Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 93 Registered: Aug-05 | Hi, I am looking for auditioning these speakers in and around DFW Area. I am not sure of showrooms that carry these speakers (Epos, Wharfedales, Dali and Aerial Acoustics) in DFW metroplex. I will highly apreciate if you can let me know the details of the showrooms. Thanks Raks |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2232 Registered: Feb-05 | Look them up and call them. Try Google for gods sake. I'm sorry if I'm being a bit short but my goodness.....each manufacturer has a dealer locator, use it. |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 94 Registered: Aug-05 | Art, I know better than that and please dont try to be a smart a**. I found out about atleast dealers for Epos and Dali before I even posted. But these dealers carry very very few models. If you rate yourself as GURU of internet / google search, prove yourself and find out the dealer for Wharfedales and Aerial Acoustics that have some models on their floor for audition. If you cant help, try not be a PAIN. Raks |
Anonymous | Raks you're the one who's being a PAIN... in the last 4 months you've started about 25 different threads asking questions that a little of your own research and/or phone calls would answer. In this thread you've even partly answered your own question. Aerial Acoustics has 2 dealers in the state of Texas. One is in Conroe, one is in Plano. I found this in 30 seconds. If I wanted to spend another 30 seconds, I could actually figure out whether either of these is near Dallas. But the truth is I don't give a rat's @ss. Do something for yourself for god's sake. |
Bronze Member Username: RaksPost Number: 99 Registered: Aug-05 | Anonymous, Looks like you were patiently f*rt*ng all over the place. Aerial Acoustics has 2 dealers in texas....and one in DFW area with no speaker on their floor to audition. Under that condition, I posted to see if anyone knows of any oppurtunity to audition. But I never realised that morons like you roam all over the place. Do you even know the meaning of "Forums" and the postings in forums. They are meant for exchange of information and guidance for folks looking for help when they see no way to get to what they are looking for. Unfortunately IDIOTS like you poke their nose in everything. On a board where people exchange information, idiots like you generate trash Raks |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2239 Registered: Feb-05 | "If you rate yourself as GURU of internet / google search" I don't rate myself as any kind of guru but I can use Google. It really doesn't take a guru. "prove yourself and find out the dealer for Wharfedales and Aerial Acoustics that have some models on their floor for audition. If you cant help, try not be a PAIN." By help do you mean make the long distance phone calls for you. All any of us can do is find the dealer and that just requires that you do what I suggested above. After that someone has to contact the dealer to ask them what they have on the floor. Now quit being lazy and do your own leg work. Good grief. |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 101 Registered: Aug-05 | Art, I never asked anyone to make long distance calls in my posting. You can check the posting again. I am under the assumption that people post here anything looking for help thinking...just in-case someone like me on this forum might have already auditioned them in DFW (or) might have done similar research when they were auditioning. The reason why I said that to you were getting SHORT without knowing whether I did my ground work or not and on top of it you are calling me LAZY. Art...Dont judge people without knowing what they might have done before they come and post here on the forum. Just because it is internet folks like you get ticked off...put a face to this name, you will not be this much SHORTED. Art...You dont need to call. Since you have called me names, have the courtesy of going to Wharfedales website and see the dealers and you will understand what I am taking about. I have reached out to Wharfedae US dealer multiple times over the last 10 weeks in vain. No one ever replied. Raks |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6604 Registered: May-04 | What a dealer says they carry and what they actually have in the store is almost always a tale of two stores not meeting in the middle. Dallas is very bad about small independent shops wanting to sound bigger and more impressive than they are. In this respect, Best Buy is probably more honest about their product line up than a small shop in Plano. Because dealer agreements with many manufacturers allow the dealer to actually carry little to no product, the dealer locator for many small manufacturers is also worthless in far too many cases. Cherry picking a line is an accepted practice which allows a shop to carry a larger selection of products that someone might want while not having floor space and stockroom money tied up in noncompetitive products. If a dealer carries three of the seven speakers a company produces, you have to take their word that the other four are either similar enough to what they carry; or have a value the shop considers no greater than a competitive product at a similar price. That may be frustrating, but from the dealer's viewpoint, it is better to carry several models of five speaker lines than all the speakers from two companies when money has to be allocated. There are several solutions to this situation. The first is to stop shopping at any store that isn't an independent retailer. Every time you buy something at Best Buy that you could have purchased at an independent retailer, you limit your choices further. Another solution is to always support the dealer who has tried to provide the best service possible. Using an independent to audition product and then buying somewhere else to save a few dollars limits your choices. The final solution, from what I understand, is to fly to one of the coasts where you can apparently find almost any audio product you want. Otherwise, Dallas, as far as big cities go, is very typical of how audio is sold in the US. And Dallas is way ahead of El Paso. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6606 Registered: May-04 | Might I also suggest that your experience with Wharfedale is a reason many dealers choose not to do business with many manufacturers. As a customer, why would you choose to do business with a company that cannot find time to respond to a potential customer's request over a ten week period? And this is a request that might generate income to the company. Keep in mind the dealer is the manufacturer's customer also. Why deal with a company that is unresponsive to a request before the sale? That is normally a suggestion of how the company will respond after the sale as well, at a time when they have no monetary interest in a client. Quite often when I was selling, I suggested a customer try contacting a company with a "hot" product before they made their purchasing decision. Calling a company such as McIntosh always got a prompt and courteous reply. Calling far too many companies left the customer wondering if the manufacturer even cared to sell their product let alone service it should it become necessary. With imports, some of this is due to the continual flux within the importer/distribution networks. Unfortunately, this often leaves the client with a product the current importer does not want to service. All too often the problem is a very good, fledgling designer is also trying to be a business person and lacks sufficient talent in the latter field. Experience should be a great teacher. Consider what you should learn from dealing with Wharfedale. Then consider what many dealers have already discovered. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6607 Registered: May-04 | Finally, I will tell you dealers do not prefer to move from line to line to carry the product with this month's great review. Most dealers have a few lines they depend upon for years if not decades to be their standard bearers. For five decades Hillcrest Hi Fidelity was the McIntosh and Klipsch dealer in Dallas. While other lines came and went, those two lines established who Hillcrest catered to. Many, many dealers have come through Dallas pursuing the products with the best reviews. Those companies no longer exist in Dallas.* Customers like the consistency of seeing the same products represented by the same dealer. While Dali and Ariel Acoustics might be getting great reviews at the present time, not many shops are willing to kick out a proven performer for a company that only a few people know about. My experience in Dallas indicates there are enough shops with products getting great reviews that you should be able to pick from what is available. To chase the hot performer today is really only a guarantee of having the product you own become last month's hot product. *After almost 30 years in the Dallas audio market, I can tell you virtually every manufacturer knows Dallas is the strangest audio market in the US. Why? Well, typically, because the people with the large wallets in Dallas fly to New York to buy their systems and pay to have someone fly back to Dallas to install them. It's a "Dallas thing". The number of dealers and manufacturers who thought Dallas would be easy pickin's is legendary. Ultimate Electronics is just the latest example of a company that thoroughly misjudged the Dallas customer. I don't think I can remember all the consumer audio companies that have existed in Dallas over the time I've lived here. That Hillcrest is no longer the McIntosh dealer for Dallas is more a reflection of the desires of the second owners of Hillcrest who bought the company in the late 1980's with no retail nor audio experience and only wanted an investment that they could turn for a profit. Their sale to Tweeter accomplished their monetary goals while doing no previous Hillcrest customer any favors. On the other hand, companies like B&O pulled out of the dealers who had supported the line for thirty years leaving the original dealers sending their loyal clients to another dealer for further sales and service. What happens in the high end audio business is unlike how most other trades do business. |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1248 Registered: Jun-05 | In all fairness I was calling Wharfedale a few weeks ago for my dad and they were very poor at responding.When I first bought Diamond 8.1s back in 2000 they were mailorder dirrect with a few dealers in the states and Canada this was when they were purchassed by IAG America.Its best to call Wharfedale and find the Rep for your state or area,that would be much better,because we all know that some dealers dont carry anything in stock,that way the Rep may personally setup a demo for you at one of the area dealers or wherever he/she chooses it could be your house,thats the best that I know of going about it.Rakesh,Anon and Art are right we have all helped you for the past few months,its time for you to start doing some listning for yourself,and finding some things for yourself,just use all your resorces somethng you were not doing aparently,just be a little more agressive with the manufactures,because they get lazy just like when you call anywherelse,so good look remember FIND THE REP IN YOUR AREA! |
Silver Member Username: Rh1Post Number: 413 Registered: Jun-04 | I emailed Wharfedale just a week ago about buying products direct from them, since I live in the wtown next to them and they responded in 24 hours...Wharfedale is a British speaker company with few US dealers (showroom) but their speakers are sold primarily via websites such as or I can tell you from experience, as I own the Diamond 8.3 and 8.1s, they provide incredibly good sound for the $ and you would be hard pressed to find other speakers in their price range that sound as good. There are many reviews of the 8 and p series speakers on the web and in magazines both US and UK. I took a gamble when I bought mine as I had never heard them for myself but for the price how could I go wrong, right? I am thouroughly glad that I did, I will be purchasing more of their speakers in the future no doubt about it. Just an fyi, currently Wharfedale is offering a deal on the Diamond 9.6s for $999 a pair and they will throw in a paid of $499 rear surround dipole speakers. Considering that the 9.6s cost $1199 normally this is one helluva deal..that's my Texas draw for ya ![]() |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2241 Registered: Feb-05 | Dali has one dealer in Texas and they are in Austin, "Audio by Design" 512-458-1667 and I called they do have Dali on the floor to listen to. Took me 3 minutes. Your turn. |
Silver Member Username: Rh1Post Number: 414 Registered: Jun-04 | sorry rakesh, the last message should say "reviews of the 8 and 9 series"...i don't know the policy on returns for the internet sellers or for Wharfedale themselves but it would be worth it to see if they would allow you to retun them if you did not like the sound |
Anonymous | Raks.. you're right. I am a moron. I'm sure that there ARE showrooms in the DFW area to audition the speakers you seek even though the manufacturers know nothing about them. There MAY be people in your area that have the speakers in their homes, that MAY let you come for a listen... but that's not what you asked. Or maybe one of the people on this board is the magical audio-dealership fairy that can conjure up a new store at whim just for you. Hey, you never know, right? I mean, obviously you're expecting some sort of miracle here. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2242 Registered: Feb-05 | Rakesh, I apologize for being difficult. If I didn't want to respond to your question I could have just left it alone. Once again I am sorry. Have a good day. Meanwhile I have found a couple of Music Hall dealers in Dallas and if I get time this afternoon I will call them and ask if they carry the Epos speakers. |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 102 Registered: Aug-05 | Art: Dali Helicon 800 is there with Austin Dealer. I checked this almost a week ago. I posted here because Austin in 3 hrs one way drive. So I wanted to see whether there are any other options in and around DFW. Art and Tawaun: Here is the list of speakers that I have auditioned so far. 1. Totem Forest 2. Totem Arros 3. Totem Dream Catchers 4. B&W 703 5. B&W 704 6. Dynaudio Contour S1.4 7. Dynaudio Contour S3.4 8. Dynaudio Audience 72 9. Dynaudio Auduence 82 10. JM Lab Chorus 806 11. JM Lab Chorus 816 12. Martinlogan two models 13. Monitor Audio Gold GR 20 14. Monitor Audio Gold GR10 15. Monitor Audio Silver S6 16. Monitor Audio Silver S8 17. Paradigm Stusio 60 18. Paradigm Studio 100 19. Energy Connoiseur C9 20. Paradigm Sugnature Series 21. B&W 604 22. Rocket RS 750 23. Rocket RS 550 / RSC 200 24. Totem Model 1 Sign 25. Quad 11L 26. Quad 12L 27. Linn Ninkas 28. Spendorf S5e 29. Rega R5 30. Revel Concerta F12 The above is the list of speakers that I have auditioned so far. I dont know why Art is thinking I have not auditioned any speakers and asking for your input. I took lots of my personal time to really audition all of the above said 30 speakers. I am still working on auditioning another 7 or 8 speakers before deciding on what I want. Art and Tawaun...I am not even sure where you got the idea that I am asking questions and not auditioning anything. Raks |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2245 Registered: Feb-05 | "Art: Dali Helicon 800 is there with Austin Dealer. I checked this almost a week ago. I posted here because Austin in 3 hrs one way drive. So I wanted to see whether there are any other options in and around DFW." I never said you weren't auditioning. The Austin dealer is as close as you are going to get. I called the Dali distributor in Bellingham, Washington. Then I called the Austin dealer to make sure he had the Dali speakers on the floor. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6618 Registered: May-04 | I'll bite. Why do you have to audition as many as 40 speakers before you can decide what you prefer? And, didn't we go through this with someone else not that long ago? |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 105 Registered: Aug-05 | Jan, Everytime I came here and asked for any speaker, everyone recommended only one thing...AUDITION. Some folks were saying they were auditioning for even 6 months to decide what they want. I did the same...Audition. Raks |
Anonymous | Raks has listened to so many speakers he has got to be confused!! Buy something and stop writing and start listening!, you may even learn what to listen for and determine your tastes. The guys above have attempted to give you earnest advice and you only come back with more questions! From your list it looks like you want lots of detail, if none of the pair above tempted you then you may well actually desire a warmer speaker. It's not how many speaker pair you audition, it's knowing what you want and then going to audition. It sounds to me that you know not what you seek. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2251 Registered: Feb-05 | Think of a speaker, find the manufacturer, locate a dealer, have a listen and purchase a speaker. Good luck. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6622 Registered: May-04 | Holy Link Set, Batman!!! Yes, the idea is to audition before you purchase. But a subset of that advice you apparently missed is to listen with a purpose. As I've stated many times, if you don't know what you're listening for, i.e., what you want the system to accomplish musically, then you are just wasting everyone's time. Just comparing one speaker to another speaker is not the most productive way to audition speakers, in my opinion. I get a certain amount of grief each time I mention this absurd idea, but, here goes. You are buying a system to reproduce music in your home. Ergo, you should have some idea what live music sounds like. When I was selling, I was always astounded by the number of people who never listened to live music. When I asked how they would decide which speaker was the best, they usually responded they would know it when they heard it. Most often I took that to mean they were listening for a speaker that sounded somewhat like, but slightly better than, their car stereo. Because that was their reference for a speaker's sound. It had nothing to do with music. My suggestion is to go listen to some live music. Prefereably non-amplified music. But, whatever type of music you listen to, hear something live and then figure out what makes it different than most reproduced music. Get as close to the live event as possible and make your decision. Do not be paralyzed into indecision. Any of the speakers you've auditioned would get you on the road to being able to refine your tastes. That is how this hobby works. Learning and refining your listening abilities. No one who is serious about this hobby buys the perfect system the first time out. Listening in your own system to any of these speakers will allow you to hear what is important to you when you complete the system. Working to put together a system with synchronicity is more important than hearing everything available and then some. You can't build a house until you own a hammer. Should you choose to ignore that advice, at least figure out what you want the system to do in the most basic terms. Can you put into a few words just what you are listening for? Do it without resorting to the cliches of tight bass, good soundstage, and clear mids. Everyone wants that and every decent speaker manufacturer makes a design which accomplishes all the traits audiophiles list. Go beyond that and decide what is important and what you can give up to get the sound you want. So - when you sit down to listen to these 40 pairs of speakers; what do you listen for? |
Gold Member Username: T_bomb25Dayton, Ohio United States Post Number: 1257 Registered: Jun-05 | Well the Dalis might be right up his alley,warm but still with boatloads of detail,a better Wharfedale if you will so go listen in particular to Helicon 400,you have already listened to a impressive group of speaker.I have nothing against that listen to as many as you can,if it takes 200 speakers before your happy with what hear fine.I know for a fact you were impressed with some of those speakers like the Arro,Forrest,and the Spendor S5e,and you are still asking questions about the Arro,what are looking for from your speaker?Why is it so hard for to make a decision?Is money a issue with what you really want?Does size matter?Do you prefer a soft dome,metal dome,or a ribbon tweeter.Their are many what ifs and I wish I had'ves,but life is to short find aspeaker you like and take it home,you are still gonna have to get to know the speaker when you get it to home,different electronics,different speakerwire& are still gonna have to go thru the break in period and the speaker will change its face several times before the real it showed.Just relax and pick one after you listen to this next round of speakers,so you can start enjoy your system and music,thats what its all about anyway,and your opinion is the only one that counts. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2252 Registered: Feb-05 | Very well said Jan. |
Silver Member Username: DakulisSpokane, Washington United States Post Number: 689 Registered: May-05 | I came in late. I agree with Art, well said, Jan. Refer Raks to "Do you listen", especially the first several pages and let him determine what's important to him. Once he figures that out, auditioning might have some purpose. Geez, I could not hear 30 speakers over time and "compare" them. When I did audition, I listened to two pairs of speakers at a time. Several different music selections and then culled. Kept the one I liked better and went on to another pair, even that process has problems, though. Anyway Rak, it would be helpful to know what 4 or 5 speakers impressed you the most from your list and then we'd have an idea what sound you prefer and I'll bet there's folks on here that can tell you whether the additional speakers you're looking for are of a similar vein? |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 383 Registered: Dec-04 | Along with the others, I agree you should have a reference point as to what you want. Do you play acoustic guitar? Sing? Play drums or trumpet? Those would be obvious references. If not play, have you been to a concert lately, and if so, what did yu like best? I know my answer doesnt come from a store, dut I digress. Have a focus and persue the sound or feel that you want. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6624 Registered: May-04 | |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 385 Registered: Dec-04 | Good thread, Jan. Have we all done this before? Probably, but the beauty of sound never goes fades with old favorites, and the remembering of an old goodie again discovered. I plan on tryin Jim Croce on the Emmas. Hehe If a small room with an acoustic guitar is your forte, then you willnot find a combo to do Van Halen as well. Given. We all are driven to find the 'perfect' sound, allowing for a little 'ok' along the way. Unless you listen to a song over and again(I do, sometimes) to play, or sing it. If your reference is the male vocals, you better sing! Or drums. Or whatever. |
Anonymous | Guys: I think Raks is pulling our chain. Take a gander at his list; Hell, just look at his first few auditions, he says he has listened to the forest (what? $3500) and then the dreamcatcher (<$1000). He obviously has no budget, no specific goals, just a keyboard to constantly request opinions. Meanwhile Jan and others are attempting to give excellent advice. What gives? |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 106 Registered: Aug-05 | Guys, I agree with some of the suggestions given by Jan, Tawaun and Art. They are very good suggestions. But let me tell you this. It was not tough for me to figure out the ones I liked in the set of 30 speakers I heard. Believe me...I could pick exactly the ones that I liked. Here is the list of the ones I liked with the best at the top for 2 channel Music 1. Totems - Liked totem sound..need to compare Arros, Mani-2 and Hawks as I have not heard Hawks and Mani-2s yet 2. DynAudio Contour S1.4...a very close second 3. Spendorf S5e & Quad 12L 4. Linn Ninkas & B&W 703 These are the only speakers that made into my list till now. There is no way I can have this choosen list, if I dont know what I am looking for. That is where all of you made a bad assumption that I dont know. Raks |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 107 Registered: Aug-05 | Anonymous, Grow up. If you are such a big investigative CIA professional, how did you overlook my postings that always said "Money not being a factor "..I remember now..You are an IDIOT that generates TRASH on the board. Raks |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6626 Registered: May-04 | Since you've developed a list; can you now put into words what you are listening for? And, please, stop getting upset with anyone who tweaks your attitude just a bit. Not everyone you find to be such an "idiot" is doing you a disservice. Being disagreeable on the forum is not the way to get more assistance. I think most of us on the forum would have to agree that anyone who requires 30-40 speakers, from all price ranges, and still wants to listen to more, doesn't appear to have a clear idea where they are headed. Maybe you do, that is what we are trying to clarify in order to provide some assistance. Yes, some people have listened for as much as six months. They usually had no idea what they are listening for. Some have such specific ideas they will virtually never be met. People seeking perfection are often disappointed. People with no clear vision are simply lost. We're not just pulling these ideas out of our butts, you know. The people who are trying to help you have generally been around this hobby for some time and understand what is often implied by what is said. So far, with the number of speakers you've listened to and the number of threads you've devoted to this pursuit, I would guess most of us feel you're probably a little fuzzy on what exactly will get the job done. Calling people an idiot is counterproductive. Big surprise there! How much help do you expect to get with that approach? Art has gone out of his way to try to help and your response seemed to be he was wasting your time because you'd have to drive to Austin. Have you considered maybe Art doesn't know how far it is to Austin? Or, whether someone who has devoted many, many months to this endeavor would be willing to invest just a few hours more to find the speakers they want to audition. Quite honestly, you seem to be wanting this all placed on a silver platter for your convenience. DFW is not that big. There aren't that many decent shops to go to. It's pretty easy to figure out what's available and what isn't. How about working with us if you want our help? Otherwise, I'm certain we all have other threads to respond to. Can you put into words what you are listening for and why you feel none of the speakers you've heard has had those qualities? It shouldn't be you just want to hear more speakers. That too is ultimately counterproductive. There will always be more speakers you could hear. The magazines and internet forums find dozens of them each month. There must be a good reason you haven't been satisfied with what you've heard, or there is no reason for us to continue. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6627 Registered: May-04 | Let me clarify a bit more. You obviously, if we are to believe your list, prefer something other than a typical "American" speaker sound. However, the presentational style of the B&W vs. the Spendor would indicate some lack of resolve on your part by including both. While neither speaker is traditionally "American" in its sound, one is far more "British" than the other. What one does, the other disdains. Which electronics will garner the most from one would leave the other flat. To some extent what music is played over one will show the failings of the other. And, yet, including the Linn and the B&W indicate a preference for a sound that the DynAudio doesn't possess either. So what is it you're hearing or not hearing from this bunch? |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 389 Registered: Dec-04 | A voice of reason. Raks? |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 108 Registered: Aug-05 | Jan, I respectfuly disagree with you. I have not called any one with a NAME an IDIOT here. Someone is posting "Anonymously" with some trash. I have not addressed Jan, Art, Tawaun..or for that matter anyone with a name an IDIOT. You can cross check all my postings. If someone is coming and saying...oh he does not have a budget...he is just messing with you...Am I a stupid to waste my team auditioning these 30 speakers if I just want to mess with your (Jan's, Tawaun's, Art's) time. I have great opinion about all the audiophiles like Jan, Art, Tawaun many others in this forum and I respect their opinion and guidance and I thank them all for that...not ANONYMOUS. I hope I clarified it for all Raks |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 109 Registered: Aug-05 | Jan, Art has recommended me to go to Austin. I never said NO to that. All I said was...I was trying to see whether anyone else suggests a place closer. I never said I am not going to Austin. So dont get me wrong. It all depends on how your are perceiving what I am saying. Please dont take this personal...After all this dicussion, I see you reading between my lines. Please take them as what they are. Jan..I appreciate your input into all of my questions and I give respect to your opinion. I can openly tell you that I started this whole audition with no specific sound signature in mind. Luckily I heard Totems right in the forst 5 or 6 speakers and I realised what I liked. I continued my search just to see a better sound than anything else. Raks |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 397 Registered: Dec-04 | For goodness sakes, Raks. Buy the furkin' Totems. And put me out of my misery. (I don't care about your misery anymore). VISA man VISA I hope you didn't go through this when choosing a mate! |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 398 Registered: Dec-04 | Felix Unger. An@l Retentive. Even the therapist is tired. Geez Laweez |
Anonymous | NUCK is a very wise man. I ascertain that it is, in fact, a very difficult task for Raks to travel to Austin. Must have to hitch his "team". Hell, if I had an unlimited budget I'd travel to new york or la! Have to leave my team behind, tough. |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 110 Registered: Aug-05 | Nuck : I have not exchanged even one posting with you and you are already upset. Hope you are not this an*l retentive with your Mate. ADIOS Anonymous: There are two options for a where there is a remote possibility of getting things locally. option 2 is getting them for sure after driving 3 hours one way. What will any human's natural response will be ? I expect folks to give it a shot locally before driving 6 hours. That is what I tried and I dont see why this is being raised as a big issue and being crucified for that. Guys...All I followed is a natural human behaviuoral pattern. Raks |
Silver Member Username: NuckParkhill, Ontario Canada Post Number: 404 Registered: Dec-04 | The trash went out today. |
Gold Member Username: Jan_b_vigneDallas, TX Post Number: 6629 Registered: May-04 | "Can you put into words what you are listening for and why you feel none of the speakers you've heard has had those qualities? It shouldn't be you just want to hear more speakers. That too is ultimately counterproductive. There will always be more speakers you could hear. The magazines and internet forums find dozens of them each month. There must be a good reason you haven't been satisfied with what you've heard, or there is no reason for us to continue." You have avoided my question, RG. Please, ignore the "trash" if you must. The answer here is not going to be found by arguing who is more psychotic. If you will stick to the subject at hand, posibly we can assist you. If the "problem" is only where to audition the speakers you mentioned, then the problem would appear to be solved. However, I assume you have no "sound" you are trying to find since you had no "sound" in mind when you began. That presents the problem of merely comparing one speaker to another speaker with absolutely no reference other than how do you feel at the moment you are listening. If that is where we are at in the process of you owning speakers, we are once again at a stopping point. |
Silver Member Username: RaksPost Number: 111 Registered: Aug-05 | Jan, Sorry for not replying to your original question yet...a very genuine one. I am answering that shortly. Trash is easy to get posted. You have asked some very very valid questions which needs quality time to answer. Trash can go out quick to Nuck as he said. Raks |