Whats the dif?


Bronze Member
Username: Graphix1

Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 70
Registered: Oct-05
Whats the difference between home and car subs,besides impedance.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 6652
Registered: May-04

Some times a fair amount and sometimes not much at all. Pull up the specifications on a DIY site such as Parts Express or Madisound and you can see the difference in the Thiele Small parameters. Then here's some sites to explain what you've just read.

http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=thiele+small&sp=1&ei=UTF-8&SpellState=n-4935320 16_q-00TsMpP%2FwtcY%2FAiLkBIE1gABAA%40%40


just trying
Unregistered guest
Yeap, what Jan said. A general consensus could be car subs handle more power and work better in smaller enclosures {which the T/S parameters determine}. Most of those "ghetto bangers" you hear driving around with crappy bass and rattling trunks, are kids that just picked any 15'' sub and threw it in a box. You want good sound, you must do your homework!
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