off of the computer. Nothing would update.
I mucked about with the cables and stuff to see if something wasn't plugged in properly, but it all seemed to be Ok.
I then gave up, and when i went to listen to my music on the Ipod, But after showing the apple logo when turned on, it comes up with a picture of a small IPod with an unhappy face, and an exclimation mark next to it, then it just turns off.
It then appeared to me the IPod it's self was buzzing inside the actually body, like inside with all the electrical stuff.
The battery is definately fully charged, it's not the computer as we have 2 other IPod minis in the house which are working fine on the computer, and all my software is up-to-date.
I've looked up on Apple's website, and about the ipod symbol, it's saying there could be 4 possible causes, none of which appear to be my fault.