NAD C162/C272 Problems!


Bronze Member
Username: Bcollins

Rockport, MA United States

Post Number: 12
Registered: Nov-05
Had to return my new NAD's. Was getting static/hiss through speakers with volume all the way down. Also, low level music still comming through when volume all the way down. Could get it to stop temporarily by moving pre-amp around a few inches in different directions in relation to amp. Has anyone else had this problem? Spoke with NAD tech support, did some trouble-shooting, switched cables, sources etc. but could not fix. Did not have problem through headphone jack however. Technician recommended returnig for replacement since it was still within the dealers 30 day return policy. Would like to get replacement but don't want to go through another return if this is a wide-spread issue. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thnk you,

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 421
Registered: Dec-04
Sorry to hear, Bill.
But if it's gonna go wrong, better now than later.
You will get fixed and enjoy.
Pennance for being a bad boy?

I'tll work out

Bronze Member
Username: Bcollins

Rockport, MA United States

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-05
Thanks for the sympathy Nuck. You're right, "better now than later". Are you aware of any reliability problems with NAD? I thought they were supposed to be of good quality, but I've seen a couple of references on this forum indicating some problems with reliability. I realy like the sound, so I hope to replace the returned units, but I don't want to get into a situation where I am repeatedly sending them in for repair.

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2265
Registered: Feb-05
I have the C162 and it's been a stellar performer. The QC issues that I have seen and fallen prey to are with the AVR's. Never had a bit of trouble from their 2 channel components.

Bronze Member
Username: Bcollins

Rockport, MA United States

Post Number: 14
Registered: Nov-05
Thank you Art. The reports I'd heard of were not specific, so I wasn't sure which models they refered to. Thanks again,

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 427
Registered: Dec-04
One time thing, Bill, for sure.
I'tll all pan out pretty quick, and life is good.

Patience grasshopper(or some shite like that)


Unregistered guest

Have had the C162/272 combo for three days now playing almost constantly - no problems whatsoever in fact I believe it is worth every cent. The silence when the music pauses is ink black and the sound coming through the 602S3's is outstanding. These things have been out for a while now so if there was any abnormal number of problems I'd think we know about it from the forums.
Get a new one and enjoy.


Silver Member
Username: Unbridled_id


Post Number: 122
Registered: Mar-04
" low level music still comming through when volume all the way down". That sounds like an issue with the pre, perhaps a relay ? I own the c272, also a 541i and c422, not a problem and the
sound coming out of my polk lsi-9's is warm and smoooooooth.. Like the others have said, better now than later, get replacements and rock on...

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2271
Registered: Feb-05
Congrats on the new gear Rantz.

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 436
Registered: Dec-04
Enjoy Rantz, and tell us all about it!

New member
Username: My_rantz


Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-05
Thanks Art/Nuck. We're lovin it. Will report thoughts soon - so far they're all good.


Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 6645
Registered: May-04

My Rantz
New member
Username: My_rantz

Post Number: 1
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New member
Username: My_rantz


Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-05

Well seeing as how everyone was complaining about unregistered users :-)


Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 444
Registered: Dec-04
He's baaaack

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 445
Registered: Dec-04
You old dog?

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 2277
Registered: Feb-05
Great to see ya registered again MR.

Silver Member
Username: Danman


Post Number: 589
Registered: Apr-04
First of all, low level sound with the volume all the way down is normal. I asked and checked other brands and they all due this do to the high current. As for your problems, I find this rare but it can happen. I owned Hondas and Toyotas all my life until recently buying Mazda and it has been the most trouble free car I have evr owned! This is not a NAD issue but more bad luck than anything! I am sure when you change them, all will fall into place.

Gold Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 6657
Registered: May-04

Do to high current? There should be no current without a signal. This would indicate a problem of poor switching to me. Are these units with mechanical or electronic switching?


Silver Member
Username: Danman


Post Number: 590
Registered: Apr-04
Boy, I sure put my "due's" and "do's" backwards!!!!!!

What I meant was that I have asked this question of low level sound even when the volume is at a complete 0 and noticed this happens with many brands that are mid or higher fi. I am no technician but I have a friend that owns 50000$ of YBA gear that does the same! He said it was because of high amperage or something of that nature! Please don't quote me but I have heard other brands do this since my NAD gear has always done the same even after 1 1/2 of ownership problem free.

Bronze Member
Username: Bcollins

Rockport, MA United States

Post Number: 15
Registered: Nov-05
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Just to clarify, when I moved the pre-amp around in various directions above the power amp the static hiss would go away as would the low level sound and the peakers would then be dead quiet-no sound at all. If I moved it again or even just left it alone, eventually the static hiss and low level sound would return. It all depended on the postion of the pre-amp in relation to the power amp. This did not happen for the first week or two after I bought the NAD's.

Silver Member
Username: Danman


Post Number: 591
Registered: Apr-04
That is very strange! Mine never did this and I know others that have them without this problem. Don't worry, when you get new ones this will all go away.

Silver Member
Username: Sun_king

Leeds, West Yorkshire UK

Post Number: 300
Registered: Mar-04
I've been running a C160/C270 pair for over a year with no such problem. Also had the C162/C272 set for a week or so, again with no problem. Perhaps you had a duff piece of equipment. What leads did you connect between pre & power? Do you have your hifi near to any electrical devices that could cause interference? You are supposed to locate the pre-amp as far away from the power amp as is possible, ie not have them stacked directly on top of one another. This is to make them as un-combo like as possible (the whole point of having separates is to keep the power supplies apart) - you want to get the full benefit of having separate boxes. Having said that, that still shouldn't create the problem you describe.

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 479
Registered: Dec-04

Ya think.

Didnt see that in the manual or in the literature. Or with the 3 foot leads.

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 480
Registered: Dec-04
I have no idea how the pic got there, folks.

It was cut hours ago!

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 481
Registered: Dec-04
But thats me alright.

Silver Member
Username: Nuck

Parkhill, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 482
Registered: Dec-04
King, the discrete power of the pre will(should) not be able to influence any other circuit, especially one a s heavy as the amp.
However, a poorly insulated coil in teh torroidal could influence the pre, although those circuits are pretty well off frequency with anything else.
But sometimes its plug in and find out, i suppose.
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